"Brother Fugui! When you send the TV, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is probably over, so I don't want to think about it. What's the matter with the prototype you just mentioned?"

Zhang Fugui pointed to the smallest color TV on the far side of the color TV display counter in Wujiaohua Company's TV counter: "That is the display prototype, [-] inches."

Jiang Yu went to the counter and took a close look at the prototype.

The prototype is a display that is placed on the counter, opened when the store opens, and closed when the store closes, without any idle time in between.

This prototype turned out to be an imported TV set from the island country Sanyang brand.

Although Sanyang was only a second-rate brand in the island country, it still seemed tall in China at that time.

"When was this prototype put up?"

"This summer... it was put up in early June, but I can't remember the exact time." It was the bald middle-aged man who answered Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu began to calculate.

The service life of color TV picture tubes after 2000 in the last generation can reach 80 hours, but the lifespan of 1s picture tubes is definitely not so long, but the service life is usually more than [-] hours, and can reach up to [-] hours.

Even if this prototype was put up in early June, it has been used for about seven months now for a little over half a year.

According to the condition of working 24 hours a day, the service life of the picture tube of this TV is more than 5000 hours, which means that even if it works 24 hours a day, it still has a life span of at least [-] hours.

Besides, it hasn't worked that long a day.

The working time of this TV in the store is about ten hours a day at most, so the use time of this TV is only more than 2000 hours, and it has a life span of more than 7000 hours.

This is definitely worth buying!

A fool would not buy it. A new [-]-inch color TV costs [-] yuan, which can save more than half of the money.

When it reaches the end of its lifespan...there is no need for it to reach the end of its lifespan, maybe it will be replaced with a bigger one next year when he earns money again.

"How much is this TV set?"

"1000 yuan will be dealt with."

"Can it be cheaper?"

"We sold it at a loss at this price, and its purchase price is only more than 2000 yuan." Manager Xie Ding said very sincerely.

I believe you a ghost!

When the black-and-white TV first came in, how much did the devil suggest selling it for, which was less than one hundred, but how much did the common people pay when they saw it?

The first batch of 520-inch black and white TV sets cost [-] yuan.

Jiang Yu firmly believes that the cost price of this color TV is 1000 yuan more.

"Manager Liu! Since it doesn't matter if you pay more, give my brother a little more." Zhang Fugui helped Jiang Yu speak.

Manager Liu showed embarrassment.

"When the time comes, I'll find it for you."

Zhang Fugui, as the general salesman of their factory in this generation, it is not difficult to find a price difference of several hundred yuan.

"Then let's count it as eight hundred, and we can't lose one point."

The price is better.

"Is the box in which this TV was put in?"

"It's here!" The salesperson at the counter turned around and found a cardboard box containing a TV.

"Pack it up for me and bill me."

At this time, the bald manager surnamed Hao said: "Little comrade! We must first declare that because this TV is a prototype, it has no warranty or anything. It works fine here, but it will break if you go out. , we are not responsible.”

"You don't need to be responsible, but it's okay to send me an extra TV antenna?"

"no problem."

A set of TV antenna costs ten or eight yuan, which is not a big deal.

Here, Jiang Yu billed and paid the money, and the salesman over there repacked and sealed the prototype.

"Brother Fugui! If you are destined to visit my house in the future, I'm going home now. It's almost noon today."

"Since it's noon, let's eat before leaving. It happens that Manager Hao is here, so let's go have a drink."

Jiang Yu shook his head: "There are too many things in my family. If I drink in a daze, whether I can go home or not is a question and I won't drink."

"Then you leave me your address, I don't even know where your house is, how can I visit your house then?"

Jiang Yu is tired, do you really plan to go?

Jiang Yu wrote his address to Zhang Fugui, then took the TV box to the individual bus parking spot in front of the joint venture company, and took a small bus passing Jianshan Commune at [-]:[-] noon.

Although individual buses are more expensive, they have the advantage that they can be parked at will, unlike state-owned buses that must stop at fixed stops.

Jiang Yu got off the car at the gate of the machinery factory, went into the factory, greeted An Minghai, picked up his bicycle, tied the TV firmly to the shelf, and pedaled home.

This time he didn't take the big river, but returned home along a hillside road passing by his house that few people usually walk.

Jiang Xue sat at the kang table sullenly and did her homework. The reason for her displeasure was that her mother locked her bicycle and took away the keys.

It is said that they are not allowed to ride until they are in school.

The new car will not be allowed to ride after a day of addiction. It is no wonder that she is happy. She wrote a whole page of provocative words about mother being a villain to vent her anger.

I was gnashing my teeth, and when I looked up from the window, I saw my elder brother pushing a bicycle back.

With sharp eyes, she saw the big cardboard box on the bicycle shelf at a glance.

She had seen this kind of box before, it was used to hold a TV set.

When other people in the village bought TV sets, she watched them greedily many times, and she was definitely not wrong.

In an instant, Jiang Xue felt her heart beating faster, her blood surging, she jumped off the kang, pulled the cotton shoes and ran out.

"Brother! Did you buy a TV? Ah! It's still in color! How...how could it be in color?" I stuttered when I got excited.

Jiang Yu braced the bicycle, unloaded the TV from the shelf, and carried it into his mother's room.

The door of the house was a bit small, and the cardboard boxes took some trouble to get into the house.

Jiang Yu's father was not at home, only his mother, Li Qin, was sitting on the kang, watching blankly as her son brought a cardboard box into the house.

"Mom! I bought you a TV. This time you can sit on the kang and watch TV, and it's in color."

Li Qin felt a buzzing in his head, and asked in a trembling voice: "Son... son! I heard that a color TV costs several thousand. Where did you get so much money?"

I almost spent [-] yuan to buy a new bicycle for my daughter yesterday, and she was so shocked. Unexpectedly, my son got a bigger thunder today.

"Mom! I didn't tell you that my money came clean. I'll tell you and my dad in the evening, Jiang Xue! Help me hold the cardboard box while I take out the TV."

Jiang Xue grabbed the cardboard box, and Jiang Yu pulled the TV out of the box.

Throw the shockproof foam back into the box, and the TV sits on top of the broken cupboard in my parents' room.

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