The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 25 The First Color TV in Huangling Village

The next step is to connect the power supply.

Jiang Yu used a newly bought wire to pull a wire from the switch to the back of the cabinet, and connected the TV to the power supply.

The last step is to install and debug the TV antenna. Without the TV antenna, the TV is just a decoration.

There was no suitable long pole at home, so Jiang Yu twisted two three-meter-long poles together with No. [-] wire.

There are hillsides behind and to the right of his house, only four or five meters away from his house.

The hillside behind the house is higher than his house. He tied the TV antenna pole to the tree on the hillside behind the house. The six-meter-high pole and the height of the hillside are basically equivalent to a height of nine to ten meters, which should be enough used.

Let's deal with it tonight to see if the effect is really not good, so we have to go to the southern slope of Luofeng Mountain at night to steal two long poles and come back.

When Zhang Shanbo and Li Qingxian were approached by Jiang Yu, they looked confused. Standing on the TV pole?When did this guy buy a TV?

When I arrived at Jiang Yu's house, I was even more dumbfounded, and it was a color TV.

The first color TV in Huangling Village appeared in the poorest family in the village.

Where does this make sense?

They also grew up eating corn noodles, so the difference in life seems a bit big!

"Jiang Yu! Did you find the wallet or rob the bank? Yesterday I bought a bicycle for your sister, and today I got a color TV!"

"I didn't pick up the wallet or rob the bank. I made a new product for our commune machinery factory. The reward was a bicycle and a color TV. The bicycle was new, and the TV was old. I didn't see the TV. Is it the dust in the crevices of the machine case!"

These things are not small money, so it is natural to come up with a statement, that is, the process of whitewashing.

Rather than saying that the machinery factory bought his patent for [-] yuan, it would be more reasonable to explain it this way. This TV set is indeed old, which is very reasonable.

Anyway, An Minghai's Jiang Yu explained in advance, and when he meets An Minghai again, it will be seamless.

"Jiang Yu! Can the three of us stand up?" Li Qingxian lacked confidence.

"It's more than six meters long. We three young men can't stand up? Don't marry a wife in the future. If you marry, it will be hers." Jiang Yu laughed and scolded.

Zhang Shanbo and Li Qingxian carried the pole to the back of Jiang Yu's house, and Jiang Yu pulled a bundle of TV feeder wires he bought to the hillside behind the house.

Although Wujiaohua Company promised to donate a TV antenna, the feeder wire attached to the TV antenna was only five or six meters long.

Jiang Yu bought a 40-meter-long feeder by himself, which is enough for any amount of fluttering.

There are more than a dozen wild and useless trees on the hillside behind the house. Jiang Yu picked the thickest elm tree, cleaned the branches of the elm tree, and tied the TV pole to the elm tree.

The TV feeder was pulled from the air to the roof of Jiang Yu’s house, then entered the house from the front of the roof to the window, looped around the wall, and finally connected to the TV.

The only regret is that there are no TV programs during the day and afternoon, and there is no signal at all. We have to wait for the signal at night before debugging.

Naturally, Zhang Shanbo and Li Qingxian didn't help in vain, and Jiang Yu threw a box of cigarettes worth a few cents over.

As soon as Zhang Shanbo and Li Qingxian left, Jiang Dongsheng returned home and stared at the TV on the counter in a daze.

Jiang Yu asked Jiang Xue for the key to Jiang Xue's bicycle from his mother, and asked Jiang Xue to play outside.

"Dad! Mom! That's the way it is..." If buying a bicycle is enough to fool you, then a television set worth a thousand dollars must have a valid reason.

Jiang Yu explained the matter of selling product patents to the machinery factory in detail from front to back, without hiding anything.

Jiang Dongsheng and Li Qin were completely relieved this time, and the money came in the right way.

The son has really been a soldier for nothing in the past few years. He just sold a few blueprints and sold them for thousands of yuan.

Jiang Dongsheng and his wife had opened their eyes.

"Son! Give the money to Mom, and Mom will save it for you, and use it when you marry a wife."

Jiang Yu chuckled, it was a trick to deceive children.

"I can't give you the money. I still need to use the money to do some things a few years ago. This year, I will buy other things in the house. Next summer, I plan to build a house with five large rooms and a long span. You live in it." After living in a small broken house all my life, it’s time to live in a big house, you don’t have to worry about anything, I will take care of everything.”

For a moment, Li Qin suddenly felt a force gushing out of his body, and his mental state was lifted.

In the past, she didn't want to go to other people's homes to watch TV. It didn't mean she didn't like watching TV.

The poor condition of her own home made her always feel inferior in front of others. This was the main reason why she didn't go to other people's homes to watch TV for several years.

Now that her son is capable, she feels her back slipping away.

The son also said that he will start a new house next year, which made her feel more comfortable, and the diseases in her body seemed to have receded to the ends of the world.

"However, when I told Zhang Shanbo and Li Qingxian just now, I said that the bicycle and TV were exchanged by the machinery factory, so don't let it slip outside."

The news that Jiang Yu's family bought a color TV quickly spread throughout Huangling Village, and Jiang Yu knew who the first batch of people came without guessing.

Bai Feng and Lin Jing and Song Mei came as a team.

"Zhang Shanbo Na Shanpao said that your family bought a TV, or is it true or false?" Bai Feng asked incredulously.

Jiang Yu didn't answer, but just pointed to the TV feeder on the roof.

"Maybe your antenna is fake!"

This sentence almost choked Jiang Yu to death.

"I'm talking about Bai Wuxin! How much water is in your head? I'm okay to put a fake antenna on the roof? You mean I'm that idiot? Tell me how you came up with this sentence?"

Song Mei and Lin Jing covered their mouths and giggled, Bai Feng also laughed, the kind of smile that showed teeth.

"Sister Baifeng took a bath in the big river in summer and was flooded with water. The water in her head must have been poured in at that time." Jiang Xue testified on the side.

Bai Feng is a hornet's nest, and if she provokes her, she will definitely be punished, so Jiang Xue's body is covered with Bai Feng's paw prints, making Jiang Xue beg for mercy.

"I'm going to your house to watch the color TV tonight!" Facing Jiang Xue who begged for mercy, Bai Feng made the condition confidently.

"Don't come!"

"I'll come! I didn't realize how capable you are."

At this time, the last insider of the Jiang family ran back panting.

Jiang Bin still heard from others that his family bought a TV.

He was skating on the Yanshui River while playing a match gun, and a friend came running to tell him the news.

At first, he was steadfast in his disbelief, and bought a TV on his family's terms?

Until a second child came running from the village to repeat the message again.

Jiang Bin had some letters this time.

When the third child appeared in front of him and told him that his family bought a TV, and it was a color TV, Jiang Bin finally believed it.

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