In the palace, follow Li Yixi to move the needle.

The fighting spirit in Xiao Ye's body was directly wiped out by Li Yixi in the panic and despair, and the power of God completely fused with Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye hasn't woken up yet, but at this moment, Xiao Ye has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Xiao Taixu, who entered the palace again, felt the pressure as soon as he approached. Although Xiao Taixu's cultivation base is strong, but facing Xiao Ye at this moment, he felt that the power of blood was absolutely suppressed.

Thinking of some records in the secret volume, his eyes are bright.

Xiao Ye at this moment shocked Xiao Taixu incomparably.


"Could it be because I was talking too much, saying that Xiao Ye's bloodline returned to the ancestors, did the expert directly let Xiao Ye's bloodlines return to the ancestors?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Taixu suddenly felt that his mouth was too cheap.

But at this moment, as he keeps getting closer, how dare Xiao Taixu have any random thoughts, because he has learned from the past just now.

He didn't dare to complain to Li Yixi at all.

A smile was hurriedly squeezed out on his face, he looked at Li Yixi and said with a smile: "Thank you young master, I see Xiao Ye's condition has stabilized, young master rest first."

"Come here, serve tea."

Xiao Taixu shouted hastily, and soon the maid brought the high-quality spiritual tea.

"My lord, this is top-grade spiritual tea, I wonder if you are satisfied with it?"

This is already the most precious spiritual tea of ​​the Xiao family, but Xiao Taixu didn't know whether Li Yixi was satisfied with such a terrifying existence.

With such an existence as Li Yixi, Xiao Taixu knew that the tea he drank was definitely not spiritual tea.

"Spiritual tea?"

"Thank you!"

However, when Xiao Taixu was nervous, he saw Li Yixi's happy face and sat down directly.

"Spiritual tea is a good thing, it can change itself, and I, a mortal, just need these opportunities!"

After Li Yixi finished speaking, he took a sip of tea and seemed extremely satisfied.


"A chance?"

"How is it possible? In the eyes of such an expert, how could this spirit tea be a chance? This thing should not be able to enter the eyes of an expert!"

"Is the expert implying something?"

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Xiao Taixu kept thinking while laughing.

But thinking about it now, Xiao Taixu tried his best to cover it up, not wanting to be perceived by Li Yixi again.

"A chance?"

On the side, Xiao Zhan is also thinking at the moment.

"Did I guess wrong?"

"Isn't the son here just to destroy the ancient battle spirit?"

Xiao Zhan also became confused.

Xiao Zhan thought he had guessed it before, but now he realized that he seemed to be thinking too much. Li Yixi's thoughts were beyond what he could guess.

"My lord, why are you here?"

At this moment, Xiao Zhan looked puzzled.

"Opportunity? Chance?"



"Is the expert telling me that it's time for me to fulfill my promise?"

After thinking again and again, Xiao Taixu's expression changed slightly.

"Mortal, chance?"

"Can opportunities be understood as resources?"

"Why is this happening? Could it be that there are things that a master needs in my Xiao family's treasury?"

Xiao Taixu thought secretly in his heart.

Xiao Taixu said tentatively: "My lord, when I came here today, Xiao said that if you can save Xiao Ye, my Xiao family is willing to pay any price."

"Taixu doesn't know what the young master needs, so let's do it."

"My Xiao family has a martial arts pavilion, which hides many secret books and treasures. Today, I invite you to enter the martial arts pavilion to have a look. If you need anything, you can take it away."

"The things in the Martial Pavilion are all good!"

"There are also many ancient or even older treasures, such as fragments."

Xiao Taixu's voice fell, originally Li Yixi wanted to refuse, but when he heard that there were many things in it, Li Yixi's heart was moved instantly.

For cultivation, Li Yixi has always longed for it, even if he has a lot of means now.

ponder for a moment.

Li Yixi smiled and said: "Of course Mr. Xiao invites, even if Mr. Li goes to see it!"

Xiao Taixu originally thought that he had guessed wrong, but he did not expect to get Li Yixi's response, and was instantly overjoyed.

"Opportunities, resources!"

"Sure enough!"

"I'm afraid there is something extremely powerful in my Xiao Family Martial Pavilion, and we don't know about it!"

"Otherwise, why would such an existence be followed?"

Xiao Taixu wanted to refuse, but felt that the Xiao family did not have the strength to refuse what a terrifying existence like Li Yixi liked.

What's more, the Xiao family agreed to pay any price.

Xiao Zhan on the side, after hearing Li Yixi's words, was also thoughtful.

Can't help guessing: "Is there anything in Xiao Family's Martial Pavilion?"

"Sir, please!"

"The time is just right, Tai Xu will bring the young master into the Martial Pavilion."

While Xiao Zhan was thinking, Xiao Taixu stood up and extended an invitation to Li Yixi.

"it is good!"

"Today, it's just a nuisance!"

Li Yixi stood up expectantly.

Following behind Xiao Taixu, he went to the Martial Pavilion.

Soon, the three arrived in front of Wu Pavilion.

This martial pavilion is not the martial pavilion announced by the Xiao family, but the martial pavilion brought out from the ancient ruins of the Xiao family.

Xiao Taixu felt that what Li Yixi was looking for should be in this Martial Pavilion, this is where the true heritage of the Xiao family lies.

As soon as he approached, Xiao Zhan's eyes also brightened. Xiao Zhan found that not only the formation was extremely terrifying, but also contained an extremely long-lasting aura.

"Xiao Taixu was frightened!"

"Don't dare to hide it!"

"Could it be that what the young master needs this time is in this Martial Pavilion?"

