
"The god-emperor is so terrifying!"

"Such a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation was instantly defeated by it, and refined into Lei Dan."

Countless powerhouses in the Immortal City were shocked when they saw Xiao Taixu who had broken through to the realm of the God Emperor in the void at this moment.

Those ancient existences looked dignified.

Explained: "It seems that the Xiao family got some treasure today, otherwise, the realm of the emperor would not be so powerful."

"This Xiao Taixu is still decisive. The Xiao family is too strong. Those ancient existences should not have awakened. They didn't expect to swallow the treasure just after they got it."

"Otherwise, with Xiao Taixu's background, it is not yet time to break through to the realm of the God Emperor."

"At first I wanted to see what kind of treasure the Xiao family got, but I didn't expect it to be refined by Xiao Taixu, but I don't think that treasure should be so easy to refine."

"I just don't know what's going on with the current Xiao family. If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid that the current Xiao family has become a den of dragons and tigers. If you enter casually, you may die."

When some excited people heard these ancient beings speak, they all looked fearful, but at the same time they looked terrified.

If they entered Xiao's house now, they might be doomed.

Xiao Taixu who devoured Lei Dan slowly fell from the void.

Feeling the terrifying and incomparable thunder power erupting in his limbs, Xiao Taixu was overjoyed and devoured a thunder pill, making his physical body go further.

Originally, Xiao Taixu did not possess the ancient god battle body of the Xiao family, but at this moment Xiao Taixu faintly discovered the depths of his blood, as if he had a powerful blood that was about to be awakened.

"This liquid medicine is so miraculous, maybe, maybe the weak God of War blood in my blood is about to wake up."

"I just don't know if I can fully awaken the blood of the God of War today."

"I only swallowed half of the medicine just now, and I wonder if the rest of the medicine can make me go further."

Xiao Taixu's eyes were shining brightly, his face was full of excitement.

Just when Xiao Taixu's thoughts came to his mind, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and the ancestors of the Xiao family looked at Xiao Taixu with ecstasy at this moment.

"Congratulations to the first ancestor for stepping into the realm of the god emperor!"

"Congratulations to brother Taixu for stepping into the realm of the god emperor."

"Congratulations, big brother, for stepping into the realm of the god emperor!"

One after another figures descended, all of them were the aura of the realm of the god king, and at this moment, excitement appeared on the face.

Xiao Taixu saw figures coming from the sky, and said immediately.

"Immediately activate the formation of my Xiao family. If anyone dares to enter my Xiao family at this moment, they will kill without mercy, even if they exhaust the foundation of my Xiao family."

"You bought me time, I think today I have the opportunity to step into the realm of the god emperor."

"And maybe I can return to my ancestors to awaken the ancient god's battle body."

Xiao Taixu didn't say much, and gave instructions directly.




These powerful members of the Xiao family were stunned after hearing Xiao Taixu's words at this moment, and felt that they had hallucinations. Now that Xiao Taixu has just stepped into the realm of the god emperor, how could it be possible to break through and step into the realm of the god emperor again?

And how difficult it is to awaken the ancient god's battle body, they are very clear, if Xiao Taixu really has this talent, how can he wait until this day.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, Xiao Taixu should have awakened the ancient god's battle body.

They felt that it was Xiao Taixu who was confused and talking madly.

"What are you doing here?"

"Why don't you hurry up and activate the formation?"

"It's good that I'm a waste, but today, the young master left behind a treasure. I can't break through, but the treasure medicine can let me break through, and it may even awaken the ancient god's battle body."

"As long as I step into the realm of a god emperor, even if other people spy on the Xiao family, I have to think about it."

The moment the voice fell, Xiao Taixu stretched out his hand, and Xiao Taixu grabbed the small blue and white bowl in the room.

Seeing this small blue and white bowl, the ancestors of the Xiao family in the yard were all stunned, they remembered very clearly that this small blue and white bowl was exactly the small bowl that Li Yixi used to hold the liquid medicine.

"Is the treasure the medicine industry?"

But as soon as this idea appeared, it was instantly suppressed by everyone, who thought they were crazy.

Those precious medicines are indeed extremely precious, but it is impossible for people to break the gods and emperors in a short period of time.

Xiao Taixu didn't scold these god kings immediately, because Xiao Taixu also knew that it was almost impossible for these people to believe him, so Xiao Taixu directly drank the liquid medicine in the small blue and white bowl.

At the same time, he even swallowed all the medicine dregs at the bottom of the bowl.

Xiao Taixu, who had just swallowed the liquid medicine and had just broken through, felt the incomparably violent eruption of Dao power in his body at this moment.

Xiao Taixu couldn't suppress the breath in his body at all.

The cultivation base of the God Emperor's fourth level was revealed instantly.

Feeling the coercion exuded by Xiao Taixu, each of these god kings suddenly changed color.

"God Emperor Fourfold!"

"It turned out to be the fourth level of the God Emperor? Didn't you just step into the realm of the God Emperor? The catastrophe of the God Emperor realm is still vivid."

The god kings and powerhouses were suddenly dumbfounded, and each of them looked dull.

"Are you still going? Hurry up and protect me. I have indeed stepped into the fourth level of the God Emperor, so the catastrophe is like a joke in my eyes."

"This liquid medicine is too scary. Today I can definitely enter the realm of a god emperor, but I don't know if I can awaken the ancient god's battle body."

"If I awaken the Ancient God Battle Body today, even if I only have the cultivation of a god emperor, I will dare to compete with those half-step transcendent beings."

