Now this scene shocked Guanyin, never thought that there would be such a terrifying person in this world.

In particular, Guanyin discovered that Li Yixi's breathing contained an extremely terrifying charm, and between that breath and breath, it seemed to be in tune with the myriad ways of the world.

At this moment, the little bird beside Li Yixi was surrounded by waves of incomparably powerful power.

Even if he fell into a deep sleep, he would be carried by that incomparably powerful power of the Dao, and he would gain unimaginable benefits.

With continuous watching, Guanyin's eyes widened at this moment. Seeing Li Yixi at this moment, Guanyin felt like an ant.

"Ancient God!"

"This is an extremely powerful breathing method of the ancient gods."

In Guanyin's eyes, there were streaks of golden light at this moment, and he saw too many inconceivable things from Li Yixi's body, but at this moment, the power in his body continued to dissipate. , keep her away.

Feeling that irresistible force, Guanyin at this moment could not resist.

In the room, Li Yixi slowly opened his eyes, frowning slightly, because just now Li Yixi felt like he was being watched.

But Li Yixi shook his head immediately, after all, he was just a mortal, how could anyone be curious about him.

After waking up, Li Yixi didn't feel sleepy anymore.

Pushed open the door and walked out of the room.

Looking up at Haoyue in the sky, he suddenly found a strange beauty.

After a long time, Li Yixi closed his eyes and practiced in the courtyard.

These days, after Li Yixi got the golden body formula, he never let it go, and when he has time, Li Yixi will open up and practice the body.

When Li Yixi used his kung fu to draw the qi and blood in his body, an incomparably terrifying power of qi and blood overflowed from Li Yixi's body at that moment.

The cultivators in the entire Lingshan Paradise suddenly opened their eyes. At this moment, everyone's eyes widened, with expressions of disbelief, because at this moment the sky above Lingshan.

A gigantic golden body appeared, like a golden God of War.

Looking at this golden God of War, everyone felt boundless fear.

That golden figure seemed to be a thousand feet high, and the whole person was suspended in the sky above the Lingshan Mountain, just sitting there quietly, but it made everything seem to be overwhelmed by Mount Tai.

The three brothers of the Long family also came out of the house at this moment, seeing the powerful figure in the void, the three of them looked at each other with horror on their faces.

The corners of Long Yi's mouth trembled, and he said in disbelief: "This is the phantom of an ancient god!"

"It turns out that the law of the ancient gods is practiced impartially. No wonder you can't feel any aura of immortal law from the young master."

"Because the young master really didn't practice the immortal method, because the young master practiced the ancient god's method."

"And today's young master seems to have practiced the ancient gods to an extreme."

The three brothers of the Long family's eyes widened at this moment, with shock on their faces.

At the same time, the three of them at this moment also felt the pure and powerful power of the Great Dao overflowing from Li Yixi's body.

This terrifying power of the Great Dao has made the world more stable, and made the heavens and all Taos stronger.

These days, the three brothers of the Long family already know that this second heaven is the ancient battlefield, and too many secrets are buried here.

Now as the heaven and earth become more stable and the avenue becomes more powerful, those ancient fallen existences will gradually wake up.

"Not long ago, those terrifying existences that woke up are just some relics left over from the ancient times."

Liao Kong saw the gigantic golden God of War phantom in the void, and his eyes showed admiration.

Li Yixi, who was practicing, suddenly trembled all over, and slowly opened his eyes.

A smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

"One more cycle has been completed, and I feel that the physical body is much stronger."

"I feel like one day I can be holy just in the flesh."

Li Yixi's thoughts fell, Xiaobai fell in front of Li Yixi.

"Congratulations, young master, for making another step."

Seeing that Li Yixi had finished his practice, Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. The aura emitted by Li Yixi just now was too terrifying. Xiaobai went all out, and it was difficult to protect the surrounding buildings and vegetation.

"Ha ha!"

"Little Bai, you can really talk!"

"Come and have a drink with me."

A jug appeared in Li Yixi's hand, and poured a glass of wine for Xiaobai.

One person, one bird, drink together.

"Young master, I think you should be able to walk in the air with your physical strength now."

Xiao Bai drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, looked at Li Yixi and said.

With the strength of the body, can you walk against the sky?

When Li Yixi heard Xiaobai's words, a touch of excitement appeared on his face.


"It should be able to fly in the air."

"However, you still have to try a little bit. After all, Xiaobai doesn't know if you can perfectly control your own power."

"If your son is interested, we can choose a place to try."

As soon as Xiaobai's words fell, Li Yixi felt that the wine in his glass was no longer fragrant. He looked at Xiaobai excitedly, and hurriedly said, "Xiaobai, let's try it now, how about it?"

Li Yixi was really excited at this moment. After practicing for such a long time, it seems that he has not gained much. Li Yixi is very yearning for those practitioners who walk in the sky. At this moment, Xiaobai's Knowing in his mouth that he can fly in the air, how could he not be excited.

"it is good."

"I'll take my son there."

Xiaobai's body appeared and carried Li Yixi away from Lingshan.

Soon, one person and one bird arrived in the vast mountains.

Xiaobai's figure fell from the void.

"Young master, let's try to walk in the sky here, how about it?"

"And when you try to walk in the sky, you must pay attention to these places"

At this moment, Xiaobai explained something to Li Yixi.

Hearing Xiaobai's advice, Li Yixi was extremely excited at this moment.

I closed my eyes and began to try slowly.

The moment Li Yixi stepped out, Xiaobai beside him was terrified, because at this moment Xiaobai felt that the void was almost shattered by the force of Li Yixi's step.

But soon, Xiaobai discovered that Li Yixi gradually controlled his own power.

At the beginning, Li Yixi walked in the sky under Xiaobai's power, but gradually, Xiaobai completely lost his own power.

"Congratulations, son."

"The future son can also fly in the sky!"

Seeing Li Yixi's complete success, Xiaobai hastily congratulated him.


"Finally I can fly in the sky!"

Li Yixi was very excited at this moment, he never thought that this day would come so soon.

But the more Xiaobai looked at it, the more frightened he became. If Xiaobai hadn't gone all out, this place would have become riddled with holes.

Xiaobai's heart was extremely nervous, he didn't know whether it was good or bad for him to teach Li Yixi to control his own power today.

As Li Yixi walked in the sky excitedly, Xiao Bai became extremely nervous.

"How to do how to do?"

"Now I am covering it here with my supreme magic power. It seems that there has not been any damage here, but if we are not with the young master, the young master's walk in the air is very likely to cause disaster."

When Xiaobai was burning with anxiety, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Yes, you can let the young master mobilize the power of merit in his body."

"The power of merit is relatively mild."

Immediately, Xiaobai hurriedly asked Li Yixi to mobilize the power of merit in his body, and the next moment he saw Li Yixi walking in the sky, no harm was done, Xiaobai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When Li Yixi and Xiaobai went back, Xiaobai's power disappeared. At this moment, some mountains in this mountain range collapsed instantly. Before that, it was because of Xiaobai's force to maintain it. Now that Xiaobai has withdrawn his power, Li Yi Those terrifying and destructive powers of the past finally appeared.

It's like the sky is falling apart here.

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