Chu Liang's words completely angered the young man in front of him.

Seeing Chu Liang with a disdainful face, the young man's eyes turned bloody, and a terrifying killing intent erupted from his body.

That face was ferocious like a ghost.

However, just halfway through the burst of breath, the young man's face suddenly changed, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

Because at this moment, Chu Liang had already arrived in front of him, but his cultivation base suddenly disappeared, and an inexplicable toxin broke out in his body, and the toxin swam through his whole body in a short period of time, making him The cultivation base is unsustainable.

The young man was also horrified to find that he couldn't cheer up, let alone kill Chu Liang, he didn't even have the ability to shoot, and was deprived of it.

The ancient youth looked desperate, and he didn't realize when he was poisoned at all.

In the Raging Fire Sect camp, their eyes were full of sarcasm, wanting to see how Chu Liang was tortured to death.

But at the next moment, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, with expressions of disbelief, and even several ancient god kings stood up directly.

Staring at Chu Liang in the void for a moment.

They had enough confidence in the young man's cultivation. Chu Liang had just stepped into the realm of gods, so he was definitely not the young man's opponent. However, at this moment, they found that the young man's head was smashed by Chu Liang's punch.

Even the soul was destroyed by Chu Liang's terrifying punch.

"It really is trash."

"To this day, I'm still a waste!"

"I thought it had some combat power, but I didn't expect it to be an embroidered pillow, which looks good but doesn't work."

"After living for countless years, I still can't change the root of the waste."

At this moment, Chu Liang was extremely excited, and looked at the body falling from the void with a mocking face.

In the Raging Fire Sect's camp, the smiles on the faces of those people instantly became incomparably stiff, as if they were grabbed by their necks by an invisible big hand, their voices stopped completely.

Didn't even dare to breathe.

Because several god kings were angry.

Although the disciples of Qingshanmen are practicing according to orders, in fact, no matter who they are, they can't feel at ease now, let alone practice. They were extremely nervous at first, and they felt that they would die today, but now they see that Chu Liangyun is going to kill him indifferently. Formidable enemy.

All of them looked unbelievable.

Originally, they were terrified of these ancient forces, but they didn't expect that Chu Liang's current cultivation base would be so terrifying.

These disciples and elders even held their breath just now, and at this moment, each of their stiff bodies recovered a little bit.

"Damn it, are you really sure that Chu Liang's cultivation is really only in the realm of gods?"

The ancestor of Raging Fire Sect felt the incomparably cold eyes of several ancient god kings falling on him, and his legs trembled violently.

An extremely angry voice sounded in the minds of the ancestors who betrayed the Qingshanmen. These people joined the Raging Fire Sect, and indeed told him that Chu Liang and other existences had stepped into the realm of gods, not stronger.

But the scene that happened in front of him just now made him unable to accept the existence of the person who had just stepped into the realm of the gods, and killed the ancient Tianjiao in the calm and calm.

Lu Yuan's eyes showed mockery, and he looked at the ancient god kings in the void.

"What kind of ancient giants are indeed a bunch of waste. They have survived until now, but they still can't change the nature of waste."

"It seems that countless years have not appeared, there has been no fighting, and now you have become even more useless."

Lu Yuan's voice was not low, and the faces of several ancient god kings who were already extremely angry turned completely gloomy.

"What an arrogant young man."

"I'd like to see what kind of shady methods you guys used."

An ancient god king came step by step through the air, and with each step, the void seemed to be trembling, as if it couldn't bear the monstrous power.

The moment this ancient god-king came step by step, the faces of Lu Yuan and others suddenly changed, because at this moment, they felt the coercion that belonged to the realm of the god-king, which made them even breathe. have become extremely difficult.

The joy on his face disappeared and was replaced by solemnity. They didn't know if Chu Liang still had a way to make a move.

When Lu Yuan was worried, he saw a shovel appearing in Chu Liang's hand at this moment.

When Lu Yuan saw the familiar shovel in Chu Liang's hand, he looked puzzled. He wondered why Lu Yuan took out this shovel at this critical moment, and what was his intention?

The dense beads of sweat on his forehead made Chu Liang a little terrified at that moment just now. Chu Liang never thought that the cultivation base of the ancient god king was so terrible. move.

But when this shovel appeared, the divine power in the shovel directly dispelled the coercion that belonged to the realm of the god king.

Chu Liang finally had a chance to breathe.

While panting, at this moment Chu Liang clenched the shovel in his hand, and a storm arose in his heart.

"Well, what kind of divine object is this shovel? I didn't expect that just the divine power it exudes can dispel the coercion of an ancient god king."

"Where did the young master come from? Could it be that there existed in the ancient times? But how could there be such terrifying strength in the existence of the ancient times? If there is such a terrifying and incomparable strength, then it must have been detached in the ancient times."

"Could it be that the young master was a detached and terrifying existence in the ancient times? Did he fall into a deep sleep for some reason? Otherwise, how could any random object around him be so terrifying."

"And I've always held this shovel in my hand. It's impossible for you not to notice it when you left. Could it be that such a terrifying artifact is also an ordinary thing in the eyes of that young man?"

Thinking of this, Chu Liang couldn't feel peaceful at this moment.

