The advantages of getting married in winter are...

Jiang Yu thought about it for a long time, but he didn't list the advantages of getting married in winter.

Probably the only advantage is that the ingredients for the wedding banquet can be stored for a longer period of time.

I didn't think of the advantages, but I remembered a lot of disadvantages.

For example, if you don’t wear enough clothes at a wedding, your nose will be bruised and your face will be swollen from the cold.

They held a wedding in traditional costumes, which was a lot stronger.

Those Western-style weddings, those who wear wedding dresses that leak shoulders...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu couldn't help shivering.

Besides, it is popular to travel and get married now. To put it bluntly, it is to go out for a while with the wedding.

But where is this going to play in late December?

Are you going to Hainan Island?

Bai Feng is very upset about not being able to travel after getting married.

"It's all your fault! Why don't we get married in summer? Even if we get married on May Day, where are we going for a walk now?"

"You have to be conscientious in your speech. Isn't it because you are desperate for poverty! According to me, you are planning to get married next year, and you didn't urge me to do so."

"I don't care! I'm going to travel and get married."

This is no way.

"How about we divorce the marriage tomorrow and get married again next summer."

Bai Feng glared: "Get out! Just play!"

Since winter is too cold to travel, let's go to work honestly.

Therefore, after returning home on the third day of marriage, the two went to work separately on the fourth day.

Bai Feng said that he will make up another trip next summer.

Make up a hammer, you have a big belly at that time, why go traveling?

"Mr. Jiang! Happy wedding!" Jiang Yong smiled playfully.

"Go, go! Have you never been married? What's so happy about being newly married?"

"I've never been married, how would I know!"

"Is your little girlfriend still there? If you are still there, shouldn't it be time to get married?"

"We are going to get married on May Day next year!"

"It's good to get married on May [-]st!" Jiang Yu sighed.

"Mr. Jiang! There is good news!" Yang Jianyong came in a hurry.

Hold the grass!He just got married and there is good news. Is this double happiness?

"Mr. Yang! What's the good news? Don't worry! Drink your saliva first."

Jiang Yu poured Yang Jianyong a cup of boiling water and put tea leaves.

"Our Fengling has passed, here are various certificates." Yang Jianyong pushed over a folder containing various certificates produced by Fengling.

This is indeed good news.

Jiang Yu opened the folder and looked at the brand new product certificate, product production license, etc.

"Mr. Yang! This news came too timely. The equipment in Nanjianshan has been installed and debugged, and Donghe Diesel Engine Factory has also produced a batch of engines. Shall we make the first batch of cars a year ago? Do it first. What do you think of five hundred cars?"

Yang Jianyong thought carefully for a long time.

"Now there are only more than 40 days before the Chinese New Year. I am afraid that the production will be backlogged at home."

"It's okay, Huangling Village can buy [-] or [-] vehicles. Huangling Village is now the first batch of users of Weilai vehicles. No matter what cars Weilai produces, they must be the first to enjoy themselves.

Every household in Huangling Village has at least one hundred and eight million people, and many families have several million. A car is nothing.

"I always feel that it is better to produce after the next year. The electric tricycles on the electric vehicle side will be off the assembly line on New Year's Day. We can't let the products appear in such a dense manner. We need to make users feel hungry."

I go!Who did Yang Jianyong learn from?The hunger pangs are all over the whole meeting!

"That's fine! Let's produce electric tricycles first, and then release Fengling in March after the Chinese New Year, so that the low-speed truck factory can get ready. Let Qingyun Power know and let them send people to the county diesel engine to learn about engine production."

After Qingyun Power cooperated with Weilai, its appearance has changed drastically.

After talking with Jiang Yu last time, Wu Delin went back to the government of Qingyun Town and merged several small machinery factories in Qingyun Town that were not operating well, expanding the scale of the enterprise to the level of a thousand employees.

Now after receiving the notice, 485 key personnel were sent to Donghe Diesel Engine Factory to learn the manufacturing technology of [-] diesel engine immediately.

December [-]st, New Year's Day.

This year's New Year's Day is not a holiday, but the company notifies employees that the New Year's Day holiday will be transferred to the New Year's Day, so that they can take two more days off for the New Year's Day.

Jiang Yu changed the calendar on the table.

From today, time has entered [-], which is also the seventh and first year after his rebirth.

At this time in the last life, he had already left the factory and started to run the repair department.

Just beside the road in Jianshan Township, I rented the yard of the fellow township government.

The township government moved into a new four-story building last summer.

This yard with an area of ​​less than 2000 square meters was rented by him at an annual rent of [-] yuan.

His repair department started here.

The maintenance department's business item is mechanical repair, and it does all kinds of engine, gearbox and rear axles. Of course, he doesn't mind doing welding and repairing tires.

At that time, he really used himself as a donkey.

At first, because there was nothing to do with tractors and there were not so many cars, his repair department was in a downturn. After a year, there was not much money left besides rent and taxes.

The only gain is that he read a lot of repair books and messy books at that time, improved his car repair skills, and learned to repair other things. He also learned how to repair motorcycles and radio semiconductors.

At that time, he was a well-known all-rounder in the village, and even helped others gelding pigs and tending horses.

There seemed to be nothing he couldn't do.

Anyway, I have done all kinds of miscellaneous things, and I almost didn't deliver babies.

It wasn't until after [-], with the gradual increase of motorcycles and cars, that his repair department business began to flourish.

By [-], he had hired two men, one of whom was an apprentice.

At that time, he had quit doing things like repairing tires and welding, and specialized in repairing motorcycles and cars.

By [-], his repair department had become a famous repair shop in Donghe.

He processed and replaced some vulnerable parts on the vehicle by himself.

While earning repair fees, you can also earn parts money.

Just when he grew up step by step until the repair factory had dozens of employees and his net worth exceeded one million...

Jingle Bell!Jingle Bell!

Just when Jiang Yu was stuck in memories and couldn't extricate himself, the phone rang inappropriately.

He picked up the phone.

"Hello! Weilai Company, where are you? Bohai Electronics? What's the matter? What! An employee of your company has developed a decoder chip? What decoder chip? The video decoder chip I told you? Is it true or not?"

This is a news that shocked Jiang Yu.

The caller was Xu Jiashu, meaning Bohai Electronics' chip research and development department, an unremarkable college student who was assigned last year, and two colleagues made a video decoding chip.


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