Jiang Yu chuckled, but was not angry.

"Third Uncle! I told you not to get excited. If it wasn't for the New Year and I waited for the money to be used, I wouldn't ask you for cash. I would raise a share with you, and you would definitely agree."

"Divided into? Divided into what?"

"The share is that you will give me a certain amount of money when you sell a machine in the future. I have thought about it. I will charge ten yuan for each machine. Do you think which one is suitable for you?"

"I think it's more reasonable for us to sell you a machine for ten dollars."

This is the small farmer's awareness, right? He only sees the benefits in front of him.

"Hehe! Uncle San! You won't settle accounts now. If I charge you like this, you won't give me more than 1 yuan a year, but now I only ask for 5000 yuan at a time. You spent the [-] yuan. You can sell the product for at least ten years without spending a penny.”

"Wait a minute! You said that if you share it, you will be given more than 1000 yuan a year? According to what you mean, if you give you [-] yuan for a machine, we will sell more than [-] machines a year."

"There are only more than 1000 machines? Then your machinery factory is too finished. I roughly calculated the cost of this small crusher, and it is only about 100 yuan at most. Your ex-factory price should be sold at [-] yuan. Right? At this price, if you don’t sell thousands of units a year in the countryside, are you embarrassed to come out? This is still in our province. If you look at the whole country, why don’t you sell [-] units a year? If Taiwan gives me ten dollars, you may have to give me tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, you won’t be able to calculate which one is more and which one is less?”

"What you said is reasonable, but it's not an immediate benefit. If you don't see anyone right now, you won't take it seriously. But now we have to spend 5000 yuan, which is real money."

"Being a person requires a long-sighted vision, especially if you are the factory manager. If you are also short-sighted, the company will not be able to develop well, and the money will definitely not be short. Why don't you go back and discuss it first? Well, send me a letter tomorrow night, so I can go to the next one and make sure someone will ask for it. There are still a month and a few days before the Chinese New Year, so don’t delay my Chinese New Year.”

"Xiao Jiang! Can this price be discounted? Is it okay to bargain at the market? For Uncle San's sake, give me a discount!"

Jiang Yu pretended to hesitate for a moment: "Third Uncle! It's not impossible, the folks in the village can't ask for anyone. This is because you open your mouth and I can't beat you. I'm five hundred cheaper, and I can't be less."

five hundred!This doesn't seem to make much difference.

"I'm sending this product to any machinery factory now, and I won't sell it for less than a penny. Don't think that I ask for more money. In fact, I still have a lot of these small products with high quality, low price and low cost in my stomach. Taking out two at random is enough for your machinery factory to deal with for a few years."

500 yuan An Minghai really didn't think it was much, but after Jiang Yu said that, he was embarrassed to speak again.

"Okay! I'll have a meeting tomorrow morning to discuss with the technical management backbone of the machinery factory. Let's do this. If you have nothing to do tomorrow, come to the commune machinery factory. If you pass, we will sign the contract and pay in the afternoon. .”

"If I don't pass, wouldn't I go in vain? Let me ride a bicycle for seven or eight miles this winter, wouldn't it be a pain!"

"If you are told to go, go, where is there so much nonsense!"

From the analysis of An Minghai's words, this matter is basically settled.

Jiang Yu sent the three of An Minghai out of the house with a smile on his face.

If there is this money in the account, he will not have to worry about the New Year.

Of course, even if he had this money for the New Year, he was not prepared to give up the blessing. He wanted to earn a lot of money but also a small one.

To Jiang Yu's surprise, An Minghai came back a few minutes later.

Seeing An Minghai's figure walking towards his house again, Jiang Yu was a little puzzled.

"Third Uncle! Why are you back again? Where are your two colleagues?"

"Of course I sent them away and came back. I don't live in the same team as them, so I still follow them!"

"But your family lives in Beidi, are you going in the wrong direction?"

"Can't I talk to you about something?"

"Just talk about it! Let's go into the room and talk."

"No! Aren't you going down there? Let's go out of the ditch and chat while walking. The temperature is okay today, not too cold."

Jiang Yu naturally couldn't express his objection.

So, Jiang Yu and An Minghai walked down the road in Donggou Village while chatting.

An Minghai took out a pack of cigarettes without filters and handed Jiang Yu one.

Jiang Yu shook his head: "I don't smoke."

"Where's the wine?"

liquor?Not to mention the mention of wine, Jiang Yu's stomach really swelled.

His current impression of alcohol is a bit complicated. Without alcohol, he would not have a car accident, would not be reborn, and naturally would not be where he is now.

He can't define whether wine is good or bad for him.

"I don't even drink wine."

"Then I guess the wife doesn't have to marry. A man who doesn't smoke or drink is not a man."

Is it still a eunuch?

"Third Uncle! Are you going to be my introducer to find a match?"

"Cut! Is that something your third uncle can do?"

"Actually, you get a top hat and put it on, and you look a bit like a matchmaker." Jiang Yu made a light joke.

"Boy Jiang! You haven't been in the army for nothing these past few years, even your speech has changed. I remember you were a boring gourd before."

In the past, it was more than just boring gourds. If you can't give a fart when you swear at people in the countryside, it's about him...it's about him in the past.

"People are subject to change. The army is a melting pot, and it is a good place to train people."

"I heard that you did a good job in the army and made meritorious service. You have been abroad. Why didn't you stay in the army?"

"The army wanted to keep me, but I applied for demobilization." Jiang Yu didn't say that he was injured during an overseas mission, which was neither serious nor minor.

He couldn't carry out his mission if he stayed, so he could only do something in logistics. He didn't want to stay and cause trouble for the country, so he applied for demobilization.

"The knowledge of the people in the army is naturally not comparable to that of us Ueno bumpkins. We talked about the contracting of the machinery factory at Yang Wan's house that day, Xiao Jiang! Do you think it is interesting to contract the machinery factory?"

When Yang Wan's family asked about the contract that day, An Minghai said that the commune machinery factory was almost ruined, and no one would contract it blindly.

At this time, when he asked about this, it was obvious that he also had his own Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

"Third uncle! Let me tell the truth, why don't you contract? If there is such a good thing, we must hurry up now, otherwise there will be no such shop after passing this village. You have also worked in the machinery factory for 20 years. How many catties and taels are there in the factory? You must be clear in your heart, why don't you pack them?"

"I'm thinking about waiting for the new products to hit the market and the machinery factory's condition improves before contracting it out."

Jiang Yu looked at An Minghai strangely: "Third Uncle! You are so smart that you have been confused for a while. Now that the machinery factory is like a broken rag, no one will snatch it from you. When the profit of the machinery factory improves, I guarantee it will If someone comes to snatch the fruits of your victory, you may not be able to snatch them.”

There is a sky above everyone's head, although it is just a small commune, there are still many people with backgrounds.

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