At this moment, when Su Feixuan approached somewhere, she slapped out a palm, and a terrifying power erupted.


At this moment, the man in black robe suddenly changed his expression, because he felt the horror of Su Feixuan, and he was not able to resist at all. He couldn't react in time, and even the statue was instantly reduced to ashes. Dispel all the power of the plague here.

"Damn it, you damn it, you dared to destroy the statue of the Immortal King." Those kneeling worshipers rushed towards Su Feixuan with crazy expressions on their faces.

"What kind of power is this?" At this moment, Su Feixuan frowned, and could only dispel the power in these people's bodies. After the black energy in these people's bodies dissipated, each of them fell into a state of silence. Su Feixuan's expression became incomparably dignified because she couldn't wake up these people with her own strength.

At this moment, Su Feixuan also felt it. This power seemed extremely evil, but when Su Feixuan touched it, she found that this power was extremely pure, powerful, and mysterious. Of course, in the state of extinction, if there is no guidance from the breath emanating from the statue, the body of the person will rot and truly die.

"My lord, can you save them?" At this moment, the old man looked extremely pale, but dragging his seriously injured body, he came to Su Feixuan in an instant, looking at Su Feixuan with longing, hoping that Su Feixuan could save people.

"I can't save it!" At this moment, Su Feixuan had a solemn look on her face.Su Feixuan felt that such a method must have come from the depths of the forbidden area. Perhaps only Li Yixi could dispel this strange power, but that day when Li Yixi left, the dragon and phoenix followed her. I don't know where Li Yixi went. , Feeling weak for a while.

The power of the plague, under the manipulation of the mastermind behind the scenes, soon began to spread, spreading at an extremely terrifying speed, and those people also collected countless powers of faith.

Hundreds of miles away from the Dao Palace in the palm of the Southern Heaven Territory, several figures appeared in a city under the cover of night. They looked at each other, and one by one the seals fell, and the seals fell on the bodies of mortals. Several people looked at each other and disappeared.

At the end of the night, in a short period of time, countless people died here, and at the same time, there was a voice that believed in the Plague Immortal King, and the Immortal King would bestow blessings to resist the plague.

In a short period of time, this plague began to appear in the southern sky, and no one could stop it.

The most holy way palace is the strongest force within tens of thousands of miles. Countless people went there today, hoping that the most holy way palace can resolve this disaster. However, after Xiao Zhan saw the patient, his eyebrows were condensed together. The power is so mysterious that Xiao Zhan can't save people at all.

"Daoist Xiao, don't you have anything to do?" Everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Zhan in an instant, with despair on their faces.

"You guys just wait, I'll go see the young master, the young master is a genius doctor in the world, maybe the young master has a solution!" Xiao Zhan left a sentence, and led the unconscious man to Li Yixi's yard for help.

"My lord, can you save someone?" Xiao Zhan at the moment looked anxious.

At this moment, the eyes of the three Long brothers also fell on Li Yixi. The aura of this person was extremely strange. Even they were incomparably palpitating. They didn't know how Li Yixi could resolve it.


"This disease is very strange. It even puts people in a state of suspended animation, but if they are not treated in time, they will die. Moreover, this virus seems to be contagious." After observing Li Yixi, a strange look appeared in his eyes. color.

A silver needle appeared in his hand, and he gave a few needles to the unconscious person. Xiao Zhan found that the plague power in the person's body had disappeared.

"This disease is not difficult to treat, but it is contagious and difficult to deal with. It's okay." Li Yixi smiled and continued to busy with his own affairs.

"Young master, what are you doing?" Xiao Zhan's eyes fell on Li Yixi at this moment. At this moment, Li Yixi seemed to be making a lantern, a red lantern, but the lantern was round and looked Very festive.

Li Yixi said with a smile: "It's the Chinese New Year, according to the custom in my hometown, we have to hang up lanterns, it's a celebration, and at the same time I wish you a healthy and healthy new year."

"Xiao Zhan, I'll give you one." Li Yixi handed a lantern to Xiao Zhan.

"Thank you, son!" Xiao Zhan took the lantern, and couldn't help but smile, because there was a word on the lantern, which was divine writing, Xiao Zhan was so happy.

At this moment, Xiao Zhan has already absorbed all the methods of Li Yixi's acupuncture just now, and knows how to dispel that force, so he left with the lantern.

In the most holy hall, Xiao Zhan came back, his eyes were full of hope, Li Yixi also explained the method of salvation, but the expressions of everyone were not very good-looking, "Master Xiao, this method is It can save people, but it’s too troublesome, and requires mana as a source, but the disease is contagious, and when manpower is limited, it can only treat a small number of people, and there is no guarantee that those people will not be infected.”


At this moment, Xiao Zhan's expression froze. Xiao Zhan hadn't considered this possibility before. Now, under the reminder of these people, Xiao Zhan instantly reacted, and at the same time remembered Li Yixi's words, "This disease is not difficult to treat, just It is contagious and difficult to deal with."

At this moment, Xiao Zhan was stunned. The next moment he looked at the lantern in his hand and fell into deep thought, "Happy? Blessing?"

At this moment, Xiao Zhan took a deep breath, thinking that Li Yixi would not be aimless, so giving him the lantern was implying something?

Seeing Xiao Zhan staring at the lantern, everyone said with a heavy expression, "Daoist Xiao, can you ask the expert if there are other ways to save people?"

Xiao Zhan said calmly: "The way to save people is right in front of us. This lantern may be the key. Come here, get some sesame oil, and light the lamp." Xiao Zhan didn't look at the crowd, and instructed the Taoist disciples.


Everyone at the moment felt that Xiao Zhan had gone crazy, and that a broken lantern could ward off the plague, and that would be a hell of a thing.

However, Xiao Zhan's strength is terrifying. These people dare not say much, and they can't find anyone to ask for help now, so they can only wait. Soon, Xiao Zhan lit the lantern. Out of the holy light.

"The word "Fu" is upside down!" Seeing that the word "Fu" has arrived, everyone couldn't help frowning.

However, at the moment when everyone's voice fell, the upside-down word "Fu" erupted with infinite power of light at this moment. The word "Fu" seemed to be separated from the lantern at this moment, and a holy power spread towards the void in an instant. Let everyone change color.

"This is divine text!"

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