"What is it?"

Xiao Zhan couldn't help but look forward to it, and also wanted to broaden his horizons.

What Li Yixi was looking at was nothing out of the ordinary.


In anticipation, the dusty door of the Martial Pavilion slowly opened.

"Sir, please!"

Xiao Taixu took a deep breath and invited Li Yixi to enter the Martial Pavilion.

When Li Yixi entered it, Xiao Taixu hurriedly explained: "My lord, this is the martial pavilion of the Xiao family, which houses all the Dao scrolls of the Xiao family's esoteric sect."

"On the first floor, there are three thousand scrolls."

"Although it is incomplete, it has consumed the painstaking efforts of countless generations of the Xiao family."

"The second floor has some powerful treasures and some fetishes."

Xiao Taixu was very reluctant, but he still explained carefully.

Treasures, after Li Yixi got the death stickers, he was not very interested.

The moment Li Yixi heard the three thousand scrolls, a bright light appeared in Li Yixi's eyes.

And at this moment, Li Yixi seemed to feel a familiar aura.

very familiar.

"Could it be that among these three thousand scrolls, is there something that is destined for me?"

Li Yixi was secretly happy.

"This breath, what is it?"

Li Yixi became deep in thought, and even forgot about Xiao Taixu and Xiao Zhan beside him.

Xiao Taixu and Xiao Zhan also felt Li Yixi's abnormality at this moment, Xiao Taixu shut up instantly, not knowing what Li Yixi wanted.

Xiao Zhan couldn't help thinking.

"It's very familiar, what is this breath?"

Li Yixi was thinking hard.

next moment.

Li Yixi's eyes lit up.

"This is the breath of the power of merit. Could it be that there is something related to the power of merit in these three thousand scrolls?"

"what is it?"

"I can't absorb the spirit into the body, but the power of merit can be activated."

"The thing of merit is extremely miraculous. It can change according to one's own thoughts, and it can also make people invincible."

Li Yixi's eyes lit up when he remembered that the aura was the power of merit.

The next moment, Li Yixi raised his hand slowly.

Three thousand volumes, extremely many.

Three thousand Dao Juan, either means that there are only three thousand Dao Juan.

It is a metaphor for all the treasures of the Xiao family.

Li Yixi glanced at it casually, and found that there were at least tens of thousands of volumes on the first floor, and he rummaged through them one by one, not knowing what year and month he was going to find.

Now Li Yixi can only try to mobilize the power of merit to see if there are any changes.

The next moment, in Li Yixi's hands, the power of merit erupted and slowly spread in the Martial Pavilion.

Seeing this golden aura, Xiao Taixu was not clear at first.

But soon, Xiao Taixu's expression changed.

The whole body became extremely stiff.

Pupils dilated suddenly.

His face turned pale with fright.

"This is, this is the power of merit!"

"But how is it possible?"

"How could there be so much meritorious power in this expert?"

Seeing such terrifying meritorious power, Xiao Taixu's expression changed.

He looked extremely shocked.

Xiao Taixu knows how precious the power of merit is, but Li Yixi's body seems to be endless.

"The power of merit?"

"What are you looking for, sir?"

Xiao Zhan also looked solemn.

This was the first time Xiao Zhan saw Li Yixi looking for something like this, and it was also the only time when he made a big fuss.

While being solemn, Xiao Zhan looked forward to what Li Yixi was looking for.

When the power of Li Yixi's merit spread.

Suddenly, in a corner, a golden light lit up.

Seeing that high golden light, Xiao Zhan and Xiao Taixu seemed to lock their eyes.

"The power of merit?"

Xiao Zhan and Xiao Taixu gasped, that golden light was the power of merit.

Extremely full-bodied.

Xiao Taixu took a deep breath, the scrolls in that corner were almost useless.

Xiao Taixu really couldn't figure out why there was something related to the power of merit.


"This thing is related to the power of merit, I don't know what it is."

"I hope you don't disappoint me!"

Li Yixi hastily put away the power of merit, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Stride to the corner.

Xiao Zhan and Xiao Taixu hurriedly followed, they also wanted to see what Li Yixi had chosen.

After the three of them approached, they found that the scroll in the corner was covered with ashes.

Li Yixi's meritorious force swept across, and the dust dispersed in an instant.

The power of merit enveloped the bookshelf, and Li Yixi's eyes fell on an ancient scroll.

Xiao Taixu and Xiao Zhan held their breath and watched.

Words came into view one by one.

"The Holy Body of Great Heaven Merit and Virtue."

The six large characters entered the eyes of the two of them.

"Is it the Holy Body of Great Heaven Merit?"

"Is this the way of practice?"

Li Yixi couldn't help showing excitement on his face.

"Mr. Xiao, this thing is destined for me, can I take it away?"

Although Li Yixi was excited, he didn't take it away directly, but his eyes fell on Xiao Taixu.

Xiao Taixu hastily squeezed out a smile.

"My lord, Taixu said that as long as you need it, you can take it away!"

"Naturally, this thing is predestined with the young master, so it is more suitable!"

At this moment, Xiao Taixu finally understood why the great heaven merit relic was thrown here. This thing is powerful, but without the power of merit, how can he cultivate.

This thing is simply prepared for Li Yixi, Xiao Taixu is very clear, for the Xiao family, this thing is useless.

"I see!"

"The Holy Body of Great Heaven Merit?"

"It turns out that what the young master needs is this thing, and the purpose of coming here is also this thing."

"Young master is terrible!"

"What you need can be found at will."

Xiao Zhan's eyes brightened, and he knew that Li Yixi absolutely liked it.

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