Even if An Minghai was recommended, Jiang Yu would not be able to meet Secretary Sun until he had contacted him.

"However, have you considered one thing? It is Pan Jianqiang, the third son of Pan Chunqiu's family." An Minghai reminded.

"Pan Jianqiang? That guy nicknamed Pan Ruffian?"

How could Pan Chunqiu's third son, Pan Jianqiang, and Jiang Yu not remember that this guy was not a thing since he was a child, and basically grew up on the road of stealing chickens and dogs.

This guy is not very famous in Jianshan Township, not even as famous as Yang Wu.

But this product is very famous in Donghe County.

In the summer of [-], after graduating from high school, this guy worked as a temporary worker in a factory in the county. No one thought that he would become a big bastard in the county in just one and a half years.

At that time, this product was considered to be a moment of glory, and it was full of aura when walking on the street.

In the last life in 1990, this guy was full of crimes. He committed a robbery and homicide and was shot, ending his 25 years of life.

"it's him!"

"Don't worry about him, it won't make a difference."

Of course he wouldn't pay attention to a ruffian who couldn't live for a few years.

In the previous life, Jiang Yu and the other party were in the same brigade, but after Jiang Yu recovered, there was really no intersection between the two of them.

Until the other party was shot, he never met and said a word.

If this guy could have met him earlier in this life and been educated by him once, he might have survived.

I wonder if the Pan family will thank him at that time?

The next morning, Jiang Yu, who had nothing to do, went to the Yanshui River to scrape back a dozen pieces of ice.

Now that the ice for the natural freezer is enough, the next step is to cut and grind the surface.

An iron blade saw is good for sawing wood, and it is also good for sawing ice.

Jiang Yu spent the whole morning with a hand saw to roughly cut these ice cubes into the size he needed, and then used a carpenter's chisel to roughly plan the surface of these ice cubes.

Originally, he thought of making a simple grinding machine in the machinery factory, but when he thought about making a simple natural freezer, it would not take much work. Fei Na's brain was a bit out of place, so he gave up making a grinding machine the plan of.

Zhang Shanbo and Li Qingxian also came to help, grinding ice cubes on one side and piling up ice cubes on the other.

Pour a layer of water on the ground, put ice cubes on the water, and it will be frozen in less than 1 minute, and you can't even break it off.

The length is the length of six pieces of ice, the width of two pieces of ice at each end, and 14 yuan for one layer of ice.

A piece of ice is twenty centimeters high, and four layers of ice are nearly eighty centimeters high.

"Shanpao! Qingxian! Tell me, what are you going to do?"

Although he complained about Jiang Yu calling him Shanpao, Zhang Shanbo replied honestly: "I want to be a driver and drive."

This ideal is not lofty, but it was indeed the dream of many rural youths at the time.

"I want to drive too!" Li Qingxian, who usually disagrees with Zhang Shanbo, agrees with Zhang Shanbo's ideals once in a while.

"Then what are you waiting for? After the Chinese New Year, go learn how to get a bus ticket. If you don't buy a car, it's over."

"Where can I buy a bus ticket?" Zhang Shanbo and Li Qingxian asked in unison.

"Agricultural machinery, two hundred yuan per ticket!"

"Hold the grass! The tractor!"

"What's wrong with the tractor? A tractor is not a car anymore? First drive a tractor, and after a few years, add a bus ticket and it will be over."

In [-], it was [-] yuan for a tractor driver's license and [-] yuan for a car driver's license, which is not a small sum.

"But what's the use of learning to tow tickets?"

"After the new year, you can just go to school. If you have a ticket, buy a tractor, and I will arrange the work for you."

Jiang Yu didn't say what work he would arrange for them, but he just finished talking here.

By one o'clock in the afternoon, a freezer with a crystal-clear appearance, 1.8 meters long, [-] meter wide, and [-] centimeters high was ready, and now the only thing missing was a lid.

With the lid you can put everything in there.

Jiang Yu has also designed the cover, making one with a [-]mm thick iron plate, and opening a door on it to lock it with a lock.

He was going to solve this problem when he went to the commune tomorrow to do errands. An Minghai told him as soon as he came back from get off work that he had made contact with Secretary Sun and asked him to go to the commune the next day.

For breakfast on the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, Yang Wan drove his carriage to the machinery factory.

Jiang Yu, who arrived ahead of schedule, had handed over the style and scale of the cover he was going to make to the machinery factory for processing. When the cover was ready, Yang Wan would just take him home in a carriage.

And he followed An Minghai to the government.

The Jianshan Township Government in [-] was still in a red brick building, and the yard was not as big as that of a private house in the countryside.

Secretary Sun's office is the third on the left of the government yard. When An Minghai led Jiang Yu into the secretary's office, Secretary Sun was on the phone.

Seeing An Minghai and Jiang Yu come in, he gestured to them to wait.

"That's right! Secretary Yan! We will keep your instructions firmly in mind, firmly implement the spirit of the central government, and carry out the reform to the end. Don't worry! Jianshan Township promises not to back down on the reform."

From the literal analysis of Secretary Sun's words, Secretary Sun seemed to be discussing work with the cadres above him.

Jiang Yu felt that they came at a very bad time, so he was ready to go out.

Just about to get up, Secretary Sun put down the phone.

"Secretary Sun! This is Comrade Jiang Yu from our village. He is the next captain of our Huangling Village. Although he is young, he is a capable person."

Secretary Sun stood up and shook hands with Jiang Yu.

"Xiao Jiang said that he needs to report something to the commune, so you can talk slowly."

After An Minghai introduced Jiang Yu, his mission was completed and he retired.

"Xiao Jiang! Sit down! Do you have anything to report to the government?"

Jiang Yu sat on the bench and brewed for a while.

"Secretary Sun! I'm here today mainly to report some violations of law and discipline by our village cadres."

Then Jiang Yu told the whole story about Pan Chunqiu's favoritism and fraud.

"Secretary Sun! I think that at the moment when the current reform tide is in full swing, such cadres are the mudslides in the tide. Such cadres are bound to encounter many resistances in the reform."

Secretary Sun pondered for a long while: "Xiao Jiang! There is no evidence for this kind of thing. We will not take measures based on one-sided words. That would lead to unjust and wrongly decided cases."

Jiang Yu took out the evidence that Li Jinyou sorted out and pushed it in front of Secretary Sun.

"This is the evidence we have of the Fengwobao Village Committee's corruption and violation of the law. The commune can send people to investigate."

Secretary Sun looked at the evidence Jiang Yu sent up. As a cadre who came up from the grassroots, he could tell the authenticity of these materials at a glance.

"Xiao Jiang! The information you provided is very important. The commune will definitely pay attention to it. We will investigate deeply. You should go back first!"

Secretary Sun spoke all official Chinese, basically without any substantive content.

Jiang Yu knew that the other party would not make any promises at this time. It was impossible for the other party to make a decision after you just said a few words and provided some information.

Isn't that child's play?

The other party will naturally have to investigate and collect evidence before making a final decision.

Regardless of the future outcome, Jiang Yu has already done what he has to do.

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