In the next second, the flashlight shone into the room through the window, and scanned around.

Jiang Yu hid under the inside of the window, which happened to be a blind spot for the flashlight to scan.

In advance, Jiang Yu designed a place to hide in case of accidents. The watchman will definitely not have the key to the village committee office. If he can't get in and hide in this place, he will definitely not be able to find himself.

After scanning around with the flashlight, he turned to another room, and after a while, the watchman left and went downstairs.

After confirming that the watchman had left, Jiang Yu continued to change the password of the safe by voice, three times and two times, and with a click, the safe opened.

With a small flashlight in his mouth, Jiang Yu flipped through the contents of the safe with both hands.

There is some cash in the safe, some bills, and two textbooks. There is nothing like an account book at all.

He also flipped through the two textbooks, and some strange words were written in one of them.

Is it recorded in some password-like text?Take it back and have a look.

He didn't touch the other things in the safe, but took the textbook.

Restore everything to its original state, go out of the village committee and lock the door, and then jump out from the courtyard wall.

After more than ten minutes, Jiang Yu had already returned home.

It was 08:30 at this time, and the TV series had already started playing.

"Huo Dongge" has finished, and a new TV series about love is being released.

Li Jinyou carefully flipped through the textbook in Jiang Yu's room.

"This is not an official account book, but a record book temporarily used to record some important things. There are still some things in it. I didn't see that it was recorded in some strange record form. Originally, this kind of thing should be destroyed after it is recorded. Why do they still keep it? It's a mystery to others, but I figured it out by groping."

He also used this kind of thing when he was an accountant, but it was recorded temporarily, and it was destroyed after it was recorded in the ledger.

Li Jinyou also wondered why Pan Chunqiu and his group still kept this notebook?Haven't had time to destroy or forget it?

"How did you find this thing out?"

"I was born as a scout, and these things are child's play to me."

The things recorded in this book began on October [-]th, and the first record only wrote a few words: Ping——Wu Ling Ling Ling, open your hands.

Outsiders don't know what this is written at all, but Li Jinyou understands: "This is a record of the profit of 5000 yuan handed over by the orchard of the brigade. Do you see the words Zhang Kaishou? It was divided privately by them." , whether you open your hands or clench your fists, as long as it is related to your hands, you will divide the money. These guys are so courageous, they even dare to divide the money for water conservancy construction from above! What will they use to repair the canals next spring? Maintain the water pumping station?"

"There is nothing to repair, as long as the water pump can still pump water. If you don't repair the canal, you can't go down to check it. How do ordinary people know that the money has been transferred from the top?"

"These guys have privately divided more than 9000 yuan from October to now. If you add the figure before October, it is estimated that each person can divide 4000 yuan. Grass! You are too courageous."

"Can this thing be used as evidence?" Jiang Yu didn't know much about this field.

Li Jinyou shook his head: "It can't be directly used as evidence. If you send it up to the higher authorities, if you take it seriously, you can send someone down to investigate."

"Then if someone from above is sent down, can they investigate it?"

"This depends on whether the higher-ups are serious. If they are serious, they can't be found out. If they go through the motions, it's hard to say."

"It doesn't matter whether the higher-ups are serious or not, as long as they can attract the attention of the higher-ups, Secretary Sun, who arrived a few years ago, was going to appoint the party secretaries of each village. As long as he can suppress the appointment of Fengwopu Village, that's fine. It's better if the higher-ups are serious. Don’t take it seriously for ten thousand years before thinking of other ways.”

"That's fine."

"Then do you want to send this textbook back?"

"I'll copy down what we need, and you can send the book back, so as not to startle the snake."

Li Jinyou quickly transcribed all the required content, and copied a whole three pages.

After Li Jinyou finished copying, Jiang Yu sent the textbook back to the village committee overnight without anyone noticing.

It was only past ten o'clock when he came home again, and the TV show had just finished.

After the TV show, there's a mess of shows, and then the evening news.

People watching TV at Jiang Yu's house also left one after another.

Jiang Yu called An Minghai to his room.

"Second Uncle An! Two days ago you said that you had a good relationship with the new Secretary Sun, is it true?"

"Many years ago, when we were studying at the party school, we were in the same class. We could be regarded as classmates. We hit it off very well. Although we took up different positions later, we still communicated frequently. I even visited his house during the Chinese New Year. , I really didn’t expect him to be transferred to our commune as the secretary.”

"Which commune did he serve as secretary?"

"He used to work in civil affairs in Yunhua Commune. A few years ago, he started working as a secretary for the then secretary of Yunhua Commune. The year before last, the secretary of Yunhua Commune was transferred to the county as deputy secretary..."

Jiang Yu understood that Secretary Sun's former boss had been promoted, and his secretary would naturally follow suit. It was a matter of course that he was sent to the commune below to be the secretary.

"...He has been the president of Yunhua Commune for two years, and this year he will be the secretary of our commune."

This should be regarded as Secretary Sun's first real administration of a commune. It is said that the new official takes office three fires, and hope that Secretary Sun's first fire will burn Pan Chunqiu down.

"You want to get Pan Chunqiu down?"

Jiang Yu told the story of Pan Chunqiu releasing pigeons at Baoshichang.

"This guy really doesn't do things properly. It's not a thing to eat your backhand and get rid of you! Then what do you want to do with him?"

"I have found the evidence, and now I have to hand it in and attract the attention of the higher-ups. Is that the new secretary?" Jiang Yu made a gift-giving gesture.

An Minghai shook his head: "I know Sun Mingli quite well, he's a little bit jealous, and he won't accept gifts if he takes office as a new official."

This seems like good news.

"Then it's okay to have a meal?"

"He just came to our commune, so don't make trouble for him. If you want to hand over the materials directly to him, I can introduce you, the business-like one."

"That's good too! I hope the sooner the better, the Chinese New Year will be over in half a month, and the appointment of the commune before the year may come down."

"Then tomorrow, you come to the machinery factory to find me before nine o'clock in the morning, and I will take you to the commune to meet Secretary Sun, but I am only responsible for leading you to see him, as for what you say is none of my business."

That's enough, with An Minghai's recommendation, even if the other party doesn't know him, it may still attract attention.

Without An Minghai's introduction, he might not have been able to meet Secretary Sun.

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