"Son, I didn't expect you to have some strength, no wonder you are so unruly."

"If it's a waste, under my majesty, I can't even move."

"I really want to know what secrets you have, so that you can resist my coercion."

"Don't you think that all the ancient powerhouses are useless after sleeping so far, so today I want to see how capable you are, and at the same time let you know that the ancient powerhouses cannot be humiliated."

The moment the voice fell, the ancient god-king suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Lu Yuan and the others, who thought they would win today because of the presence of mosquito coils, couldn't help but hold their breath and became even more nervous.

However, Lu Yuan at this moment showed disdain on his face. Chu Liang, who was holding the shovel, seemed to be integrated with the shovel in his hand at this moment. The ancient god king seemed to disappear without a sound, but In fact, the ancient god king at this moment was like a landlubber struggling in the water in Chu Liang's eyes.

How could it be possible to escape Chu Liang's perception.

Chu Liang manipulated the scent of the mosquito coils, and instantly shrouded them away. At the moment when the ancient god king inhaled the breath of mosquito coils, Chu Liang, who was holding a shovel in his hand, suddenly held the shovel in his hand and moved towards the empty space. One person's void was photographed.

There was no one in the void at first, but the next moment, when Chu Liang's shovel fell, there was an extremely ear-piercing sound.

The extremely powerful ancient god king had no ability to dodge at all, so he could only watch helplessly as the shovel in Chu Liang's hand fell on his face.

That crisp voice made everyone tremble involuntarily.

In their eyes, at this moment, under Chu Liang's shovel, the lofty and immemorial god king's teeth flew out.

The body flew upside down uncontrollably.

This ancient god king even forgot the pain, his pupils were full of shock and fear.

Chu Liang, who was originally like an ant in his eyes, seemed to have become an extremely terrifying dragon in his eyes at this moment.

Especially when he saw the shovel in Chu Liang's hand, the ancient god king couldn't show any fighting spirit. When Chu Liang made a move just now, the strength difference between the two was too big. Logically, it was impossible for Chu Liang to fight. hit him.

But at the moment when the shovel fell, the ancient god king found that he was imprisoned by an incomparably terrifying coercion with his incomparably powerful cultivation base, and the surrounding void was also imprisoned at that moment.

Let alone dodge, kill Chu Liang.

He didn't even have the ability to move, as if he had turned into a mortal at that moment.

The eyes of the Primordial God King were full of panic and despair. He wanted to scream and remind the rest of his companions, but there was no chance at all.

Because Chu Liang had already rushed out at this moment, and swung the shovel in his hand at him again.

Seeing the shovel continuously enlarged in his eyes, this ancient god king was completely desperate.

He found that his body and the surrounding space were imprisoned by the terrifying divine power erupting from the shovel.

There was a roar of unwillingness and despair in my heart.


"Why is there a Chaos Divine Weapon in the small Qingshan Gate!"

This ancient god king couldn't figure out why such a terrifying Chaos Divine Weapon would appear in the hands of a boy who had just stepped into the realm of the gods.

Even an ancient god king like him is not qualified to touch such an incomparably powerful Chaos Divine Weapon, let alone control it.

Under his desperate eyes, the next moment, he saw a shovel across his neck, and this ancient god king was instantly beheaded.

The pupils are constantly shrinking, and the consciousness is constantly dissipating.

If someone could see his slowly closing eyes, they would feel how desperate and frightened this ancient god king was at this moment.

"Sure enough, they are all trash!"

In the void, Chu Liang, holding the shovel in his hand, actually had a turbulent wave in his heart. The hand holding the shovel was trembling slightly, because Chu Liang naturally felt that the power erupting from the shovel could actually imprison the ancients. god king.

When Chu Liang thought that he was in the mountains, he used it as an ordinary shovel to dig out precious medicines in the mountains, and his heart trembled involuntarily.

Chu Liang felt that such an extremely powerful Chaos Divine Soldier definitely had a powerful and boundless weapon spirit.

While his heart was shocked, Chu Liang's confidence grew even more.

When ridiculing these ancient god kings, they have more confidence.

Even if Lu Yuan and others knew the existence of mosquito coils, they couldn't help clenching their fists at this moment, their faces full of disbelief. They never thought that such a powerful ancient god king would still be unbearable in front of Chu Liang. hit.

Beside Lu Yuan, Yang Xiao's body trembled violently at this moment, and his voice rang in Lu Yuan's mind.

"Ninth Patriarch, look, have you seen the shovel in the hand of the elder brother?"

"Just now I faintly felt an unimaginable force erupting from that shovel. It was under that force that the Primordial God King lost the ability to dodge."

"That shovel, possibly, may be a magical weapon beyond our knowledge."

At this moment, Lu Yuan woke up suddenly. When the two met Chu Liang in the mountains, Chu Liang kept holding his hand carefully and never let go.

At the same time, Lu Yun finally understood why Chu Liang was able to move freely under the pressure of the ancient god king.

"God, divine soldier!"

"That must be a magical weapon beyond imagination!"

Lu Yun at this moment caused a storm in his heart.

Lu Yuan was sure that the reason why Chu Liang was able to kill this ancient god king was because of the shovel in his hand.

At the same time, Li Yixi also appeared in Lu Yuan's mind.

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