Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1035 Exterminate its roots, perish its seeds

When all the old antiques of the Feng Clan were stunned, they saw that the Phoenix Lord at this moment didn't have the slightest intention to explain, and directly tore the void and disappeared.


"Ah this"

The ancestors of the Feng clan all looked dull at the moment.

He opened his mouth to speak, but found that there was no one there.


"What happened? Could it be that something abnormal was discovered in the ancient world of the Feng Clan?"

"Could it be that the remnants of the Heavenly Demon clan have not been wiped out, and now they have reappeared?"

"I remember that it was Feng Jiu, Lord Feng is retreating, and Feng Jiu presides over all major events of my Feng clan. If I come here now, I am afraid that something important will really happen. Otherwise, as far as I know, our Lord Phoenix should be here at this moment." At the critical moment of breaking the border, we will definitely not leave the customs easily."

Several ancestors of the Feng clan, after being stunned, said a few words uncomfortably.

Suddenly, he found that there was no anger at all, and he could faintly feel uneasiness in his eyes.



"Go to the hall to gather immediately."

"My Feng Clan finally got the opportunity, and with the chance to rise again, we absolutely cannot tolerate the occurrence of major events that endanger our Feng Clan."

Several ancestors flew away in an instant.

Leaving the Endless Fire Field.

"The elders of the Feng clan, no matter whether they are retreating or not, if they don't show up in the hall, their cultivation will be abolished and they will be expelled from the Feng clan."

When several patriarchs rushed to the main hall anxiously, the voice of the Phoenix Lord urging him with his supreme supernatural power resounded in the entire void.

That voice lingered for a long time, constantly revolving in the void.

The faces of the strong men of the Feng clan changed slightly at this moment.

Because they felt anxiety and anger from the voice.

In the Phoenix Realm, one after another figures broke through the gate and came out.

Some distant beings even appeared on their own and rushed to the main hall.

In less than 10 minutes, one after another figures appeared in the main hall. I felt that the Phoenix Lord in the main hall was sitting on it, without saying a word, with an angry expression on his face. Everyone was extremely quiet. They found a seat and sat down. Didn't even dare to transmit sound.

"All right!"

"All the strongmen of my Feng clan, the ancestors, are all here, and no one is late."

"Now, immediately close the entrance to the ancient realm of my Feng clan, leaving a small number of strong men to guard the ancient realm, and the rest of them will all follow me to Jinling Immortal City."

"Damn it, it's so audacious for someone to intend to kill an expert book boy."

"The master is furious, I, the Feng family, it's time to contribute."

"Without experts, there would be no Feng Clan."

"One hundred thousand heirs of the Feng family who can incarnate, follow me!"

The voice fell, and the Feng Clan immediately gave an order.

No one will be allowed to procrastinate.

Soon, the entrance to the ancient realm of the Feng clan was sealed, and the Phoenix Lord rushed to Jinling Immortal City without hesitating to burn his essence and blood to tear apart the void.

When he appeared in Jinling Immortal City, Lord Phoenix's complexion turned pale and his blood was burned too much, but Lord Phoenix didn't care.

With a cold face, he stared at the people of the Feng clan and said: "Remember, let me show my skills."

"For me, the Feng Clan, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. To avenge the young master's book boy, my Feng Clan will have a higher position in the young master's heart."

"Now, there must be countless existences searching for the enemy. We must take the first step and prove that our Phoenix family is not a waste."

"At the same time, I suspect that there may be enemies outside the city to attract them, leaving a few people behind to guard in secret. Once found, they will be captured directly."

Everyone in the Feng Clan was extremely excited and angry at the same time.

"Enter the city!"

Lord Phoenix's voice fell, and his eyes fell on Little Phoenix.

Because at this moment in Jinling Immortal City, Meng Ge activated the formation and couldn't enter. If he wanted to enter Jinling Immortal City, he had to come forward. After all, Little Phoenix was Li Yixi's disciple.

"Yes, Lord Phoenix!"

Little Phoenix hurriedly approached the city gate.

In the fairy city, one after another figures had extremely sharp eyes, and they were full of energy.

The moment they saw the appearance of the Feng Clan, they were extremely nervous.

But seeing that the person flying over was Little Phoenix, they all heaved a sigh of relief.

A true immortal immediately opened the formation, "The final general will pay a visit to the lord, but I don't know why the lord brought the Phoenix Clan to the fairy city?"

Little Phoenix said with a cold face: "The City Lord's Mansion is incompetent. My master Shutong was seriously injured and dying. Master was furious and asked me to bring the Feng Clan into the city to arrest the murderer. Don't worry, my Feng Clan will not destroy every plant and tree in the Immortal City."

When Zhenxian heard this, his face was bitter, and at the same time, he was extremely angry.

Being scolded for being incompetent, the City Lord's Mansion didn't dare to refute even the slightest bit, so he hurriedly opened the formation and let [-] strong men from the Feng clan enter the city.

Seeing the [-] members of the Feng clan disappear in an instant, each of them looked ugly.

"Who on earth is so daring to control the people in the City Lord's Mansion to lure Mr. Wang Lin out of the manor?"

"And, unexpectedly, a formation was arranged quietly."

"Let the existences around Gao Ren not be discovered in the first place."

This true fairy was extremely angry.

Hastily sent a sound transmission to Mungo.

In the manor, Meng Ge's body was trembling at the moment, looking at Wang Lin's injury, he was extremely shocked.

If it weren't for Li Yixi's powerful methods, Wang Lin would still be alive at this moment.

When Meng Ge received the entry of the strong Feng clan into the city, he was extremely anxious.

A lot of time has passed, but Mongo didn't get any useful news.

But Meng Ge was sure that the person who attacked Wang Lin was definitely controlled by a false god.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no such means to hide those existences in the manor.

Now, Li Yixi asked the Feng clan to intervene. It was obvious that those powerful beings in the courtyard would not make a move.

Meng Ge felt Li Yixi's anger.

Carefully said: "Young Master, don't worry, we will definitely take the other's head. These puppets dare to kill Brother Wang Lin. I, Meng Ge, swear that I will not destroy all of them, and I will definitely stop."

Li Yixi was administering needles to Wang Lin at the moment to stabilize Wang Lin's injury, put away the silver needles, felt that Wang Lin's life was saved, and felt extremely angry.

In Li Yixi's eyes, Wang Lin's strength is not strong, and his opponent is not too scary. He thinks that the opponent can escape for a while, but he must not escape from the fairy city.

"Go, if you don't avenge this revenge, it's hard to get over it."

"The Feng Clan will also intervene, please let the Feng Clan enter the city."

Then Li Yixi said again.

"Yes, son!"

"The Feng Clan has already entered the city!"

"Meng Ge is also joining. The Young Master gave Meng Ge his life, and the matter of the Young Master is my business. What's more, Wang Lin is my brother. If the enemy doesn't kill his roots and kill his seeds, he will never give up."


Li Yixi waved his hand.

Mongo hurried out of the manor.

At this moment, the big black dog also quietly slipped out of the yard.


"Damn bastard."

"I will definitely kill your root and kill your seed!"

"Otherwise, it will be difficult to solve the hatred in my heart."

When Meng Ge left the manor, his face became extremely ferocious, and the joy he had just wiped out a false god force had long since disappeared.

"Let's go!"

"These people are not simple, they can block us for a moment."

When Meng Ge was angry, a cold voice sounded in his ear.

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