An Minghai came to Jiang's house before six o'clock in the evening, and Li Jinyou came with him.

The two met halfway, and they came together.

The two greeted Jiang Dongsheng and went straight into Jiang Yu's room.

"The contracting of the machinery factory has basically been done. The new secretary of the commune, Sun, has a good relationship with me. He is very supportive. This matter is only a matter of signing the contract. I was fooled by you, and I don't know it's a good thing. Still a bad thing."

"Second Uncle An! You are just talking nonsense with your eyes open. What do you mean by being fooled by me? You also have the heart of contracting. If you don't have any ideas in your heart, you will contract with me with a few words?"

Li Jinyou heard another meaning from An Minghai's words: "The commune changed its secretary?"

"It's time for the next brigade and sub-team to change. Of course, the commune has to change its secretary."

"Why did I forget about this, it seems that our Fengwopu Village should also change the village cadres." Li Jinyou said to himself.

In the 80s, the village cadres were not elected, but were named by the commune. When a new secretary takes office, a new batch of brigade secretaries will naturally be appointed.

"Second Uncle Li! Judging from your tone, you don't think you have any thoughts about this village party secretary, do you?"

Li Jinyou shook his head: "How old am I, what can I think!"

Li Jinyou was a member of the previous village committee, and he was not in the same group as Pan Chunqiu. Since Pan Chunqiu came to power, he has changed from the brigade accountant to the small brigade custodian.

In fact, it turns out that he still has some ideas, but the leader of his faction moved to another commune the year before last. They no longer have a leader, and their ideas of coming to power are weak.

"Let's not talk about that, Xiao Jiang! I heard that you want to contract the quarry behind the mountain?" Li Jinyou changed the subject.

"Hey! How do you know?" Jiang Yu himself had never said this in the village.

"How else do you know? Of course the village cadres said it. I don't understand. Why are you building a quarry?"

"Of course I have my own ideas."

"Then how much do you plan to pay for the quarry?"

"The contract letter of intent I submitted stated that it was [-] years to submit."

"How much? Twelve thousand? Are you kidding me? Last year the brigade asked for eight thousand and no one paid for it!" Li Jinyou stared like Yuanxiao.

"Last year was last year, isn't it another year!"

Li Jinyou was silent for a while: "I know very well how much stone material the Shanhou quarry can sell in a year. I can tell you with certainty about your contract price. If you have a wife, you have to have children."

"The world is always changing, maybe it will turn around after I contract it!"

"I can't guess what's going on in your head, but it's not easy to deal with Pan Chunqiu. You have to be careful, that guy is nothing." Li Jinyou went to the east room to watch TV after finishing speaking.

"Li Jinyou is right, that fellow Pan Chunqiu is indeed not a good bird."

Li Jinyou didn't think highly of Pan Chunqiu because they were not of the same faction, but An Minghai also said the same...

An Minghai and Pan Chunqiu seemed to be at odds.

Jiang Yu didn't go deep into this issue, but changed the topic: "Uncle An! How is the sample test of the pulverizer product going?"

"The several prototypes we made are undergoing processing tests of various species every day. Generally speaking, they are not bad, but there are also some minor problems and unreasonable places. We are testing and correcting them. We will try to test the products well. Trial production will start after finalizing the shape.”

An Minghai is such a good person, he is very professional, and he is really not sloppy at work.

"Second Uncle An! You want to talk to me during the day, isn't that all?"

"Hey! Of course it's not about this. I just want to ask if you have any intention of finding a partner now?"

It's over, Li Jinyou hasn't implemented it yet, here comes another matchmaker, I seem to be someone who can't find a wife, are you so anxious for me?

"Ah! You want to be my matchmaker? What kind of relatives are you?"

With An Minghai's identity, he wouldn't open his mouth about such things if he wasn't a real relative of his family.

"The three daughters of my sister's family will be nineteen years old this year, and they are as beautiful as a flower. They are just right for you."

"Wait! Your sister's third daughter is the one named Yingzi, right?"

"You remember her? That means you..."

"Don't explain anything, what do you call her appearance like a flower?"

Before Jiang Yu joined the army, he really met Yingzi. At that time, she was a real yellow-haired girl, silly, and had nothing to do with a pretty girl.

"She was only fifteen when you left as a soldier. She was a yellow-haired girl at that time, but now she is really beautiful. She can come to my house to be greeted by me during the Chinese New Year. You will see it when the time comes. I promise you will die of hunger!"

This old thief An Minghai is also quite funny when he talks, what do you mean by starving me to death?The old man has seen all kinds of beauties, both Chinese and foreign, both with clothes and without clothes, and I guarantee that I will not die of greed.

"Since you've praised your niece so much, I'll just take a look during the Chinese New Year."

Anyway, it doesn't cost money, and it doesn't suffer, so why not watch it.

"Then it's settled."

The next morning, Jiang Yu rode a bicycle to the village committee with 2000 yuan in his pocket.

As soon as Jiang Yu entered the village committee's room, he felt a little dull. In addition to the village committee's four-member group, there was also a middle-aged man whom he had never seen before.

"Secretary Pan! I brought the money. Can I sign the contract now?" He didn't take that stranger Jiang Yu seriously. His contracting the quarry wasn't a shady deal. Why should people be afraid of people when it's a fair thing.

"Sign the contract? What kind of contract?" Pan Chunqiu's words made the smile on Jiang Yu's face freeze.

That's not right!

"Is it the contract for the quarry?"

"Ah! That's what happened. After our research yesterday, we agreed that the outsourcing of the quarry is not appropriate. In addition, there are other people who want to contract our quarry in Huangling Village, so the brigade has to consider it and decide to suspend it first. Outsource the matter."

Jiang Yu didn't recall these words for a long time.

What's happening here?How did you change your mind?

"Secretary Pan! I don't understand what you're saying. What's the matter with other people contracting the quarry?"

Isn't it true that no one has contracted the quarry? Why is there a competitor here?

Jiang Yu glanced at the strange middle-aged man, could it be this one?

"This is Tang Chengshan from the Miaoling Brigade. He came to our village yesterday. He also wants to contract the rocks behind the mountain, Xiaojiang! You are still young..."

Hearing that you are still young, Jiang Yu's heart went cold.

If the leader in the unit says that you are still young, it is definitely not to praise you and envy you, but to tell you that something good has happened in the unit recently and you will lose your share.

Jiang Yu used to be a small boss, and he was also a person who had seen officialdom, so there is no reason why he didn't understand this.

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