When Bai Yang was shocked, Yun An immediately said: "I want to retreat and study this Three Character Classic. If there is no serious matter, don't disturb me!"

"And you, do one thing!"

"Find out who the author of this book is, I must visit."

"Such an existence is incredible!"

"This Three Character Classic should be able to make me go further, baby!"

Yun An's voice fell and disappeared out of thin air.

Bai Yang took a deep breath, with an unbelievable expression on his face, Bai Yang never thought that the Three Character Classic was so miraculous.

Bai Yang couldn't wait to recall the contents of the Three Character Classic.

At the same time, he left Luoyang Academy.

Bai Yang didn't dare to perfunctory what Yun An ordered.

At this moment, Bai Yang no longer dared to underestimate Confucianism and Taoism in this era.

Bai Yang silenced, and Yun An, who entered the study in the small courtyard, saw some dust in the study, and saw a pen appearing in his hand, swiping the pen in the air and wrote a word, net.

The next moment, a powerful and boundless force erupted from the word "clean", and instantly the dust in the entire study room disappeared without a trace and became spotless.

Yun An frowned slightly, then wrote another word, wake up.

The next moment, the word floated out instantly and landed on a nearly withered ancient tree in Luoyang Academy.

This big tree, which was already almost dead, suddenly burst out with terrifying vitality. I saw that the dead trunk burst into an incomparably rich vitality in an instant. On the dead branches, young shoots continued to protrude. Which young shoots and what? The fast speed turned into green leaves.

In just an instant, this big tree, which had been dead for an unknown number of years, turned into a vibrant sacred tree.

From the tree trunk, a figure stepped out, dressed in a Confucian robe, with a hunched body.

Facing the direction of the study, he saluted immediately, "Meet the dean."

There was a respectful look on the old man's face.

This old man is the powerful sacrificial spirit of Luoyang Academy. His strength is extremely terrifying. He is responsible for guarding Luoyang Academy. Originally, the ancient times almost fell, but he has recovered a lot in millions of years. His aura is not strong, he just wakes up.

"These days, I will leave some chores in the academy to you. Not long ago, Bai Yang enlightened a lot of beasts, plants and trees. You should also go to the phone. The academy is too quiet."

"Academy is a place for reading, and there should be the sound of reading."

After the voice fell, Yun An didn't care, sat down at the desk, and began to study the Three Character Classic in front of him.

The old man saw that the formation in the study was opened, and looked up at the sky. The next moment, he saw his body shake violently. The big tree behind him, those branches, seemed to have turned into chains of order gods, branches and leaves Surrounded by divine light.

Which branches became illusory, and quickly spread, covering the void of Luoyang Academy, and an extremely terrifying formation appeared, covering the entire Luoyang Academy.

The old man thought that Yun'an was retreating, and instantly activated the ancient three-talent formation, and the newly born Luoyang Academy disappeared without a trace.

These days, with the continuous appearance of ancient forces, such things did not cause much disturbance.

In the manor, Li Yixi saw that Wang Lin had almost recovered, and his face showed joy.

Li Yixi walked out of the room and saw Xiao Zhan in the courtyard, his eyes lit up, "Xiao Zhan, do you know where the Central Immortal Court is?"

"The central fairy court controls the entire fairy world, and I have never visited it?"

Seeing that Wang Lin was fine, Li Yixi also put on the agenda to improve his meritorious power.

Li Yixi saw the appearance of the Underworld and the Western Paradise, and he gained countless meritorious powers. At this moment, he also wanted to go to the Central Immortal Court. Li Yixi felt that these people like to listen to stories, so he told the story of the Heavenly Court. At that time, if the central fairy garden turns into the fairy garden in Journey to the West, I will definitely get a great harvest.

"My lord, I know the Central Immortal Court, so is it possible that the Young Master is going to visit the Central Immortal Court?"

When Xiao Zhan heard Li Yixi's words, he immediately asked.

"That's right. I haven't seen Xiao Ya and Tang Xue for quite a while, and I don't know what they are busy with. Let's go and have a look."

After Li Yixi finished speaking, Xiao Zhan immediately nodded in agreement.

Immediately, the two soared into the air and left the manor.

But Li Yixi didn't go directly to the central fairy court at the fastest speed.

The last time Li Yixi went out to collect herbs, he found a lot of herbs, so this time when Li Yixi went to the Central Immortal Court, he also picked some herbs. Li Yixi wanted to cultivate these herbs, so that there would be no need to pick medicine.

Soon, Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan entered an ancient wild mountain range.

The two walked around and searched, and gained a lot.

However, it soon became dark.

Originally, he was planning to leave this barren mountain range to find a place to live, but after flying for a long time, Li Yixi's eyes lit up instantly.

Because Li Yixi's eyes can see through everything, and he saw that there is an academy in this mountain range.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect there to be an academy here. Let's go and see. We should be able to spend the night here."

Li Yixi's voice fell from the void.

Xiao Zhan looked blank, there was nothing in front of him.

But Xiao Zhan knew how terrifying Li Yixi was, and felt that there was a strong possibility of a powerful formation covering it up here.

He hurriedly followed Li Yixi.

That terrifying formation was like nothingness in front of Li Yixi, and the two of them entered it in an instant.

Seeing the academy in front of him, Li Yixi glanced at the plaque and said in a low voice, "Luoyang Academy!"

"Good calligraphy!"

Seeing the words Luoyang Academy, Li Yixi immediately praised them.

Xiao Zhan walked to the gate of the academy and knocked on the gate.

The moment Xiao Zhan knocked on the door, he saw a figure walking out of the big tree of Luoyang Academy the next moment.

It was that old man, the old man at this moment, with disbelief in his eyes. His eyes spanned space and landed on Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan.

The body could not help but tremble.

"How, how is this possible?"

"I have activated the formation, and I have hidden the Luoyang Academy. The extremely powerful formation has made the Academy hidden in a parallel space. How did these people find this place?"

Yun An, who was comprehending the Three Character Classic, also woke up suddenly at this moment. When the old man urged the formation, Yun An naturally felt it. Yun An never thought that after the formation was activated, someone would be able to pass through the formation in an instant. And it was silent, which made Yun An's face extremely serious.

Yun An immediately appeared in front of the old man, "Go and open the door, and see where the divine descends!"

Hearing Yun An's order, the old man opened the door.

Seeing the old man who opened the door, Xiao Zhan saluted immediately: "Old man, passing by the treasure land today, seeing that it's getting late, I want to stay here for a night, is it possible?"

Seeing someone open the door, Li Yixi also looked away from the words Luoyang Academy, with a refined look on his face.

"Old man, I'm sorry to bother you, can you let us stay overnight?"

When meeting Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan in front of him, there was only one question in his mind, how did they get in?

But at this moment, he didn't dare to ask directly. At the next moment, the old man got Yun'an's voice transmission approval, and immediately invited Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan to enter Luoyang Academy.

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