Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1036 Phoenix Clan? What Are You Fearing?

Hearing this voice, Meng Ge froze for a moment.

Immediately, he saw a big black dog stepping up into the air, and Meng Ge was shocked. Meng Ge didn't know when the big black dog appeared.

"Yes, my lord!"

At this moment, Meng Ge felt a turmoil in his heart. Meng Ge never wanted Dahei to be so terrifying.

Obviously he couldn't feel any breath, but at this moment, Mungo felt a sense of suffocation.

Meng Ge took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and hurriedly followed.

He asked in a low voice, "My lord, where are we going?"

"Does your lord know where the enemy is?"

Mongo was a little nervous.

"I know, but let's meet up with Little Phoenix first."

"In the city, it's not easy for me to make a move. Let you deal with those ants!"

Dahei's lazy voice sounded in Menggo's mind.

"Yes, my lord!"

Hearing this, Meng Ge was greatly shocked. Meng Ge knew that since the incident happened until now, Dahei had been sleeping in the yard, but he was able to know that the enemy was there. At this moment, Meng Ge had almost turned over Jinling Immortal City , but still nothing.

However, Meng Ge's hanging heart slowly fell.

All that was left was anger and killing intent.

Soon, a person and a dog appeared in the void.

All the strong men of the Feng clan gathered here.

Phoenix Lord and Little Phoenix had expressions of respect at the moment.

"My lord Heidi."

As strong as the Phoenix Lord and Little Phoenix, they dare not push them too hard.

This shocked Mong Ge even more. Little Phoenix is ​​Li Yixi's disciple, so he is naturally familiar with everything around Li Yixi. Since Little Phoenix is ​​so respectful, the strength of the big black dog is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination.

"There is no need to be too polite, that's my carelessness. I didn't expect that in the fairy city, there would be ants who are not afraid of death and dare to touch the young master's book boy. These days, many existences around the young master are transforming and sleeping, but these ants succeeded. .”

A big black voice sounded in his stomach.

"Senior Hei Di, can you sense the existence of the enemy?" Little Phoenix asked anxiously at this moment.

"I know. When I left the manor, I smelled a residual breath. The person who controlled the manor of the city lord naturally followed the man of the manor and went outside the manor."

"follow me!"

Dahei's voice fell, and he stepped out lazily step by step. It seemed extremely slow, but the speed was extremely fast.


When everyone came a hundred miles away, Dahei stopped.


"Murder to silence?"

"In front of me, don't try to hide this little trick from me."

The next moment, in front of Dahei, a divine character 'Ni' appeared.

The power of the divine text exploded, and the time and space in front of him were constantly reversed at this moment.

"this this"

Phoenix Lord Meng Ge and the others all stared wide-eyed.

The Dao of Time is extremely mysterious, but at this moment, Dahei is using it at will.

The bodies present trembled slightly. They already knew that Dahei was the local dog next to Li Yixi.

However, no one would have thought that a dirt dog could be so powerful.

As time flowed backwards, the imprints that had been wiped out by the supreme supernatural powers, the essence and blood continued to condense, and phantoms appeared one after another.

The next moment, Dahei directly caught a breath, with a mocking look on his face.

The crowd quickly followed.

Luoshen Manor.

The faces of the three ancient beings showed pride, and they drank in the Luoshen Manor.


"Master Luo, come and drink."

"All traces have been wiped out. Even if this fairy city is in chaos, it has nothing to do with us."

"Of course, my three brothers have the cultivation of the God Emperor, even if the other party is looking for it, so what?"

"Today, let's have a drink, and when we calm down a bit, it will be the time when Li Yixi died, the dead bookboy before, and next time it will be him."

The three people in the God Emperor Realm didn't pay attention to all the existences in the Immortal City at the moment.

"Three adults, come and drink, today Luo will have fun with the three adults."

King Luo also had a proud face.

He used to be just a small person, but a few days ago, after collecting the incense of faith and luck for the existence behind these people, he got the treasure, and now he has stepped into the realm of gods.

However, at this moment the butler entered the room in a panic.

"Patriarch, something is wrong."

The housekeeper looked panicked.

"What's the matter?"

"Didn't you see me drinking with some adults?" Luo Wang looked unhappy, with a cold light in his eyes, but he thought that the butler had followed him for a long time and would never be rash, so he spared the butler's life.

"Patriarch, not long ago, [-] strong men from the Feng clan entered the Immortal City. Now, according to the news from our Anzi, countless strong men from the Feng clan are encircling our Luoshen Manor."

"I also ask the owner to make the layout early."

The steward's body trembled slightly at this moment. In his eyes, the Phoenix clan was a clan of divine beasts, extremely terrifying.

Luo Wang, who looked indifferent, trembled violently when he heard this.


"Has the strong Phoenix clan come?"

"How is this possible? The ancient realm of the Feng Clan is so far away from Jinling Immortal City, how could it be possible to suddenly enter the city?"

"Damn it, is Luoshen Manor exposed?"

At this moment, Luo Wang stood up anxiously.

However, just as King Luo stood up, he found himself being held back!

"Lord Luo, be safe and don't be impatient!"

"Feng family, why are you afraid?"

"The Feng Clan sounds powerful, but at the end of the ancient times, they were already disabled. The current Feng Clan can be wiped out with a single wave, not to mention just some strong people coming."

"The mortal has face, is it possible to invite the ancestor of the Phoenix clan and the Phoenix Lord?"

"And, even if it comes, we are not afraid."

"My lord can raise your strength to the god level in an instant, can the Feng clan do it?"

A god emperor said with a look of disdain at the moment.

The other one also had a look of disdain.

"Lord Luo, don't worry!"

"When they are all gathered, I will go out and destroy them with a wave."

"Can it be done once and for all?"

"At that time, we will control the fairy city, let the existence in the ruins enter the city, destroy the thatched cottage immediately, and take control of the fairy city."

"At that time, the fairy city will be yours, and the adults only need the power of faith and the power of incense."

"Come on, drink!"

He pulled Wang Luo to sit down.

Luo Wang looked a little struggling at the moment, but thinking of the words of the three of them, his hanging heart slowly fell.

I feel that there are three God Emperors, and the Phoenix Clan is invincible even when they come.

If he wanted to, he would soon be in charge of the Immortal City and become the spokesperson of the ruins. King Luo was extremely excited.

Let the maid serve the wine.

The housekeeper who was dismissed just left the room, his face became extremely panicked.

Because at this moment, in the void, one can faintly see divine phoenixes coming through the air.

At this moment, the sky has turned red.

In the blink of an eye, Shenfeng surrounded Luoshen Manor.

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