After feeling the power of the divine script on the lantern, the eyes of all the people present changed instantly, and their eyes were full of horror. The person who had just said the word fell down, at this moment, his expression became even more frightened , How could I have thought that a word of blessing written upside down turned out to be such a powerful divine script, and I was instantly dumbfounded at this moment.

"Go, go and have a look. The lantern given by the young master must be related to this plague." Different from these people, Xiao Zhan's eyes lit up instantly at this moment, and a terrifying gleam shot out of his eyes, directly mentioning the plague. Holding the lantern in his hand, he broke through the sky and left.

"Let's go." Seeing Xiao Zhan's figure rising through the air, everyone reacted instantly, and each of them hastily followed Xiao Zhan's footsteps and headed for the distance.At this moment, the place Xiao Zhan chose was the nearest town to the Holy Way Palace, because there was also a plague breaking out there at the moment, and Xiao Zhan wanted to see if this was Li Yixi's plan to deal with the plague. After all, the plague Xiao Zhan also read it. It was not a disease at all, but a mysterious power and mysterious rules.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and figures appeared in the sky above the town. At this moment, on the lantern, a burst of power erupted from the divine character of blessing, enveloping the town.


When the power of the divine script descended on the town, in the town, strands of regular power also turned into two phantoms of the divine script in the void, the 'plague'.

The moment Xiao Zhan and the others saw the two divine texts of 'Plague', their expressions changed drastically. As expected, it was just like what they said. 'These two divine scripts are just projections, and they are so powerful that they make everyone look pale.And at this moment, there are countless powers of faith in the town, entangled with these two words in the void, and under the blessing of the power of faith, the two divine words of 'plague' are actually in a kind of The terrifying speed is increasing.With the blessing of the power of faith in these two divine scripts, Xiao Zhan found that even if he tried his best, it was impossible to break these two divine scripts.


However, when the power of the divine rune of blessing spread to the sides of the two divine runes of the 'plague', those two divine runes shattered instantly, and those people in the town who had entered a state of extinction, at this moment, one by one He came back to life, and his breath was extremely weak, as if he had really suffered a serious illness.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Those men in black lurking in this town, at this moment, under the power of the divine script of blessing, the Dao in their bodies was completely shattered by the power of the divine script of blessing, one by one spurted blood instantly, their dao hearts were shattered, and they turned into useless people .Because the way of plague has been completely eliminated, and the way of plague has been cut off. These people are practicing the way of plague. If the source of the way disappears, they will naturally be abolished.

"In the end what happened?"

"The Dao has been deprived?" Although those people are still alive at this moment, they are no doubt like ordinary people, and their eyes are full of horror, because they have lost their connection with the plague world, and they will undoubtedly die.The Way of Plague is the way of the Plague Immortal King, even if this is not the world under the jurisdiction of the Plague Immortal King, but now the aura of the Plague Immortal King has infiltrated this world, what kind of power is it that can wipe out the Plague Immortal King? breath.Encountering such an existence, how can these people not be frightened.

"So that's how it is. This is the layout of the Supreme Being. Do you want to snatch the power of faith?" Xiao Zhan saw this scene, and it was exactly as he thought, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.At this moment, Xiao Zhan couldn't help thinking, they had been guessing who Li Yixi was playing games with, could it be that he was playing games with this terrifying existence?

Because of robbing the power of faith, once the power of faith reaches a certain level, those existences with terrifying strength will be able to descend across boundaries.

When Xiao Zhan was thinking, the power of the broken "plague" was instantly absorbed by the divine text of blessing. At this moment, the divine text of blessing has become even more terrifying, and the scope of coverage has not only increased .


At this moment, everyone looked at each other and continued to rush to other places. Sure enough, the situation was exactly the same as here. At this moment, everyone knew that there was no existence, and it seemed that they had started to attack this world.

With the continuous absorption of the power of the broken divine script, the word "Fu" actually broke away from the lantern, and the floating clouds went straight up. The area covered continued to grow, and soon expanded to thousands of miles away, and the divine script continued to be broken and absorbed. , Xiao Zhan knows that if he is saved, he doesn't need to take action at all, this divine script can eliminate all dangers and bring blessings to the world.

"Fortune has fallen, and fortune has arrived!"

At this moment, Xiao Zhan had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "It turns out that the young master did it on purpose. Doesn't it mean that the blessing has arrived? This is telling me that there is no need to worry. The young master will bless the world and benefit the common people." of."

At this moment, Xiao Zhan felt that he finally understood Li Yixi's true meaning.

In an extremely short period of time, those people who came across the border from the Plague World at countless costs were all abolished, and the power of faith collected was also wiped out by a force, leaving nothing, and the world returned to normal .


In the plague world, in a holy place, a statue had an extremely powerful aura, but the next moment, a terrible aura came, and this statue, which had absorbed countless powers of faith, shattered and turned into fragments of the place.

"how is this possible?"

All the people present at the moment changed their expressions instantly.

Because this statue is exactly the statue of the Plague Immortal King, and it also contains a drop of blood essence of the Plague Immortal King. These days, it has absorbed a lot of power of faith and has become stronger. However, when everyone sees hope, It was able to help the Plague Immortal King when a projection descended on the Xuanhuang Great World, and all the gains were turned into nothingness in an instant.

The statue contains the blood essence of the Immortal King, and the Dao Yun flows, it is almost impossible to destroy, but now it is shattered.

At the same time, a figure entered the palace rapidly at this moment, eyes full of horror.

"Everyone, elders, something is wrong. The soul lamps of all the disciples who entered the Xuanhuang Great World have been extinguished, and no one was spared. Almost all of them died one after another." The elder who rushed over at this moment was the person in charge of the soul lamp .

"Damn, how is this possible, who can do it, find out all the hidden disciples in such a short period of time, and wipe them all out." These elders in the hall, in the eyes of each one, at this moment There was a hint of panic, and now that the plan failed, everyone's eyes flickered, and they were extremely anxious, so they could only contact the fairy world in a hurry, what to do next.

Being able to erase so many marks at the same time is really powerful beyond everyone's imagination, and it is no longer something they can deal with.

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