Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1004 Great Summoning Technique

When several people in the room were shocked.

I saw the phantom of Avalokitesvara continuously solidified, and for just a moment, which phantom seemed to turn into a flesh and blood existence.

The confusion in Guanyin's eyes also gradually disappeared, feeling the rich aura in the world, and a shocked look appeared on his face.

The next moment, Guanyin's eyes fell on the three brothers of the Long family and Tuobaxue.

All four of them felt extremely powerful mana.

"Everyone, I don't know where this is?"

The four people with shocked faces suddenly heard Guanyin's words, which rang in their ears, and their bodies trembled violently.

Especially Tuoba Xue, whose eyes widened, was terribly frightened.

Tuobaxue never thought that this portrait would make Guanyin appear.

The three Long family brothers followed Su Xiuyi for a long time, and they were better than Tuobaxue.

Responding instantly, he hurriedly saluted Guanyin.

"I will pay my respects to the Bodhisattva."

"This is the Second Heaven."

"Western world, Lingshan blessed land."

When Guanyin heard these words, he looked confused and did not repeat himself, "Erchongtian, the western world, the blessed land of Lingshan?"

Although Avalokitesvara felt very familiar when he heard the word Lingshan, but just now Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva wandered between heaven and earth, but found that this world was extremely strange.

Guanyin's heart was full of fear, the three Long family brothers and Tuobaxue in front of them seemed shocked, but in fact, at this moment, the horror in their hearts was far less than that of Guanyin.

Guanyin's strength can be said to be very powerful, but before that, he was originally practicing in his own cave.But suddenly felt an extremely terrifying force summoning it.

That force is so powerful that Guanyin can't compete.

However, Guanyin saw the trembling of the four people in front of him, and the panic in his heart quickly calmed down. With a smile on his mouth, his eyes fell on the four people.

Guanyin knew that the reason why he was able to come to this strange world was because of a painting, and above that painting contained a monstrous power, and it was that power that summoned him here.

Feeling that power, Guanyin was shocked.

There was a storm in my heart, "This, is this the great summoning technique of one of the legendary 3000 avenues?"

"Otherwise, how could it be possible to summon my soul?"

"The opponent's strength cannot be guessed at all. What kind of cultivation is it?"

After thinking about it, he asked with a smile, "Why is this holy place called Lingshan?"

The respectful faces of the three Long family brothers and Tuobaxue heard Guanyin's question, Long Yi hurriedly replied: "In the case of Bodhisattva, the reason why it is called Lingshan is because we imitated Lingshan to create a holy place."

"The young master is so powerful that even if it is the way of heaven, he dare not disobey it. The young master seems to want to create a truly perfect world, to build a heaven and earth, and to create a world where all laws are free."

"And we practiced Buddhism and got some Buddhist inheritance, so we are waiting here to build a spiritual mountain and a blessed place."

After hearing Long Yi's words, Guanyin was thoughtful, because at that moment just now, Guanyin's spirit wandered around the world, and also felt the incompleteness of the world.

I also felt that there seemed to be an extremely terrifying existence that wanted to create a complete world of heaven, earth and people.

Even Avalokitesvara just now felt an incomparably terrifying power, and it was that incomparably terrifying power that blessed this world.

Just feeling it for a moment, the eyes of Guanyin showed curiosity at this moment.

Guanyin is very clear that the time he stays here is very short, and soon, his spirit will return.

At the same time, Guanyin also learned the reason why he appeared here from the three brothers of the Long family.

Guanyin's eyes lit up instantly, and she looked at Tuobaxue in front of her excitedly.

"Tuobaxue, do you really want to practice Buddhism?"

"If you really have this idea, I can teach you the supreme magic method."

Tuobaxue, who had a shocked expression on his face, suddenly trembled when he heard the words of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Tuobaxue already knew about Journey to the West from Mingkong, and now she knew that she could get the inheritance of Guanyin, so she was naturally excited.

But the next moment, Tuoba Xue immediately woke up.

"Bodhisattva, isn't this an illusion? You are just a character in the painting, why did you suddenly appear?"

"And you still want to leave the supreme inheritance?"

Guanyin heard what Tuoba Xue said, and said: "I can appear here, not because I am powerful, but because someone wants me to appear here."

"The person who painted this painting is extremely terrifying, far beyond my cognition. In your eyes, you may only feel that this painting contains an incomparably powerful Dao rhyme."

"That's because your strength is not strong. Dao Yun is only a part of the painting. This painting contains one of the great summoning techniques of 3000 Dao."

"And the reason why I appear here is the reason for this mysterious and incomparable power of the Great Dao."

"But I can't exist for a long time, unless the person who uses the great summoning technique wants me to stay here."

"However, I appeared here and met you. I think this is fate. If you are willing, I can teach you the supreme magic."

"It's not in vain for me to come here for a walk!"

Avalokitesvara's eyes fell on Tuoba Xue, as if she could see through Tuoba Xue's heart.

The four people in the room felt turbulent waves in their hearts at this moment. No one thought that this painting contained a powerful summoning technique.

That is the powerful Taoism that is the foundation of the 3000 Dao.

The envious eyes of the three Long family brothers fell on Tuobaxue. The three brothers followed Li Yixi. It is natural to know how strong Guanyin Bodhisattva is in Journey to the West.

To be able to obtain the inheritance of the supreme and wonderful Dharma of Guanyin Bodhisattva is an opportunity that cannot be met but cannot be sought.

Under the watchful eyes of the three brothers, Tuobaxue took a deep breath and knelt down in front of Guanyin.

"Disciple, Tuobaxue pays respects to master!"

After contemplating for a moment, Tuoba Xue knelt down directly at this moment.

A kind smile appeared on Guanyin's face, and he pointed at Tuobaxue's forehead, and the incomparably powerful inheritance at this moment was left in Tuobaxue's mind.

At the same time, Guanyin looked towards where Li Yixi was, and the next moment, Guanyin's face changed drastically, showing panic.

Because in Guanyin's eyes, Li Yixi at this moment is extremely terrifying.

Li Yixi's breathing was like the whole world shaking.

At this moment, there are billions of phantoms of gods and demons in Li Yixi's body bowing down.

The hundreds of millions of gods and demons were extremely devout, with fanaticism on their faces, and the power of gods and demons entwined around Li Yixi's body.

At the same time, Guanyin at this moment also felt the unimaginable power of merit, and the power of merit even overflowed from Li Yixi's body.

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