Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 790 The people in the painting have will?

The moment the voice sounded, Qing Yangzi looked in the direction of the source of the sound, and the next moment, a girl in a long red dress appeared in Qing Yangzi's eyes.

After seeing the girl's appearance clearly at this moment, Qing Yangzi showed a look of shock on his face, and an unbelievable light shone in those eyes.

"The realm of true gods is actually the realm of true gods. Who is this little girl, and why is her strength so terrifying?"

"How does this practice?"

At this moment, Qingyangzi's heart was filled with turmoil. He was terrified by the scene in front of him. He could feel that the little girl in front of him was a strong person from the Phoenix clan. Compared with the human race, the little girl of the Feng clan is extremely old, but among the Feng clan, Qing Yangzi knows very well that she is only equivalent to a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl of the human race.

However, at the age of twelve or thirteen, he had stepped into the realm of a true god, which really scared Qing Yangzi a lot.

At this moment, Qing Yangzi didn't dare to be careless, and hastily cupped his fists at the little girl in the red skirt to salute, "I'm next, Qing Yangzi, I don't know what to call fellow daoist?"

After hearing Qingyangzi's words, Little Phoenix showed a smile on his face.

"Hello, my name is Feng Wu!"

"My master is Li Yixi!"

"Feng Wu has seen the senior!"

At this moment, the little phoenix smiled at Qingyangzi with lights shining in his eyes.

Qing Yangzi, who was originally shocked, was shocked after hearing Feng Wu's introduction at this moment. He never thought that Xiao Fenghuang was actually Li Yixi's disciple.

He gasped for a moment, with an unbelievable expression on his face, Qingyangzi was extremely envious of Little Phoenix at this moment.

"It turned out to be an expert's apprentice, but Qingyangzi's eyesight is dull."

"If there is a chance, I would like to ask fellow Taoists to give me some pointers."

Qingyangzi's face was shocked, and at the same time, at this moment, Qingyangzi's eyes shone with unbelievable light.

Qingyangzi is very clear that within the Nine Heavens and Earth, the Feng Clan has already declined, but now that Li Yixi has accepted Feng Wu from the Phoenix Clan as his disciple, then the Feng Clan, which has been lonely in the eyes of all the strong, really has fallen Yet?

With the help of a terrifying existence like Li Yixi, if the Feng Clan doesn't rise, then he will crash into tofu and die.

At the same time, in Qingyangzi's eyes, there is not only envy, but also jealousy. He is really jealous. If he can be Li Yixi's disciple, he will definitely be able to soar into the sky.

"Senior, I won't disturb you anymore. I want to comprehend the paintings drawn by my master. I feel that there is a way to reach the sky in the paintings of my master."

Qing Yangzi, who was shocked, only reacted when he heard Little Phoenix's words at this moment. Qingyangzi found that at this moment, Little Phoenix was holding a painting in his hand.

And when Xiao Fenghuang said that there is a road to heaven in the painting, Qing Yangzi's face showed excitement.

I really want to see the charm in the painting, but Qingyangzi also knows that this is not something he can watch.

However, when Qingyangzi just gave up, he looked at Little Phoenix with a face of shock, because at this moment Little Phoenix's eyes fell on Qingyangzi, and he said with a smile: "Senior, I have been participating in these days. I realized the painting in front of me, but I didn’t gain much, can seniors take a look at it? Maybe different people have different insights, we can share a little bit.”

After Qingyangzi heard Xiao Fenghuang's words, a look of shock appeared on his face, he never thought that Xiao Fenghuang would take the initiative to give him such an opportunity.


At this moment, Qingyangzi, with a frenzied expression on his face, did not refuse, and directly agreed.

Little Phoenix directly unfolded the painting in his hand in front of Qingyangzi slowly, and an extremely handsome man appeared on the scroll.

At the same time, when Qingyangzi's gaze swept across the handsome man on the scroll at this moment, Qingyangzi saw a flying knife in the handsome man's hand.

The moment Qingyangzi's eyes fell on the flying knife, his eyes couldn't help jumping wildly, with an expression of disbelief, at this moment Qingyangzi felt a familiar aura.

Qingyangzi still remembers that not long ago, a terrifying existence from the Heavenly Demon Realm directly broke into Jiuchongtian. When they were chasing and killing that person, they found out that the powerful man from the Heavenly Demon Realm was horrified. The knife intent to erase.

For a long time, everyone has been shocked, feeling that there is an extremely terrifying existence in Jiuchongtian, and it is that extremely terrifying existence that shot and killed that strong man in the Heavenly Demon Realm.

But now Qingyangzi sees the painting in front of him, plus the four characters around the handsome young man's body, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Qingyangzi fully understands how the man died that day.

Previously, Qing Yangzi felt that the person who made the move was definitely Li Yixi, but the moment he saw this painting, Qing Yangzi already knew the reason. It was not Li Yixi who killed that strong man in the Heavenly Demon Realm that day. The past, but the figure in the painting.

"This painting is actually drawn by an expert. How high is the realm of an expert? How can a painting be able to directly endow the person in the painting with incomparably powerful supernatural powers and will?"

"The person in the painting can kill an extremely terrifying existence. If an expert is willing to take action, he can completely destroy the extremely powerful Heavenly Demon Realm by himself."

"This is the supreme sword intent."

"Meet the seniors!"

At this moment, Qingyangzi took a deep breath, and bowed to the scroll in front of him, because Qingyangzi knew that the people in the painting had will, and they were not ordinary paintings.

After saluting, Qing Yangzi was shocked. He looked at the painting in front of him seriously, Xiao Li Feidao Li Xunhuan.

The moment he saw the word Li Xun Huan, Qing Yangzi couldn't help frowning slightly. He didn't expect that the person in the scroll was surnamed Li. Could it be that it had something to do with Li Yixi?

Even if Qingyangzi's cultivation has reached the realm of a true god, at this moment, facing the painting in front of him, Qingyangzi's legs are trembling, and that casual breath makes Qingyangzi Yoko wanted to kneel down.

A knife and a draw are so terrifying, it is hard for Qingyangzi to calm down at this moment.

What I saw today kept pounding Qingyangzi's heart. Qingyangzi never imagined that such a terrifying existence existed in this world.

Enlightenment Divine Bamboo, Great Sun Tiger Bee, Phoenix, Divine Sword, Picture Scroll.

Everything I saw today shocked Qingyangzi so much that it was difficult for him to calm down.

Qingyangzi felt that he had not come to the second heaven, but to the supreme holy place in the chaotic world.

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