Yun An hurried over at this moment.

Yun'an is very aware of how terrifying the formation of Luoyang Academy is. Luoyang Academy is not only shrouded in the body of gods offering sacrifices to spirits, but also has the bones of countless saints as the foundation.

Even an extremely powerful ancestor god would never be able to break through the formation, let alone pass through the formation silently.

At this moment, Yun An saw Li Yixi who looked like a mortal with a refined smile on his face, but his expression became extremely serious.

Yun An didn't dare to underestimate him, Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan were obviously dominated by Li Yixi, how could Yun An dare to treat Li Yixi as an ordinary person.


Seeing Yun An approaching, the old man immediately stepped forward to salute.

Xiao Zhan's gaze swept across Yun'an's face, and his face showed a dignified look, because Xiao Zhan felt an incomparably powerful divine power from Yun'an's body.

"I've seen the headmaster. I passed by here today with my young master. I want to stay overnight. I wonder if it's possible?"

Xiao Zhan spoke first.

Yun An's eyes were a little dignified, and he hurriedly said: "It's just a one-night stay, why not?"

"Two guests, come in quickly!"

"Old Liu, go prepare some food and drink, I want to get drunk with this young master!"

Yun An immediately gave instructions to the old man.

Immediately, Yun An stepped forward and bowed in salute: "I'm next to Yun An, I don't know what the young master's name is!"

An old monster like Yun An has lived for too long, and naturally he has already become a genius. When he heard Xiao Zhan address Li Yixi, he knew it instantly, and called Li Yixi his son.

"So it's Senior Yun, and Li Yixi next time, did you bother me today?"

"I didn't expect that there is an academy in this mountain range. It's very special!"

Li Yixi walked into Luoyang Academy with a smile on his face, extremely curious.

Yun An couldn't see through Li Yixi, so naturally he didn't dare to hide it at this moment, and explained: "To tell you the truth, my Luoyang Academy has been silent underground all this time. Until now, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been continuously revived. Luoyang Academy reappeared."

"Actually, a long time ago, this mountain range was not what it is today, but an extremely prosperous and huge city."

"But after too many years, everything has changed."

Li Yixi, who was just curious at first, had an unbelievable look on his face when he heard Yun An's words. He did not expect that this Luoyang Academy turned out to be an academy countless years ago.

At the same time, when Li Yixi's eyes fell on Yun'an, his eyes became different. The previous Li Yixi was only polite and polite. At this moment, Li Yixi felt that the old Confucian in front of him was definitely an extremely powerful man. Otherwise, it is impossible to be alive today.


Must be a practitioner.

Li Yixi became more respectful.

But at this moment, Yun An did not dare to accept Li Yixi's salute, every time Li Yixi clasped his fists to salute, Yun An avoided without a trace.

While exchanging pleasantries, the two entered Yun'an's courtyard.


Lao Liu, who was ordered by Yun An, brought some delicious food and good wine.

"Sir, please!"

"The academy has just re-emerged, and there is nothing better to entertain the young master."

"But this wine will definitely satisfy you!"

"This thing is rare in the world, so it can be regarded as old wine."

Yun'an opened the wine jar and poured a bowl for Li Yixi, before he could drink it, Li Yixi felt the aroma of wine rushing towards his face.

This kind of aging, the aroma of the wine is intoxicating.

Li Yixi gently picked up the wine and took a sip.

The next moment, a strange smell of wine exploded in his mouth, and Li Yixi opened his eyes with excitement.

"Good wine."

"Good wine."

"I didn't expect this kind of aged wine to be so strong."

"A man should drink the strongest wine."



Li Yixi laughed, touched the bowl with Yun An, and drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing Li Yixi drink up the wine in the bowl, Lao Liu hurriedly poured a bowl for Xiao Zhan as well.

"Young master, this wine is a rare old wine, today you are lucky!"

As soon as Lao Liu's voice fell, Li Yixi turned around and smiled at this moment, "Xiao Zhan, this wine is indeed a rare old wine, although there are some flaws, but you can drink it anyway, it is really rare. "

Seeing the bowl of wine in front of him, Xiao Zhan frowned slightly, wanting to speak, but after hearing Li Yixi's words, Xiao Zhan showed a smile on his face, picked up the wine and drank it down.

Xiao Zhan didn't need Lao Liu to pour the wine, but directly grabbed a jar.

Seeing Xiao Zhan drinking so much, Lao Liu's eyes flashed a gleam of success.

He exchanged a glance with Yun An who was on the side.

The expressions of the two naturally couldn't hide from Xiao Zhan's observation. At this moment, Xiao Zhan had a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Ha ha!"

"The two ants dared to plot against the young master and me. They simply don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth."

"Although this wine has been injected with an extremely strange and strange poison, I have never seen this kind of poison, but I don't have the ability to poison the young master and me to death."

"I have been following the young master's side all the time, and drank too much divine wine, so I forged a supreme divine body that is invulnerable to all poisons. Even this ancient poison, no matter how miraculous, cannot be effective for us."

"These two ants are so proud now, they will be trembling soon!"

At this moment, Xiao Zhan looked at the expressions of the two in the academy, and a hint of sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"My lord, I lack everything in Luoyang Academy, except for books and wine, and I will have enough for today!"

"Old Liu, go and give me some jars of the best wine."

Yun'an was extremely jealous of Li Yixi, but at this moment, when he saw Li Yixi drinking heavily, his face showed a look of complacency, Yun'an had already let Lao Liu inject ancient and strange poison into this wine.

