Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1063 Forbidden Divine Power

Lu Yuan felt his mouth dry for no reason.

Originally, there were countless powerful enemies in front of him, but at this moment Lu Yuan could no longer see the appearance of these people. At this moment, in front of Lu Yuan, a phantom of Li Yixi occupied his eyes.

Lu Yun's body trembled slightly, and unconsciously, his palms were covered with sweat.

"What is the realm of an expert?"

"It turned out that a shovel for digging medicine is such a terrifying divine weapon, a magical weapon that can imprison the ancient god king."

In Lu Yuan's heart, there is only shock at this moment, these enemies in front of him have been forgotten by Lu Yuan.

The other patriarchs of Qingshan Gate also widened their eyes at this moment, looking at the ancient god king who was constantly falling in the void in disbelief.

Everyone held their breath, their faces full of disbelief.

"Is the ancient god king so vulnerable?"

The disciples and elders of the Qingshanmen who gathered in the main hall also widened their eyes with disbelief.

In their eyes, the Primordial God-King was an inviolable existence, and he didn't even have the guts to look directly at it, but at this moment, he was like a rotten tree in front of their elder brother.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"This kid clearly only has the cultivation base of the Heavenly God Realm, so why was he able to kill Meng Hao?"

Seeing the corpses falling continuously in the void, a primordial god-king shrank his pupils suddenly, with a puzzled expression on his face.

He dared to bet that it was definitely not Chu Liang's own strength that killed Meng Hao.

He didn't concentrate on observing the fight between the two just now. In his opinion, Meng Hao has the cultivation level of a god king, and he is definitely not something that can be defeated by an ant who has just entered the sky.

But now it was Meng Hao who was in the realm of a god-king who had fallen, while Chu Liang, who looked like an ant in his eyes in the void, was extremely arrogant there, with a calm expression on his face.

There were streaks of cold light in the eyes of several ancient god kings that people couldn't look directly at.

The strong fell one after another, which already made their faces burn with pain. They did not expect that Meng Hao, who was in the realm of a god king, would still not be Chu Liang's opponent.

No matter what shady methods Chu Liang used.

After all, they lost two strong men. If Chu Liang could not be dealt with, then their deterrent power would be weakened to the greatest extent.

"Be careful!"

"It's definitely not that simple for this person to plot against Meng Hao, otherwise Meng Hao would not have fallen. Meng Hao is not an idiot."

"It must be beheaded and killed, and the Qingshan Gate will be destroyed, so as to make an example."

The leader is an extremely terrifying existence, with an incomparably icy voice, filled with endless chill.


A god king stood up, without any underestimation in his eyes, because of Meng Hao's fall, he regarded Chu Liang as an opponent of the same realm.

When he took the first step, the unrivaled coercion belonging to the god king directly shrouded Chu Liang in the void.

At the same time, the domain that belongs exclusively to the realm of the god king exploded at the same time.

At this moment, Chu Liang's face in the void showed a serious expression, because at this moment, Chu Liang noticed that the world around him had changed.

At this moment, he seemed to appear in the endless sea of ​​blood.

In the surrounding sea of ​​blood, there are faint corpses floating one after another.

"A realm?"

"What a terrifying domain power!"

"This person has practiced the power of the domain to such a terrible level, I am afraid that he has caused endless murder."

"But it's a pity, even if you are very strong, and your domain power is unrivaled, you have to die today."

There was not much fear on Chu Liang's face, because at the moment when the god king broke out into the terrifying killing field, the shovel in his hand suddenly trembled slightly, and an extremely mysterious force entered Chu Liang. Liang's body, at this moment, the terrifying killing field couldn't affect Chu Liang at all.

In the void, Lu Yuan and the others had beads of sweat on their foreheads at this moment, each of them held their breath, and their eyes were full of horror.

Although the killing domain of this ancient god king was not aimed at them, even a trace of killing power spread, it still made them feel terrified at this moment.

The terrifying killing intent made them feel suffocated.

It was as if the ancient god-king in front of him was not a human being, but an unrivaled Shura who came out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

Just the power overflowing from the killing field made them feel like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood rushing towards them.

"Is this the true strength of the God King realm? Can Chu Liang find a way to resolve it?"

The excitement on the face of the first ancestor of Qingshanmen disappeared instantly at this moment, and the whole person clenched his fists nervously, even if it was just some power in the killing field, he felt suffocated, so in the killing field What will happen to Chu Liang?

The ancestors of Qingshanmen also put away their smiles at this moment, and looked at Chu Liang who was enveloped by the domain with a solemn face.

"Junior, you are too insane. Just now Meng Hao was tricked by you just because you underestimated me. Now I want to see how you plot against me?"

"In my killing domain, even if there is a slight disturbance, I can't hide it from my perception. Within the domain, I am the absolute king, in charge of everything."

"Including your life and death is also in my mind."

At this moment, the ancient god king who stepped forward step by step showed disdain on his face. In his opinion, the reason why Meng Hao fell was because he underestimated Chu Liang.

Now that his domain power is at full strength, he doesn't believe that Meng Hao has a way to plot against him.

However, when he was disdainful, a mocking look appeared on the corner of Chu Liang's mouth in the void.

"Could it be that the people who survived from the ancient times are all so rebellious?"