"As long as I get through the catastrophe safely today, then those ancient powerhouses will never want to be enemies of my Xiao family."

Xiao Taixu's voice was extremely urgent, resounding in the minds of all god-king realms.

"Quick, quickly activate the formation!"

These god-king realm powerhouses who originally had doubts in their hearts changed color instantly when they heard Xiao Taixu's words, felt Xiao Taixu's cultivation base and the terrifying aura erupting from his body at this moment.

The ecstasy on his face directly flew away, and the next moment, the Xiao family's countless horrific killing methods were completely activated by these people.

In the entire Zhantianxian City, one after another figure has not yet woken up from the shock of Xiao Taixu breaking through the God Emperor and crushing the Heavenly Tribulation in an instant, and found that Xiao Taixu, who had just broken through the God Emperor realm of the Xiao family, broke through again. Standing up in the air, each of them had doubts on their faces.


Those ancient powerhouses who were weighing whether to go to Xiao's house to investigate were stunned for a moment, because at this moment, they faintly felt the terrifying aura erupting in Xiao's house, and at the same time, Xiao Taixu also had some Something unusual.

Xiao Taixu, who had just stepped into the void, was once again watched by countless eyes.

Xiao Taixu didn't care about other things, breaking through the realm of the God Emperor and God Emperor, he couldn't break through in the cave at all, because the cave couldn't bear the incomparably terrifying power.

He wanted to go to the endless mountains, but it was too late, so he could only practice in the void.

Xiao Taixu refined the violent and mysterious power in his body.

Xiao Taixu clearly felt the blood in his body, as if it was hot like magma.

A series of terrifying breaths of God of War erupted in Xiao Taixu's body.

"This is, this is the breath of the ancient god body!"

"I'm [-]% sure of awakening the ancient divine body."

"I, I actually awakened the ancient divine body after eternity!"

Sensing the continuously powerful aura deep in his blood, Xiao Taixu was dumbfounded.

Now, it can be said that Xiao Taixu's potential has been almost exhausted. He never thought that the liquid medicine left by Li Yixi would actually fulfill him and allow him to awaken the God of War body.

At the same time, Xiao Taixu discovered that his physical body and divine power were constantly changing as he continued to refine the mysterious power in his body.

The fifth level of the God Emperor!

The sixth level of the God Emperor!

God Emperor Seventh Layer!

Soon, under the shock on Xiao Taixu's face, his cultivation reached the peak of the God Emperor realm.

At the same time, under that incomparably powerful force, the voices of countless gods and demons resounded in Xiao Taixu's body.

In the body, phantoms of ancient gods appeared one after another, and an extremely terrifying force spread vertically and horizontally in Xiao Taixu's body.

The blood in Xiao Taixu's body transformed in an extremely domineering manner at this moment.

Even Xiao Tai's humility is incomparably strong, but his face changed instantly at this moment.

That force was too violent, Xiao Taixu couldn't bear it at this moment.

Fortunately, with the continuous awakening of the ancient god's battle body, the power in the body did not disappear, and he continued to improve his physical body. Otherwise, Xiao Taixu knew very well that he would fail to awaken like Xiao Ye before. .

In Xiao's manor, a god king looked at Xiao Taixu in the void with his eyes shining.

A god king clenched his fist.

"Ancient God Battle Body."

"This is the breath of the ancient god's battle body!"

"I didn't expect that what elder brother said was true. What kind of precious medicine is that?"

"What kind of a prescription is that?"

All the god kings, with bright eyes and expectant faces, they are very clear about how strong the ancient gods are.

In Zhantianxian City, ancient existences of statues soared into the sky at this moment, their eyes fixed on the direction of the Xiao family.



"That's the breath of the Xiao Clan's ancient god's battle body!"

"Could it be that the Xiao family has an ancient ancient battle spirit that seized Xiao Taixu from the Xiao family?"

These ancient existences really wanted to enter the Xiao family to find out at this moment, but each of them trembled in their hearts.

It is absolutely impossible for the Xiao family to be unprepared for such a major event.

At the moment when these ancient existences looked shocked, Xiao Taixu in the void was shaken all over, and an extremely terrifying force spread, and the color of the world changed instantly.

In the void, an extremely terrifying phantom of the ancient god appeared at this moment.

The phantom of the ancient god seems to be able to fight the sky and the earth.

The incomparably terrifying fighting spirit shocked the Quartet.

"The ancient god's battle body has awakened, how is this possible?"



These ancient existences changed color instantly.

Although they couldn't believe it and couldn't accept it, Xiao Taixu's awakening of the Ancient God Battle Body is a fact that cannot be changed.

It's just that this scene was too unbelievable, and for a while, these ancient existences couldn't accept it.

The ancient existences' eyes widened at this moment.

He became even more afraid of the Xiao family.

After all, in the ancient times, the Xiao family relied on the ancient gods to become the overlord.

Even if Xiao Taixu had just stepped into the Divine Emperor's Awakened God of War Body, people like them were not capable of beheading, and a bad one would most likely fall.

As for those strong men who have half-step transcendence, there are not so many, and with countless existences robbing the power of incense and the power of faith, coupled with the preaching of Confucianism, now it has become extremely difficult to collect the power of incense and the power of faith. Disaster.

Even if these people really wanted to make a move, at this moment, everyone suppressed that crazy idea. After all, those who can live to this day are all life-saving existences.

If it is the kind of strong man who is desperate to fight, he has already gone further in the ancient times, or has already fallen.

Most of them are lingering until now, and they don't have the courage to fight against the sky and have endless fun.

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