The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 13 The Family Property of Huangling Village

When someone sees that the machinery factory is profitable, those who are now standing still will naturally jump out and grab control.

There is no powerful force behind An Minghai, if someone with a background really competes with him, he will definitely not be able to compete with them.

"You mean I'll contract out the machinery factory now?"

"Currently contracting the machinery factory is the most suitable opportunity. If the benefits are not good, the money handed over will naturally not be so high. When you contract the machinery factory and invest in new products, you can count the money at home!"

"But even if the efficiency of the machinery factory is not good now, it will cost tens of thousands of dollars a year to contract it."

"Third Uncle! All investments are risky. There is no free lunch in the world. If this risk can't be lowered, then come back and farm."

"You mean that I contract out the machinery factory?" An Minghai asked again, worried.

"I have a question. In your eyes, I belong to the kind of person who can't do things well. Why do you ask me?"

"Although you have no hair on your mouth, I feel that you can do things well, so I think it is more practical to ask you."

hehe!This old thief's eyes are still vicious, just ask me.

"Package! It must be packed, and it should be sooner rather than later. The sooner the better, it is best to solve this matter a few years ago."

If you don't solve it now, you can save it for the New Year!

An Minghai looked hesitant.

Before they knew it, the two had reached the Mizoguchi.

There was a commotion ahead.

Baifeng Jiangxue and two other girls formed a camp, and they were having a snowball fight with more than a dozen [-]- and [-]-year-old boys including Jiang Bin in the open space in front of the team department.

More than a dozen little guys surrounded the four girls, throwing snow balls like heavenly girls scattered flowers.

Although the girl was several years older than these little boys, she was a girl, and she couldn't stand up to the opponent's crowd, and she was beaten back and forth for a while.

Among the four girls, Jiang Xue was the worst, already running away with her head in her arms.

The bravest one was Bai Feng, who became more and more courageous as he fought, chasing the two boys and attacking violently.

"Hey! When Fengzi's mother from the Bai family gave birth to her, she must have been cast in the wrong fetus. Isn't this a fierce Zhang Fei!"

An Minghai still had the heart to criticize others, which made Jiang Yu very speechless.

This bastard Bai Feng really doesn't give her face. An Minghai here just gave her another nickname of fierce Zhang Fei, and she flew over with a snowball over there.

Originally, the target of this snowball was Jiang Yu, but the aim was not good enough, so it flew towards An Minghai.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jiang Yu grabbed the snowball as soon as he stretched out his hand, and flicked it backhand.

The snowball thrown from his hand seemed not to be limited by space, with a flick of his hand on one side, the snowball on the other side bloomed on Baifeng's head.

Bai Feng was dumbfounded on the spot, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Hahahaha!" An Minghai laughed loudly.

"It's good to be young! It seems that only you can tame this wild horse, so I won't get involved with you young people. I'm going home."

After An Minghai finished speaking, he rode his bicycle and headed north.

Bai Feng came to her senses: "Song Mei! Lianxiang! And Jiang Xue! If your brother dares to hit me, hit him!"

As a result, a snow ball flew towards Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu didn't fight back, but just dodged left and right. With his skill, not a single snowball fell on him.

Why can't it hit the white phoenix's seven orifices that generate smoke?

Just at this time, a [-]-type tractor suddenly came from the west, and the trailer was full of bluestones.

Rural houses are usually built after spring or autumn.

Regardless of whether construction starts in spring or after autumn, winter is a good season to prepare materials. In winter, tractors are not easy to miss the car due to the hard permafrost. In spring and summer, tractors can basically fool around in winter where tractors cannot go.

These two tractors are obviously used to pull stones for someone to build a house.

Jiang Yu looked at the tractor pulling the stone, and suddenly felt happy.

Who said that Huangling Village has no family background, isn't it still there!And this property will play a huge role in the next decade or so.

Because he was distracted by the tractor pulling the rocks, Jiang Yu didn't dodge those snowballs.

A snowball from Baifeng finally landed on Jiang Yu's cotton hat, and the scattered snow powder made Jiang Yu's hair white.

"Wow! I hit it! Hahahaha!" Bai Feng laughed in a disfigured way, and his voice was like a deaf trumpet.

Jiang Yu didn't have time to deal with these bobcat beasts, so he walked over when he saw someone demolishing the wall of Yang Wan's house.

"Uncle Yang! You demolished the wall after your report to the renovation team approved it?"

Renovating a mansion is not like building a house. The brigade can approve it at that time, without having to ask the commune for instructions.

"It's not easy. Of course the brigade approved it. Otherwise, what would I do if I demolished the wall! I demolished the wall and dug out the foundation while the ground is not frozen deep. Wouldn't it save me a lot of trouble next spring?"

The bricklayers Yang Wan hired were all members of the team. There were six of them in total, and they demolished the five or six-meter-long north wall in a short time.

After demolishing the wall, plan the foundation.

The foundation of a mansion doesn't need to be too deep, just a foot and a half deep, and these bricklayers dug it out in two days.

This had nothing to do with Jiang Yu, and he couldn't help Yang Wan dig the foundation, so he confidently followed the dirt road extending westward at Donggoukou to the north of Luofeng Mountain.

To the north of Luofeng Mountain is a cliff, and under the cliff is a sandbag field with a width of about 300 meters and a length of one thousand meters.

This sandbag land of about 500 mu is the best land in Huangling Village, accounting for more than half of all the land in Huangling Village.

In the northernmost part of this land, there are [-] or [-] families by the river, which is the northern part of Huangling Village.

The exposed white and blue granite stones can be seen from a long distance from this cliff.

At the foot of the cliff, several stonemasons from Huangling Village were knocking stones under the cliff.

"Second University! Are you still hitting rocks at such an old age?" Jiang Yu came to a mason pit named Li Jinquan.

Li Jinyu is more than 50 years old this year, and he is taking his youngest son Li Guoquan to drill a hole in a stone more than two meters high with an iron stick.

It is unrealistic to expect such a large stone to be split with a sledgehammer and chisel. It can only be drilled and blasted with a small gun with a small amount of explosives.

"It's Old Jiang's nephew! What if you don't hit rocks? Your little brother is getting married on May [-]st next year. If you don't earn some money, how can you marry a wife?"

The little brother Jiang Yu mentioned in Li Jinyu's mouth is the guy who is riding on the top of the rock with his legs apart.

This guy is getting married on May [-]st next year?

Jiang Yu nodded to Li Guoquan, who was riding on the top of the stone, drilling holes with a chisel.

Such a cold day, such a cool stone, you ride on the stone like a horse to drill holes...

Are you sure your stomach won't catch a cold?Thus affecting the family planning of marrying a daughter-in-law?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu felt that his crotch was chilly, so he quickly diverted his attention.

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