Looking at the herringbone divine script, Jun Changsheng's breathing at this moment was extremely urgent.

"Wushen, how did you cultivate, and why can the divine text be realized? It is very difficult to realize the divine text?" Jun Changsheng was frightened with a big question mark on his face.

"Look at the divine text given by the teacher!" Jun Wushen was puzzled, and took out the three-character scripture written by Li Yixi.

However, at this moment, when Jun Changsheng's eyes fell on the Three Character Classic, his whole body felt as if struck by lightning.

"this this"

At this moment, Jun Changsheng, who saw the three-character scriptures, his eyes were full of horror, and he became stuttering, unable to utter a complete sentence, completely frightened by the divine scriptures in front of him.Although Li Qingyi abolished Jun Changsheng back then, Jun Changsheng had seen Li Qingyi's mind and divine writing later on. Li Qingyi was the ancestor of the literary and dao in this continent, but now Jun Changsheng discovered that Li Qingyi and Li Yixi were in love with each other. Compared, it is simply the gap between Firefly and Haori, this gap is really too big, it is too big to make up.

After taking a look at the text, Jun Changsheng at this moment has practiced for tens of thousands of years, but his heart was shaken at the moment, and he even had the idea of ​​killing Jun Wushen and taking this divine text, but he was quickly eliminated by Jun Changsheng This evil thought was suppressed because Jun Changsheng back then, with the help of Li Qingyi, also condensed a divine script, and today it was this divine script that allowed Jun Changsheng to suppress the demonic mind.

At this moment, Jun Changsheng hurriedly closed his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, he put away the mental script in front of him. At this moment, Jun Changsheng's chest was heaving violently, trying to calm down his emotions.

The moment he opened his eyes, Jun Changsheng even had the idea of ​​killing Jun Jiu, but Jun Changsheng thought about it, this is the Taoist Kingdom in his palm, if Jun Jiu dared to make any changes, he would definitely not be able to escape Li Yixi's Wuzhi Mountain, so he was destroyed This nod, this divine text is really too precious.

"Wushen, what is this, from now on, don't easily show it in front of anyone, including your father and mother, you know?" At this moment, Jun Changsheng's expression was extremely serious.

"Old Ancestor, is it that precious?" Hearing Jun Changsheng's words, Jun Wushen at this moment had a solemn look in his eyes. Although Jun Wushen is small, his talent is peerless, and his natural mind is not comparable to that of ordinary people. At this moment, his gaze became serious.

"Let me tell you, at that moment just now, the ancestor, I wanted to kill you and seized this divine script, because with this divine script, the ancestor could become infinitely stronger in a short period of time, and perhaps be able to Killing the existence of the Xiaoyao Immortal King, even if the Xiaoyao Immortal King has made great progress in tens of thousands of years. Do you know? If you are practicing now, then you will use the human character divine rune as the main divine rune to practice. The human character divine rune is not strong now. That's because you haven't mastered the terrifying aspects of the human characters. Humans have seven emotions and six desires. The combination of the seven great avenues is terrifying. Adding the blessing of the herringbone scriptures, it may have earth-shattering power, and the way of the seven emotions is in the three-character scripture, which is called joy and anger, sorrow and fear, Love and evil desires, all the seven emotions, remember, when you understand these, then you will be able to understand the way of the seven emotions and six desires."

At this moment, the corners of Jun Changsheng's mouth twitched, he swallowed the last words, and dared not speak out, because in the three-character scriptures, there are not only the ways of the seven emotions, but also countless terrifying avenues.

Jun Changsheng just glanced at it, but with Jun Changsheng's cultivation, he naturally discovered the horror of this three-character scripture. If it was written by ordinary people, it must be just a shocking article, enlightening humanity, It is of great help to the human race. However, this article is not a simple article, but a piece of divine text of will. If water, fire, wood, gold and soil are condensed with the five divine scripts, then you will control the Five Elements Dao, the Five Elements Grand Dao, Jun Changsheng has heard that the Five Elements Art is terrible, if you gather these five divine scripts, you may be able to comprehend it The supreme Taoism, the extremely powerful supreme Taoism, the top ten Taoism among the three thousand ways, the Great Five Elements technique.

Once one comprehends the Great Five Elements Technique, one's strength must be extremely terrifying, such as the Xiaoyao Immortal King, can be killed with a backhand.

And the way of the six desires is also in it. Jun Changsheng saw blue, red, yellow, and black and white. These five colors can be recognized by the eyes.

Sour, bitter, sweet, pungent and salty, these five flavors are contained in the mouth.

Burnt smell of mutton, and fishy rot, these five odors are smelled by the nose.

Pao soil leather, wood, stone, gold, silk and bamboo are octaves.

Said Ping Shang, said to go into, these four tones should be harmonized.

If he understands these, then the way of the six desires can be controlled, and Jun Changsheng feels that the terrifying supernatural powers above are not only these, but also countless supernatural powers. He dare not look at it. At that moment just now, Jun Changsheng seemed to be Seeing the Six Paths of Reincarnation, these are the foundations of the Great Reincarnation Technique. For example, the Great Reincarnation Technique cannot be directly controlled. If you want to master the Great Reincarnation Technique, you must first master the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Any supernatural power cannot be achieved overnight. , not to mention the Three Thousand Avenues.

At this moment, Jun Changsheng is extremely disturbed, and he is extremely terrified of Li Yixi. He really wants to snatch this three-character scripture. As for other supernatural powers, whether Jun Wushen can control it depends on Jun Wushen's chance. Yes, Jun Changsheng at this moment, after calming down, laughed in the courtyard, laughing very happily.

"I started with the Jun family, and suppressed countless arrogances. The descendants of the Jun family came out, and there is no god in the world."

At this moment, Jun Changsheng was muttering to himself, and his eyes were full of excitement. At this moment, Jun Changsheng felt that his life was extremely tragic, but when he saw Jun Wushen, Jun Changsheng seemed to see a new world. A new world where gods suppress Wanxian.

Only now did Jun Changsheng realize how big this world is.Li Qingyi is very strong, but compared to this mysterious Li Yixi, he is nothing, because what he saw today is just the book that Li Yixi taught Jun Wushen to enlighten.

"Wu Shen, after today, the old ancestor will teach you how to practice swords in the palm of the hand, but you must not slack off in your literary and dao studies, otherwise you will be a disgrace to the Jun family. Your teacher's strength is unfathomable and unpredictable. Study hard, and in the future where you are, you must achieve that there is no god in the world, and you are the only true god, otherwise, you will be sorry for this divine text." After Jun Changsheng restrained his laughter, his affection became extremely serious, and every word , said extremely cautiously.

I have great expectations for Jun Wushen, and regard the Three Character Classic as a supreme treasure.

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