This kind of poison, even if it is detached, cannot be suppressed. In his opinion, Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan will be completely controlled soon.

This poison has a frightening name, "Zuitian."

In the eyes of practitioners, the detached existence is the sky, and this kind of wine can make the detached existence fall asleep, so it is named Zuitian.

Yun An felt that even if Li Yixi had all-out methods, they were still in the palm of his hands today, and there was nothing wrong with them.

However, soon, the expressions of Yun An and Lao Liu beside him completely changed.

Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan drank a lot of alcohol, and all the old wine in the altar was drunk. Yun An felt that the effect of the medicine should take effect, but when his eyes fell on Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan, he found that Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan Xiao Zhan didn't have any abnormalities.

Yun An's incomparably cold voice sounded in Lao Liu's mind.

"Old Liu, what's going on? Why did the two of them drink two jars of wine? Why is there nothing abnormal?"

"Are you sure you've been drunk?"

Lao Liu's expression was also extremely ugly at the moment, he never thought that Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan could ignore such an ancient poison like Zuitian.

"Dean, I'm really drunk, and the medicine is not effective. I'll go and add some more medicine. I want to see how long the two of them can last."

After Lao Liu responded, he backed off immediately, and soon, another jar of aged wine was brought in. The efficacy of the medicine in this jar of wine was 10 times that of the previous one.

"My lord, this jar of wine is very good, and I don't know how long it has been kept, even in the academy, it is the best."

"Young master, try it."

Lao Liu slammed the wine jar to Yun An, Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan fell on it.

Li Yixi was originally a good wine drinker, he would never pour a thousand cups, this moment he smelled the tempting aroma of the wine, his face was full of joy, he touched the bowl with Yun An directly, and drank it down in one gulp.

At this moment, Yun An, seeing Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan drank it down in one gulp, glanced at the two of them, sneered in his heart, picked up the wine in front of him and drank it down in one gulp.

When plotting against Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan, Yun An had already taken the antidote, so this drunkenness had no effect on Yun An.

He would like to see how Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan stay awake when the effect of the medicine is increased tenfold.

However, a few rounds of wine soon passed.

Yun An's face turned dark purple, because Yun An found that Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan were only slightly drunk at this moment, and as for the effect of the medicine, they couldn't see the slightest bit.

Yun An slowly raised his head, and glanced at Lao Liu at the side without a trace, his gaze was extremely cold.

At this moment, Lao Liu was extremely puzzled.

"damn it!"

"Did the medicine fail?"

The next moment, Lao Liu took a sip for himself.

At the entrance of the wine, Lao Liu was still a little confused, but the next moment, Lao Liu's footsteps became heavy, and his face became extremely panicked.

In order not to attract the attention of Xiao Zhan and Li Yixi, at this moment Lao Liu clenched his fists, forced himself to stay awake, walked out of the courtyard, and swallowed the antidote.

He fell to the ground with a snap.

Even if Lao Liu's cultivation base is incomparably powerful, he was instantly poisoned at this moment.

Yun An, who was originally extremely angry in his heart, at this moment, felt that Lao Liu fell to the ground instantly, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Looking at Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan, there is no complacency anymore, instead it is panic.

Yun An's legs were trembling under the table for a moment.

I felt my body was wet with sweat at this moment.

"Impossible, impossible!"

"Even if this existence has transcended, it is impossible to withstand such a terrible drug effect."

"Or does it mean that this person already knew about my plan, and at the same time knew about this strange poison, so he swallowed the antidote in advance."

"But there is no trace of everything at all, and I dare to guarantee that there are no mistakes. After all, Lao Liu and I are the existence of the pinnacle of the ancestor gods."

"And how did he know?"

At this moment, Yun An's heart was full of turmoil, and his whole body was trembling with fright. In his opinion, there was only one possibility, that is, Li Yixi swallowed the antidote, otherwise, it would be impossible to withstand this ancient poison. .

The next moment, beads of sweat hung on Yun'an's forehead, and a storm arose in his heart.

"Could it be, could he hear me and Lao Liu's voice transmission?"

Thinking of this, at this moment, Yun An's whole body was scared to death.

If they really calculated such a terrifying existence, then they would be in real trouble now.

In the ancient times, Luoyang Academy was also an authentic Confucianism and Taoism, and its strength was extremely powerful.

Also because of its incomparably strong strength, it wakes up slowly.

Thinking of this, Yun An was so frightened that he didn't know what to do. The next moment, he hurriedly communicated with a sleeping ancient existence.

Yun An felt that Li Yixi's terrifying existence was beyond his ability to deal with. Only those more terrifying and ancient existences could compete with Li Yixi.

But wanting to revive a sleeping ancient existence would naturally have to pay a high price, but at this moment Yun An didn't care so much, and hurriedly revived his master.

Yun'an's master is an extremely ancient and powerful Confucian and Taoist saint.

The next moment, in the forbidden area of ​​Luoyang Academy, a sarcophagus that has experienced an unknown number of years was slowly pushed away, and a figure woke up from the sarcophagus with difficulty.

This figure, which looked like a skeleton, was born with flesh and blood in an instant, and turned into a middle-aged Confucian saint.

"I didn't expect that just after my Luoyang Academy was born, there would be an extremely terrifying existence. I want to see who dares to act wildly in my Luoyang Academy. After a million years of awakening, my Luoyang Academy is still Confucianism and Taoism."

The middle-aged man who had just woken up snorted coldly.

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