Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1093 Merit descends from heaven

"Are you sure you want to give this item to me?"

Although he heard Xiao Taixu's words, Li Yixi was still a little apprehensive, after all, this thing is not simple.

Li Yixi could feel the unusualness of this martial pavilion just by walking around in it. When Li Yixi passed by before, his eyes swept casually, and he saw some extremely terrifying ancient exercises.

However, Li Yixi didn't have a choice, because Li Yixi knew that he had no way to practice these exercises, and now that he found the Great Heaven Merit Eucharist, how could Li Yixi abandon the Great Heaven Merit Eucharist and choose something else.

"Even if you take it away, my lord, I will never go back on what I promised, and you may not know that this thing may be a treasure to you, but to us, this thing is trash!"

"If you want to cultivate the Holy Body of Great Heaven Merit, you need extremely terrifying merit power as a support. However, the power of merit is extremely rare. My Xiao family does not control a trace of merit power. This thing is useless to us. "

"I didn't expect that the young master actually contains such a huge amount of merit. This thing is very suitable for the young master."

"I just don't know if you have anything else you need. This item is useless to my Xiao family. I can give it to you for free."

"My lord, there are still many powerful fetishes upstairs. You may like those things, so why don't we go up and have a look?"

Originally Xiao Taixu felt a little distressed, but after discovering that Li Yixi actually contained such terrifying meritorious power, Xiao Taixu was moved.

Xiao Taixu knew very well that with such a terrifying power of merit, even if Li Yixi didn't do anything, he would be invincible.

This kind of existence is simply not something the Xiao family can provoke, if they can make friends with Li Yixi, in Xiao Taixu's eyes, this is a great opportunity.

And today Li Yixi rescued Xiao Ye, maybe for the Xiao family, this is a chance to hug their thighs.

The power of merit is what the top figures in this world are fighting for.

But Li Yixi's body was almost endless, this scene was too shocking for Xiao Taixu.

If Li Yixi is willing, even if he wants to take away the entire martial arts pavilion at this moment, as long as he can climb up the big tree of Li Yixi, Xiao Taixu will not hesitate at all.

Li Yixi, who was a little nervous, was afraid of Xiao Taixu's rejection, but he didn't expect Xiao Taixu to be so carefree.

Li Yixi shook his head immediately, "Since that's the case, I'll take this thing away. As for the treasures, forget it? I can't bear it as a mortal."

"Maybe it will cause trouble for me?"

"This thing is indeed useful to me. Since it is useless to the Xiao family, then I will take it away. If the Xiao family needs anything in the future, and I can just help, you can come and find me."

Li Yixi was very happy, looked at Xiao Taixu and smiled slightly.

Xiao Taixu originally saw that Li Yixi did not take other treasures from the Martial Pavilion, and was thinking about whether to give some to Li Yixi, so that the Xiao family could establish a good relationship with Li Yixi, but he did not expect that Li Yixi would directly throw made a promise.

Xiao Taixu is very clear that for a terrifying existence like Li Yixi, a promise, for the Xiao family, is a chance for rebirth.

"Thank you, young master. If one day my Xiao family has something that young master can help, I will definitely go to see young master with the cheek."

"Young master, if you need anything, just tell me to wait."

Xiao Taixu even became extremely hasty, Li Yixi's promise, in Xiao Taixu's eyes, was a great opportunity.

Seeing that Li Yixi hadn't taken the Holy Body of Great Heaven Merit, Xiao Taixu even became a little anxious, and hurriedly reached out to fetch the Holy Body of Great Heaven Merit for Li Yixi, and sent it to Li Yixi.

Even though the Datian Gongde Holy Physique technique is very rare, Xiao Taixu did not hesitate, even if his life Li Yixi needed it, Xiao Taixu wanted Li Yixi to take it away.

"My lord, this is an ancient scroll, please keep it away, my lord."

"In that case, I will accept it. Thank you very much."

At this moment, Li Yixi's heart beat faster, and he stretched out his hand nervously to take the ancient scroll, the Holy Body of Great Heaven Merit. At this moment, Li Yixi felt extremely joyful in his heart, and even couldn't wait to open it directly in the Martial Pavilion. up.

Li Yixi felt his heart beating violently and his blood spurting out as he opened and browsed continuously.

As Li Yixi continued to watch, he was very clear that his hope of cultivation was right in front of him.

I can't absorb the spirit into my body, but the power of merit is very simple for Li Yixi.

Too many things have happened since he traveled to this world, and Li Yixi found that as his wife practiced, her cultivation seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and Li Yixi became more and more eager to practice.

As a timetraveler, he traveled to the fantasy world. Since he came here, Li Yixi didn't want to be just a passer-by. He wanted to witness the legend or leave a myth.

But there has been no way to really step into the ranks of cultivation. Compared with those time travelers, Li Yixi feels that he is simply plagued by bad luck.

When Li Yixi was looking at the Holy Body of Great Heaven Merit, Xiao Zhan and Xiao Taixu on the side became extremely nervous, and even held their breath, with serious expressions on their faces.

At this moment, although there was no abnormal change, Xiao Zhan and Xiao Taixu suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts at this moment, feeling that something extremely terrifying would happen next.

