In fact, Jiang Yu doesn't need to buy these things at all. The 24-inch TV is the best, and there are only a few brands, so there is nothing to choose.

I bought a Panasonic 777 for the video recorder, and I didn’t have a washing machine with a drum or a fully automatic one, so I bought a two-cylinder one to make do with it.

What to buy again?

A tape recorder counts as a motorcycle?

Why buy a motorcycle?

Not buying!

Refrigerator, freezer.

pressure cooker?Do you still need to buy a pressure cooker?

Besides, is there a pressure cooker for dowry?

Isn't that bullshit!


Jiang Yu covered Bai Feng's mouth.

The paralyzed side is getting married, and you want to buy a baby carriage!

What are you going to do?Don't tarnish my reputation, Boss Jiang, okay?

In fact, Jiang Yu already has a set of these things at home.

However, with so many rooms, it is not impossible to buy an extra set. It is nothing more than a waste of electricity.

The home appliances are all set up, and the rest are bedding and the like.

Cover as many as you like.

Baifeng's dowry purchase is complete, and the last thing for the wedding is to purchase raw materials for the banquet.

There is no need for Jiang Yu to do this himself. Jiang Yong invited a few knowledgeable people to drive a Jiefang 141 and set off.

It took a whole day to buy all the raw materials.

Then comes the final step.

Naturally, Jiang Yu's red Santana was used for the wedding car, coupled with his off-road vehicle, and a few sea lions, that's all.

If it weren't for Baifeng's strong request that the car should go around Fengwobao Village, Jiang Yu would even save the car.

From Baifeng's house to his house, it's more than 50 meters away, so it's over after walking!

The route of the wedding car is formulated in this way, starting from Baifeng's house, going to the village road to the Jianhong road in the south of Hexi village, and then driving west to Cuijia village.

Finally, from Cuijia Village to the new home of Huangling Village.

The total distance is five or six miles away.

The wedding dress is the traditional dragon and phoenix gown, Baifeng's bridal gown is embroidered with a phoenix, and Jiang Yu's Tang suit is embroidered with a dragon.

The white phoenix and the red dress mop the floor, the phoenix crown and the xiapei, Jiang Yu...

There is nothing wrong with Jiang Yu's groom's suit, but the's really not good, it looks like a county magistrate of Qipin.

Although people told Jiang Yu that it was a scholar's crown, he still felt like the hat on the head of a seventh-rank sesame official.

Wearing this hat, he also wanted to keep one wing still and the other flapping up and down like in the movie, but unfortunately he never succeeded.

Either move both sides together, or not move both sides.

It seems that this is also a technical activity.

At nine o'clock in the morning on October 23, Jiang Yu walked out of the house in a Tang suit and sat in a red and green Santana.

Zheng Dabao drove 50 meters north to Baifeng's house.

Early in the morning, Bai Feng went to the best hair salon in the county to do her hair and make-up. At this time, she was already wearing a red dress and a phoenix crown, sitting on the bed, looking like a lady.

Everyone must not be confused by her current appearance, this is all an illusion.

In Huangling Village, she is the only one with her, and the rest of the girls are several years younger than her.

So her bridesmaids are all employees in her clothing factory.

Jiang Yu's best man is not many people from Huangling Village, his partners and children will run away, so his best man is also an employee of the company, and they are all found by Jiang Yong.

For the wedding video, there are photographers invited from the village photo studio, as well as Jiang Yu's own photographer.

The photographer on Jiang Yu's side is an amateur who can take pictures, and shoots with Jiang Yu's camera.

No need for any skills, just use the most original perspective to record everything.

After all, the photographers invited to make wedding videos cannot record everything, and their videos have a time limit.

But your own photographer does not have this restriction, you can just record and finish the work, and you can record until the end of the bridal chamber.

After the bridesmaids laughed and pretended to stop her, they still opened the door of Baifeng's boudoir within the stipulated time.

Jiang Yu entered the door holding flowers.

Bai Feng looked at Jiang Yu with a slight smile.

Go when you're ready.

The dowry items outside were loaded onto a long-carriage light truck.

Jiang Yu and Bai Feng got into the lead car, Bai Feng's mother got into the off-road vehicle, and the other natal guests got into the sea lion bread.

At 10:30, the convoy set off, passing through Fengwobao Village along the planned route, driving on the Jianhong Highway connecting Jianshan and Hongdao Townships to Cuijia Village, and then returning to Huangjia Village via Cuijia Village. In Ling Village, the wedding car stopped in front of Jiang Yu's small building along the road that was built separately.

This road leading to the gate of Jiang Yu Xiaolou can only pass one car, so the rest of the cars are parked at the bottom of the small slope.

Jiang Yu got out of the car from the left, then turned to the right and opened the door, and took Baifeng's hand from the red carpet into the courtyard of the building.

Ribbons fluttered, confetti flew, firecrackers blared, traditional wedding tunes were played by Suona, and the air was full of joy.

At the gate of the small building, a short wedding ceremony was held.

Naturally, Li Jinyou presided over the wedding ceremony.

In the 90s weddings, there were not so many colorful entertainment programs, and there was no such thing as the bride and groom showing off their talents.

Although Jiang Yu knew this, he kept silent.

Naturally, you can't say these things, isn't that just asking for trouble for yourself!

In this cold weather, he and Bai Feng sang and danced at the gate, reminiscing about the past and looking forward to the future...

After all this is over, it is estimated that both of them will have a cold.

I don't know who wrote a manuscript for Li Jinyou, which is called a long.

Li Jinyou even read it for several minutes as if giving a report.

Then there is the first worship to the heaven and the earth, the second to the high hall, and the couple's worship ceremony. After the couple's worship is over, Bai Feng enters the bridal chamber.

The bridal chamber is on the second floor, which Baifeng chose by herself.

When the bride enters the bridal chamber, she wants to be blessed.

That is, sitting with an ax under the buttocks, commonly known as sitting blessing.

Foretells good fortune in the future.

Bai Feng sat on the marriage bed in the bridal chamber for a symbolic ten minutes, and then got out of bed to eat.

The banquet was placed in the workshop of the agricultural machinery factory.

Workers at the farm machinery factory were thus given a day off as a benefit.

A total of [-] tables were placed, but they were not full.

There are 68 households in Huangling Village. Even if every household comes without landing, [-] tables are enough.

In addition, some people from Lingdong Village, Lingqian Village, Hexi Village and Qianyang Village came, and another fifty tables were also put down.

The outsiders who have contact with Jiang Yu are basically alone, and there are ten tables and eight tables are enough.

The employees basically didn't come. After all, there was an invisible gap between them and the company's boss.

Therefore, a total of 130 tables were placed.

Of course no gifts are accepted.

Jiang Yu is not short of the two gift money.

It is a rule that Jiang Yu eats with the bridesmaids and best men.

Halfway through the meal, he and Bai Feng began to toast at the table.

Of course he was just drinking.

One hundred and thirty forty tables, if he drinks, a small sip at one table is enough to make him drunk for several days.

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