"People who don't know will really mistakenly think that you have the ability to destroy the world and control the lives and deaths of others."

"But sorry, in my hands, you are a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered."

"You don't even need to draw your sword, the shovel in my hand is enough to kill you."

"Do you believe it?"

After hearing Chu Liang's words, the disdainful Primordial God King showed disbelief on his face.

Staring at Chu Liang incredulously, the Primordial God King couldn't figure out why Chu Liang was able to speak so easily in front of him at this moment.

But at this moment, he heard Chu Liang's mocking voice, and instantly fell into anger.

"Do you think this king is incapable of killing you? You just don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

"You can live against the sky, but you can't live against me."

The corner of the Primordial God King's mouth was icy cold, and in the next moment, a pair of double knives like crescent moons appeared in his hands.

This pair of magic weapons is replaced by the sun and moon essence wheel.

It was a pair of extremely terrifying divine soldiers. At this moment, the ancient god king was like a world-destroying Shura walking out of a sea of ​​blood, turning into blood shadows all over the sky and coming towards Chu Liang.

Although he looked disdainful, he became extremely dignified after seeing Meng Hao's fall.

He didn't want to follow in Meng Hao's footsteps.

The double moon-like knives in his hands are as fast as lightning, and the light of the knives seems to be able to cut through the void.

However, facing the extremely terrifying attack, Chu Liang's face showed a relaxed and casual look at this moment.

There was no intention of making a move at all. Under the gaze of shocking eyes, the attack of the ancient god king was about to touch Chu Liang.


"go to hell!"

At the moment when the Primordial God King was about to succeed, Chu Liang, who had been standing motionless all this time, threw the shovel in his hand at the Primordial God King, and the divine power of the Forbidden Heaven erupted.

The Primordial God King looked at the shovel that was slapping him, with an angry expression on his face. However, his whole body froze in the next moment, because at this moment, he found that his body and supernatural power were imprisoned by an incomparably terrifying force.

At the moment of being imprisoned by this force, the ancient god king's eyes widened, never expecting that Chu Liang had such a treasure in his hands.

"I can't move."

"Killing Field also lost contact."

"how can that be?"

"What a means!"

The terrified God King wanted to roar but found that he couldn't make any sound at all.

Finally, he knew how Meng Hao died.

However, at the moment when he was frightened and uneasy, in his eyes, a shovel was constantly enlarged.

The next moment, the shovel in Chu Liang's hand fell on the body of this ancient god king. This ancient god king had boundless strength, but he still had no ability to resist Chu Liang's attack, and his body collapsed instantly.

The soul body of the ancient god king was also instantly obliterated by the shovel in Chu Liang's hand.

This time when Chu Liang made his move, the other ancient god-kings stared at what happened.

They wanted to see exactly what method Chu Liang used. However, the sudden fall of this ancient god king made them extremely embarrassed, because no one found out how Chu Liang did it.

"Trash, it really is trash."

"You can kill it with just a shovel, not much different from an ant. Is this a fake ancient god king?"

Chu Liang in the void had a mocking expression on his face, but at this moment Chu Liang's mind was full of thoughts.

Chu Liang was very nervous at this moment when he felt a series of terrifying divine thoughts falling on him. Chu Liang knew very well that it was a great reward to be able to kill two ancient god kings, and he wanted to hide it in his hands. The shovel is almost impossible.

But no matter what happens today, these powerful people from the ancient forces and all the members of the Raging Fire Sect must be kept here, otherwise, it will be difficult to deal with them in the future.

Chu Liang seemed to be extremely flamboyant, but at this moment, Chu Liang was extremely nervous, and carefully activated his supernatural powers to control the toxins emitted by the strands of mosquito-repellent incense, covering these powerful men of the ancient forces.

Behind Chu Liang, at this moment, Lu Yuan and Yang Xiao saw Chu Liang's attack just now, and realized the terrifying power of the shovel, their pupils shrank suddenly, and their faces were shocked.

The originally arrogant ancestor of the Raging Fire Sect, at this moment, seemed to be pinched by an invisible big hand around the neck, unable to speak a word, and his face instantly turned purple.

"My lords, I don't know what means this person has mastered. It's too scary. Why don't I take action together? No matter how weird and secretive his means are, we will definitely be able to discover one or two."

"I don't believe that there is a seamless method in this world."

Several extremely angry god kings clenched their fists and creaked, and their eyes lit up when they heard Patriarch Raging Fire's words.

"Yes, your idea is feasible."

"Let's try it out, and I'll wait and watch. I want to see what kind of method is able to escape our perception."

Patriarch Lie Huo's face changed when he heard the words of the ancient god king. His original intention was that these ancient powerful men would fight with them, but now Patriarch Lie Huo knew that they could only be the ones who wanted to besiege Chu Liang.

But thinking that as long as these ancient gods and kings are alive, he will be an unshakable overlord, Patriarch Raging Fire showed a cold expression on his face.

With a cold and murderous gaze, he fell on several ancestors who betrayed Qingshanmen.

"You wait for a few people to follow me to make a move. I think you have a better understanding of Chu Liang's methods. You guys will be the vanguard."

The faces of the ancestors who betrayed Qingshanmen were extremely ugly at this moment. They had seen Chu Liang's terrible methods just now, and they just stepped forward to kill them.

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