The announcement in the passenger station rang: "The shuttle bus bound for Gaoyuankou at 45:[-] has started ticket checking and boarding. Passengers who bought this bus please go to the ticket gate immediately..."

"Our train ticket is checked, go check it!" Jiang Yu carried two satchels linked by a rope in the middle, one after the other, and carried a bag in his hand.

Jiang Xue was just carrying her belongings, while Bai Feng was holding the down jacket Jiang Yu gave her.

Check the ticket and get on the train, wait for half an hour to arrive at Jianshan Station.

Jiang Yu went to the machinery factory to push a bicycle. He pushed a bicycle with one hand and was about to leave the machinery factory when An Minghai hurried out from the office.

"Old nephew, let me tell you a few words."

"Second Uncle! My younger sister and Bai Feng are still waiting for me at the station. If you have anything to say, let's go back and talk about it."

If An Minghai had something to say, it was not a problem that could be solved by two points. It was unreasonable for the two girls to shiver on the side of the road in this cold weather.

"That's good! I'll go to your house to sit for a while that night."

Jiang Yu pushed the cart to the station, sealed up the things, and then three people and two carts returned to Huangling Village when it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon.

Today Jiang Bin stayed at home after lunch. He knew that his elder brother and sister had gone to the street to buy clothes for the New Year, so he wanted to stay at home as soon as possible to see what his elder brother came back with.

So when the three of Jiang Yu entered the yard, he ran out first.

The enthusiasm is very high, untie the rope to get things in the house, and then find your own share among the pile of things.

"This is yours!" Jiang Yu took out a bag from a satchel and threw it to Jiang Bin.

This bag contains a small black faux sheepskin jacket and a pair of sky blue denim trousers, but the trousers are a bit long.

Jiang Yu couldn't find any trousers suitable for Jiang Bin's leg length, so he bought a pair of longer ones, and if he couldn't do it, he would cut a section of the trousers hem and deal with it.

Then there is a pair of black and gray sneakers with artificial fur inside.

Travel shoes were a new thing in [-], and some people in the countryside had never seen them in real life, except for watching city people wear them abroad on TV.

In the eyes of rural people, sneakers are still high-end products.

It was also the first time Jiang Bin saw the sneakers.

Although it was the first time I saw sneakers, I fell in love with them right away, and I was ready to put them on my feet.

"Save it for the Chinese New Year! What's the point of wearing it now?" The mother yelled from the side, and snatched the shoes back with one hand.

"Don't try the size! If it's too big, it's better to put more insoles on it. If it's too small, my brother can take it back and change it." Jiang Bin plausibly said.

Jiang Yu bought it with a good quantity, how could he buy it too small.

"This is for you and my dad. I bought all the clothes, trousers and shoes. Take time to try them out."

"It's not a pity to waste the money! Let's talk about what clothes to buy me, don't I have a lot of clothes!" Li Qin was distressed, and I wore old clothes with a glorious posture.

"Tear up your old clothes and use them as rags. You can still wear them when they look different, and you will wear new clothes in the future."

"See if you can, you don't even know what your last name is."


After Bai Feng finished unloading Jiang's things from her bicycle rack, she went home.

When I got home, I wore a down jacket in front of the mirror at home.

Her mother sat on the edge of the kang and looked at Bai Feng sullenly: "Feng'er! I'm afraid this dress will cost dozens of dollars?"

"The asking price was 30 yuan, and I finally bought it for more than [-] yuan."

"Where did you get the money to buy?"

At this time, Bai Feng, the mad man, suddenly remembered that he was broken. How could he explain this to his mother?

"Brother Jiang Yu gave it to me." She had no choice but to tell the truth, she couldn't say she picked it up on the avenue!

"What? You hooked up with Lao Jiang's son?" Baifeng's mother's face changed suddenly, and she immediately exploded.

"Mom! What are you talking about? I printed blessings for him for a few days, and he paid me at this time."

"Stop fooling people. You can exchange for a down jacket worth more than 30 yuan after printing the word "Fu" in a few days? I will also work for a few days tomorrow."

Bai Feng pouted: "You? I'm afraid people will look down upon you!"

"You little ghost! Now that you are more capable, you will fight with him in the future, and watch me break your puppy's leg."

Bai Feng is no stranger to this kind of threat, and her dog legs have been broken countless times.

"From now on, you are not allowed to go to his house to watch TV at night, do you hear me?"

Bai Feng looked at his mother strangely: "Mom! Are you afraid that Brother Jiang Yu and I will find someone? I think you are thinking too much, Brother Jiang Yu is old, how can people think of me, I just go to his house Watch TV, you don't need to make such a fuss!"

"Even if you don't find a partner, you are not allowed to go!"

Bai Feng was surprised: "Mom! I haven't heard of any enmity between our family and Jiang Yu's family! Why do you seem to have taken the wrong medicine today?"

This sentence is broken.

"Damn girl, dare to curse your mother for taking the wrong medicine, see if I don't beat you to death!"

"Heck! Mom, hit it lightly, it hurts a bit! Don't break my new padded jacket..."

A few minutes later, Bai Feng hugged her mother's arm: "Mom! You seem to have a grudge against the Jiang family, what's the matter? Did you have a relationship with Jiang Yu's father when you were young..."

Bai Feng's mother slapped Bai Feng's head with a slap: "Shut up! Don't talk nonsense, what complaints do you have, you are only seventeen this year, I'm afraid you will find someone too early and something will happen."

Bai Feng curled her lips, isn't this a fool!

"Is 17 still young? When you were 17, it seemed like you were about to have my brother?"

"What was my age?"

"Mom! Let's not care what era it is. Look, I have a new down jacket by myself now. Do you think it needs to be paired with a new pair of pants? Jiang Xue has new high-stretch trousers, what else? You can’t go with a pair of sneakers.”

Baifeng's mother picked up the broom for sweeping the kang that had just been put down: "Yes! I think there is still a need for a broom to fry meat! I will give you another broom!"

Bai Feng jumped off the ground and ran, and ran to Jiang Yu's house in the blink of an eye.

As for her mother not letting her come to Jiang's house, she forgot about it as soon as she turned around.

At this time, the Jiang family had already distributed the New Year's goods, and Li Qin stuffed everyone's New Year's equipment into the big cabinet with a lock on the outside.

Before thirty days, no one should touch these things.

He just left Jiang Xue's down jacket outside. The down jacket is something you can wear right after you buy it. When you wear it during the Chinese New Year, you can still wear it for a few days.

Jiang Yu found a needle and thread, and sewed the coming white fur collar on the brim of the down jacket one by one.

After sewing, Jiang Xue put on the down jacket and put on the hat, and the white fur collar made her a little more handsome.

It was at this time that Bai Feng came running, and when she saw it, she clamored for Jiang Yu to sew the fur collar on for her.

"You are a girl, and you ask others to sew things, are you embarrassed?"

Bai Feng hesitated: "I don't know how to sew."

Jiang Yu sighed: "Can't even mend clothes? Let's see how you get married in the future."

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