At the moment when the two of them held their breath, they saw the entire sky above Zhantianxian City, and suddenly, black clouds covered the city.

As if the world had come to the end of the world, the sound of thunder sounded in the void.

It seems that the catastrophe of annihilation is about to come.

At this moment, the two of them felt that everything between the sky and the earth had become silent, except for the thunder in the void, there was no other sound.

The next moment, within the endless black thunderclouds, streaks of golden divine light appeared strangely. These golden divine lights descended from the sky and surged towards here. It was only in the blink of an eye. become golden.

Standing in the Martial Pavilion, Xiao Taixu and Xiao Zhan, at this moment, felt the golden divine light, as if turning into substance, they even waved their hands, feeling the golden divine light in front of them, as if turning into flowing water generally.

This extremely weird scene made the two of them feel breathless, unable to move their bodies at all.

And the dazzling golden light in front of them seemed to blind their eyes.

At the same time, under the entanglement of the golden divine light, the endless meritorious force in Li Yixi's body was also drawn out, and merged with the golden divine light.

These golden divine lights, centered on Li Yixi at this moment, flowed slowly.

"Kindness, this is merit!"

"Heaven's merit, what's going on?"

"What is the identity of this expert, and why did he suddenly receive merit from heaven?"

"The power of merit is extremely difficult to capture and obtain. However, after only seeing the Holy Body of Great Heaven's Merit, I thought that there would be a supreme thunder calamity coming. After all, it is extremely terrifying to practice the Holy Body of Merit. What descended was not thunder calamity, but endless merit."

"This divine light has almost turned into substance, how much merit does this have?"

"Could it be that at this moment, all the power of merit in the whole world is gathered here?"

Xiao Taixu's eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets, staring fixedly at the golden divine light around him, no, the golden stream of divine light.

Xiao Taixu's heart trembled violently, his heart was pounding.

Xiao Zhan and Xiao Taixu could hardly believe their eyes, let alone accept the scene in front of them, this fact.

Even Xiao Zhan has been with Li Yixi for a long time, knowing that Li Yixi has an extremely terrifying meritorious power in his body, he still cannot accept this moment. In the entire martial arts pavilion, merits have turned into substance, entangled like a stream Around Li Yixi.

The legendary merits and virtues of heaven, even those ancestors, Buddhas, demons, and their terrifying existence, must be remembered.

Merit is the most powerful existence in this world, something that is urgently needed.

Even Xiao Zhan and Xiao Taixu felt the arrival of these meritorious powers at this moment, not for Li Yixi's need, but as if this world, at this moment, is crazily snatching everything, and let it all belong to Li Yixi.

The avenue is ruthless, and the way of heaven is impermanent.

This is the cognition of all practitioners, they can't believe that at this moment, this terrifying merit is gathered around Li Yixi.

This is incredible and unimaginable.

Like a dream.

The power of these merits surrounds Li Yixi, and the next moment, as Li Yixi continues to climb over, the Great Heaven's merits and virtues revolving silently, these merits around Li Yixi, like ten thousand rivers returning to the sea, Frantically blending into Li Yixi's body.

Those endless divine lights turned into streams, which swam from all directions and entered Li Yixi's body.

With Li Yixi as the center, at this moment, in the entire Martial Pavilion, the power of merit is like a vortex in the sea.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiao Zhan was shocked, and said to himself: "Young master said that he always wanted to step into the ranks of cultivation, is this what the young master said about stepping into the road of cultivation?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xiao Zhan felt that Li Yixi was too Versailles.

"Are you stepping into the ranks of practice?"

After Xiao Taixu who was on the side heard Xiao Zhan's words, Xiao Taixu who was terrified almost died on the spot.

If this is just stepping into the ranks of practice, then what are they?

Xiao Taixu clearly felt this moment, as the endless power of merit entered Li Yixi's body, Li Yixi became extremely terrifying, and in Li Yixi's body, terrifying breaths overflowed And open.

Just in the blink of an eye, Xiao Taixu clearly felt that Li Yixi had completed countless breakthroughs, feeling Li Yixi's virtuous holy body at this moment, Xiao Taixu was sweating profusely.

Before this, Xiao Taixu didn't have a very clear perception, but now Xiao Taixu is very clear, if anyone dares to touch the slightest bit of Li Yixi now, he will be punished by heaven.

If the previous Li Yixi was invincible, then at this moment, Xiao Taixu felt that all the Taoist ancestors in the heavens and myriad worlds would have to call out to Li Yixi when they saw Li Yixi.

With the continuous practice, Li Yixi's eyes also widened, feeling that he had hallucinations, Li Yixi found that there were 81 transformations in this holy body of great merit and virtue, which seemed to be a coincidence, but he did not think that he It was completed instantly in a short period of time.

Li Yixi even had a weird thought, thinking that he had hallucinations, or that this exercise was not real.

All the meritorious power in the entire Martial Pavilion disappeared, and the black robbery clouds in the sky also disappeared instantly, and nine-colored divine lights wandered in the void.

These nine-colored divine lights turned into divine beasts, as if blessed by all spirits.

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