"Yes, ancestor!"

At this moment, Jun Wushen hurriedly bowed to Jun Changsheng.At this moment, Jun Wushen took a deep breath, a solemn look appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help tightening his hand holding the Three Character Classic. At this moment, Jun Wushen only knew it under Jun Changsheng's reminder. The importance of the Three Character Classic.

"Go, practice hard!"

After Jun Changsheng smiled, he disappeared.

In Zhongtianyu, Tianyin Forbidden Land, a figure descended and walked towards the mountain gate.

"I'll meet Senior Sister Xuanyin."

The person who came to the Tianyin Forbidden Land at this moment was none other than Bu Xuanyin who rushed back to the Tianyin Forbidden Land from the Southern Tianyu Imperial City these days. Bu Xuanyin was actually not from the Southern Tianyu. Xuanyin happened to be practicing in the Southern Heaven Territory, so she ascended to the Lord of the Southern Heaven Emperor City.

"Xuanyin, how have you been these years?" Just as Bu Xuanyin entered the Tianyin Forbidden Area, a figure descended. This was an old woman who looked very friendly, and she was Bu Xuanyin's master.

"Master, everything has been going well these years, but the master is worried." Bu Xuanyin hurriedly saluted when she saw her master.

"It's good to come back. Now that the world has changed drastically, the ancient seals are constantly being torn, and now the immortals are coming. I am afraid that the southern sky is not safe anymore. Maybe you can live better in the Tianyin Forbidden Land." The old woman looked at the front of her. The disciple couldn't help stretching out his hand and stroking Bu Xuanyin's head.

"Master, in fact, I came back not to avoid danger, but because I saw a major event in the South Tianyu, and had to go back to the Central Tianyu to report to the sect. The matter is of great importance." Bu Xuanyin hurriedly said.


"Xuanyin, why do you need to come back in person?" At this moment, the old woman's expression became incomparably dignified, and she looked at her disciple. Since Bu Xuanyin can be the master of Nantian Emperor City, the old woman naturally knows that her disciple personally Coming back must be something big.

"Master, this matter is very important. Now that the world is changing, the old suzerain should recover. I want to visit the suzerain!" After Bu Xuanyin heard the old woman's words, she didn't say anything important, but wanted to Face to face with the sect, because Li Yixi is really scary and unfathomable, Bu Xuanyin thinks that it is better for old man Tianyin to visit in person. Although his master is powerful, his strength is limited.

If Li Yixi felt that he had underestimated him, it would be troublesome, so at this moment, Bu Xuanyin felt that the old man Tianyin had to go there in person to express his attitude towards the forbidden area of ​​Tianyin.

"Okay, I'll take you to meet the suzerain right now." The old woman didn't mean to blame her disciple, but at this moment she looked at Bu Xuanyin more appreciatively, feeling that Bu Xuanyin's years of experience already knew the seriousness of the matter Yes, very satisfied.

Soon, Bu Xuanyin and the old woman came to Tianyin Hall, "Please see the suzerain."

The old woman bowed and saluted outside the hall.

"come in!"

In the hall at this moment, a voice sounded, and the old woman brought Bu Xuanyin into the Tianyin Hall.In the Tianyin Hall at this moment, a person is looking at the music score.

"Bu Xuanyin pays homage to the suzerain, and I have something important to report today!" After entering the hall, Bu Xuanyin hurriedly bowed to salute.


"It's awesome to be a younger generation. You have reached such a level at such a young age. Tell me, what is it?" After seeing Bu Xuanyin, the old man Tianyin also had a look of satisfaction in his eyes.As a zither demon, old man Tianyin's attainments in the way of the qin are at the pinnacle, and at this moment he naturally feels Bu Xuanyin's realm of the way of the qin.

"Disciple Bu Xuanyin found a peerless expert who was extremely powerful when he was in the Southern Tianyu, so he hurried back to the Tianyin Forbidden Land, and wanted the suzerain to go to strengthen this senior. This may be the key to the rise of our Tianyin Forbidden Land. At this moment, Bu Xuanyin said directly.

"Xuanyin, you?" At this moment, Bu Xuanyin's master also took a deep breath, feeling that Bu Xuanyin was too disrespectful to the old man Tianyin.

The old man Tianyin has already reached the pinnacle of the qin way, and his status is lofty. How could someone in the mere southern Tianyu condescend to visit the old man Tianyin?

However, he didn't blame Bu Xuanyin. He felt that Bu Xuanyin was too young and had never seen the era when the ancient strongmen were rampant, so his vision was limited.

"Xuanyin, the most powerful people in the lower realm are all in the middle heaven region, don't you know?" Elder Tianyin frowned slightly at this moment.

I also feel that Bu Xuanyin's vision is limited. Now that the Xeon is recovering, there are many half-step immortals in the middle sky region. Once the fairy road opens, it is the time to step into the fairyland.

"Sovereign Master, Master, Xuanyin dare to ask, in Zhongtianyu, is there anyone who can kill an immortal?" At this moment, Bu Xuanyin didn't seem to feel the impatient gaze of the old man Tianyin, and asked persistently. In Yin's eyes, Li Yixi's strength is the biggest opportunity in Tianyin's Forbidden Land.

There is no chance that can compare with it.


At this moment, the old man Tianyin was very frank and straightforward.

"Then if I tell you that there is such an existence in Southern Tianyu, and it's just a maid, that expert's maid, do you believe it?" Bu Xuanyin said with a firm expression at this moment.

"Xuanyin, what are you kidding, there are no immortals who serve as maids for others." The old woman couldn't help but hastily reminded her when she saw that the old man Tianyin was frowning.

"Sect Master, Master, Xuanyin dare not say a single lie, after all, this matter cannot be faked."

"That day when the fairy body fell into the mortal world and was swallowed by a nine-headed lion beside the maid, there were countless people who saw this scene that day."

"The disciple is willing to guarantee with his own life. If one sentence is false, the disciple shall enter the Nine Nether Purgatory and shall not be reborn." Seeing that the two were still hesitating, Bu Xuanyin added another sentence.


At this moment, Old Man Tianyin's eyebrows were drawn together, and a solemn look appeared in his eyes.

"Xuanyin, do you know that if I leave Zhongtianyu now, the immortal road will be opened, and the relics left by some immortals will be opened, then I will miss it." At this moment, the old man Tianyin said hesitantly.

"Sovereign, can you listen to me play a piece, this piece is what I learned when an expert played it." Bu Xuanyin knew that the old man Tianyin would hesitate, so she hurriedly said.

"Sure." Elder Tianyin also wanted to see at this moment, how accomplished the existence Bu Xuanyin was talking about was in the Dao of Qin.

However, when Bu Xuanyin's song Yangchun Baixue ended, the old man Tianyin looked solemn.

"Xuanyin, how much do you control this piece?" At this moment, old man Tianyin became interested.

"Less than one ten-thousandth." At this moment, Bu Xuanyin didn't dare to hide anything, and hurriedly replied.

"In this case, then I will go and meet with you!" Old Tianyin felt that Bu Xuanyin's words were a little watery, and one ten thousandth was too exaggerated, but at this moment, Old Tianyin felt that the other party might be a master of Qin Dao People, I want to compete with each other to prove my qin dao attainments over the years.

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