In Xiao Ye's room, Li Yixi and others walked in.

When those maids' eyes fell on Li Yixi, they looked respectful.

In their eyes, Li Yixi was an immortal doctor. Originally, Xiao Ye's vitality had collapsed, but they never thought that Li Yixi's action would directly pull Xiao Ye back from the abyss of death.

Li Yixi was not polite, and sat directly beside Xiao Ye to diagnose Xiao Ye's pulse.

He quickly put down Xiao Ye's hand, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Congratulations Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xiao Ye is fine!"

"I'm bothering you today, let us tell you too!"

"If there is any abnormality, you can go to Jinling Xiancheng to find me."

Li Yixi smiled slightly, and didn't intend to stay any longer.

"My lord, without you today, Xiao Ye would surely die. The Xiao family has not yet thanked you for such a great kindness!"

"Young master, please stay for half a day. Tonight, my Xiao family will hold a banquet for you, and at the same time prepare some things for you as a token of gratitude."

When Xiao Taixu heard that Li Yixi was about to leave, he was a little anxious.

Although staying by Li Yixi's side felt endless pressure, Xiao Taixu knew very well that if an incomparably powerful existence like Li Yixi could make friends, it would be a great opportunity for the Xiao family.

Xiao Taixu wanted to seize such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity no matter what.


"There is no permanent banquet in the world, and I still have some things to do, let's talk about it next time we have a chance."

Li Yixi still refused.

Seeing Li Yixi's refusal, Xiao Taixu naturally did not dare to force him to stay.

"Then, after Xiao Ye recovers, I will take Xiao Ye to Jinling Fairy City to visit Young Master. After all, Young Master saved Xiao Ye's life. For Xiao Ye, it is like reborn parents. This is a great favor."

"Now Xiao Ye is still in a coma, unable to apologize to the young master, please don't blame the young master."

Seeing that Li Yixi could not be left behind, Xiao Taixu had no choice but to retreat, using retreat as an advance, and using Xiao Ye as an excuse to have another encounter with Li Yixi.

"it is good."

"At that time, I will wait for you in Jinling Fairy City!"


Li Yixi clasped his fists slightly towards Xiao Taixu, the next moment he soared into the air, and disappeared into the sky with Xiao Zhan.

It wasn't until the figures of Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan completely disappeared, that at this moment Xiao Taixu reluctantly withdrew his gaze.



Xiao Taixu really felt that it was a pity, if he could have more contact with an existence like Li Yixi, it would be of great benefit to the Xiao family.

Especially now that the Xiao family's top ten ancient battle spirits have been directly obliterated by Li Yixi, and now the Xiao family's foundation does not exist.

Without a big backer, it would be difficult to gain a foothold in Zhantianxian City.

Now Xiao Taixu can only place all his hopes on Xiao Ye, hoping that Xiao Ye can rise in the shortest time.

He knew that the disappearance of the top ten battle spirits of the ancient times would not be reported for the time being.

The other patriarchs of the Xiao family saw Li Yixi leave at this moment, their eyes fell on Xiao Taixu.

"Old Ancestor, what kind of treasure has appeared in my Xiao family today?"

"It actually caused such a terrible vision of heaven and earth."

"Although this is a blessing for my Xiao family, but now the eyes of countless forces are falling on the Xiao family, this may be a disaster for our Xiao family!"

"Those ancient beings of our Xiao family are too powerful, and I'm afraid they won't be able to recover in a short time."

There were surprises on the faces of several people, but more apprehension.

However, Xiao Taixu who turned around had a cold expression on his face.

"To shut up!"

"What treasure?"

"Today, the Xiao family didn't get any treasure at all. The reason why there are visions of heaven and earth, and the divine light descending from the sky, is that the young master has cultivated the Holy Body in the forbidden place of my Xiao family."

"If my Xiao family has a chance, it will be to have an intersection with the young master today."

"Do you really think that the young master is a mortal?"

"For a terrifying existence like Young Master, even my Xiao family can be wiped out at the peak of the ancient times."

"Otherwise, do you think an ordinary pharmacist can bring Xiao Ye back from death?"

"If anyone wants to spy on the Xiao family, then let them come. As long as the old man survives, I will let them die here."

"How many people are you waiting for, you are so bold and disrespectful to the young master, get out!"

Xiao Taixu was very clear that these people really felt resentment towards Li Yixi, even he could sense their thoughts, let alone Li Yixi's terrifying existence.

If it wasn't for the fact that there are countless strong men outside looking at them, Xiao Taixu really wanted to shoot these old Xiao family members to death.

Seeing Xiao Taixu's fury, everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they hurriedly left the hall.

Xiao Taixu walked up to Xiao Ye's side with envy on his face.

"I didn't expect to calculate a lot, but in the end it was cheaper for you kid."

"I hope you won't let me down!"

"How far the Xiao family can reach in the future depends entirely on you."

Standing beside the sleeping Xiao Zhan, Xiao Taixu's expression was serious at the moment.

Although just now he looked down on all the forces, but Xiao Taixu was very clear that Li Yixi's breakthrough in the Xiao family brought a crisis to the Xiao family.

Without Li Yixi's breakthrough, even if the top ten battle spirits of the ancient times were destroyed, they could still hide it in a short period of time, but if there are always strong people probing, it will become very difficult to suppress this point.


"Why is there a strong Dao power here all of a sudden?"

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Xiao Taixu frowned suddenly.

Looking back, I found a small blue and white bowl.

In this small blue and white bowl, there is still a lot of liquid medicine left.

"Medical solution?"

Seeing the remaining liquid medicine in the small blue and white bowl, Xiao Taixu's eyes lit up instantly, his face excited.

In order to awaken Xiao Ye, the Xiao family prepared countless precious medicines, but in the end Xiao Ye still failed and almost fell.

The liquid medicine prepared by Li Yixi not only saved Xiao Ye's life, but also allowed Xiao Ye to recover instantly, allowing all the ancient battle spirits to merge into Xiao Ye's body, and then cast a divine body.

Thinking of those extremely precious medicines that were used to prepare the liquid medicine, Xiao Taixu, who was originally worried, forgot everything at this moment, and his face was full of enthusiasm.

"This liquid medicine is a hundred times more precious than those miraculous medicines."

"I have stayed at the peak of the God King realm for a long time, and I have been unable to break through. This thing can bring Xiao Ye back to life, and awaken the divine body. Will it allow me to go further?"

Just as the thought appeared, Xiao Taixu became even more excited at this moment.

Even Xiao Taixu's body trembled faintly at this moment.

Xiao Taixu stretched out his trembling hand, and grabbed the small blue and white bowl on the table.

There is no one else in the room now, after all Xiao Taixu was angry just now, no one dared to stay here.

"Hope this thing works for me!"

After thinking about it, Xiao Taixu's breathing became rapid, and he took a sip lightly.

Following the entrance of the liquid medicine, Xiao Taixu's body trembled the next moment, and he felt an incomparably violent aura erupt in his sea of ​​qi.

"Unexpectedly, the medicinal effect is so overbearing!"

"I can't bear such a terrifying overbearing drug effect."

"If I can't refine it, I will definitely die today."

Xiao Taixu was so frightened that his heart trembled, but at the same time his eyes were full of vigor.

Xiao Taixu knew very well that this was a great opportunity, his body directly left the palace and soared into the sky.

Just when Xiao Taixu got angry, countless strong men of the Xiao family trembled, but they didn't expect that suddenly, Xiao Taixu, the patriarch of the Xiao family, was hovering over the Xiao family in a hurry, each one with puzzled faces.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, Xiao Taixu's eyes became more and more bright as he continued to use his exercises at this moment.

"What level of magic medicine is this? This is a great opportunity!"

"The bottleneck that has bound me for thousands of years is about to break."

"God Emperor, God Emperor!"

Xiao Taixu was incomparably excited at this moment, and following the incomparably powerful force swimming through his whole body, Xiao Taixu was shocked to find that the wounds of the Dao in his body healed instantly.

At the same time, that strong power is constantly transforming his physical body.

The next moment, there was a bang.

Amid Xiao Taixu's excited expression, Xiao Taixu stepped into the realm of the God Emperor.

At this moment, in the void, thunderclouds

The catastrophe is about to come.

"That is, that is a catastrophe!"

"The ancestor has stepped into the realm of the emperor!"

Those strong members of the Xiao family who were still a little worried saw the catastrophe in the void, and they all looked ecstatic.

Xiao Taixu frowned slightly as he looked at the terrifying catastrophe in the void.

However, before the catastrophe in the sky came, Xiao Taixu, who was cross-legged in the void, had his eyes wide open, his face full of disbelief.

The force in Xiao Taixu's body did not disappear completely, and it was improving his cultivation base at a terrifying speed.

"God Emperor First Layer!"

"Double God Emperor!"

"God Emperor triple!"

"God Emperor triple!"

Under Xiao Taixu's shocked face, he stepped into the fourth level of the God Emperor in just an instant.


Feeling the sudden surge of power in his body, Xiao Taixu had an unbelievable expression on his face, feeling that he was hallucinating, this scene is really incredible.

At the same time, Xiao Taixu felt how powerful he was. He was extremely afraid of the catastrophe that was about to fall in the void. The catastrophe was an extremely difficult test for monks, but at this moment, that powerful The incomparable catastrophe became ordinary in Xiao Taixu's eyes.

Because now Xiao Taixu is resisting the catastrophe with the cultivation base of the fourth level of the god emperor, instead of entering the god emperor for the first time.


In the sky, the terrifying sound of Thunder Beast resounded at this instant.

In the black thunder cloud, a frightening Thunder Dragon made of thunderbolts jumped down from the void, devouring towards Xiao Taixu.

Seeing the extremely terrifying thunder dragon in the void, all the strong members of the Xiao family gasped, and all existence felt the terrifying attack contained in the thunder dragon.

In the void, Xiao Taixu's eyes showed brilliance, and he took a step forward, and his whole body seemed to be transformed into a mere terrifying God of War in an instant.

That old image disappeared without a trace, and he used the Xiao family's unique technique, the Sky Shaking Fist.

Under the gaze of everyone, Xiao Taixu displayed his supernatural powers, and the shadows of his fists all over the sky went towards the thunder dragon that was devouring in the void.

At first everyone looked worried, but at the next moment, the pupils of each and every one shrank suddenly, with an expression of disbelief.

Because the incomparably powerful Thunder Dragon was directly defeated by Xiao Taixu's supernatural power in the blink of an eye and turned into a thumb-sized Thunder Pill.

It was swallowed by Xiao Taixu in one gulp.


"The god-emperor is so terrifying!"

All the monks of the Xiao family were shocked and excited at the same time.

Those ancient existences in Zhantianxian City did not enter the ruins immediately after the heaven and earth vision appeared in the Xiao family today, so they naturally saw Xiao Taixu's breakthrough at this moment.

No one thought that Xiao Taixu, who had just stepped into the realm of the God Emperor, would become so powerful in a very short period of time, and even if it was a catastrophe, he seemed like an ant in front of Xiao Taixu.

Each of them gasped, their faces full of disbelief.

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