"The Forest of the Secret Realm, the Land of the Nine Nethers, and the Eternal Devil's Nest are important places in the Six Realms."

"The deepest part of the forest of the secret realm is the dwelling of the demon race, the land of the nine secluded worlds is the underworld, and the Eternal Demon Cave is the dwelling of the demon race."

Gu Si roughly explained and popularized the common sense of the division of the six realms.

"Ah! So that's the case. Then how to divide the six realms here?"

Qingqing only knows the final ending of the original book, and doesn't know the specific division, after all, it has been broken for a long time.

"The six worlds of heaven and earth: gods, humans, demons, immortals, demons, and ghosts; thousands of years ago, gods and immortals were no longer distinguished in detail, and they were collectively called immortals."

"People from the Zongmen have been promoted and ranked among the immortals, that's exactly what happened."

Qingqing feels that Gu Si is very powerful, as if there is nothing he can't do, she feels like a fairy.

Just at this point, someone behind him greeted Xiao Ning to continue practicing. After saying hello, the little guy returned.

Then, the two came to the Erxuan training ground.The incident of being attacked before was vivid, Qingqing did not dare to approach the training ground at all, and could only wait and see from a distance.


Seeing Qingqing coming here, Erxuan stopped the training and stepped out of the field on his own.

"Erxuan, how is your health?"

Qingqing was still worried, after all, it was a monster, and she could bear it, but Erxuan was just a child.

"After taking Senior Brother Jiang's elixir, I'm fine."

"how do you feel?"

Erxuan looked Qingqing up and down, his eyes were worried, his lips were tightly pursed, as if he wanted to say something.

"Don't worry, I'm in very good health."

After all, it was to protect Erxuan from getting hurt, Qingqing didn't want to tell him the matter, so as not to have a psychological burden.

Erxuan looked up at Qingqing, her eyes were pure and flawless.How could such a person be treacherous and insidious?

Recalling that Qingqing sacrificed her life to save her sister, I made wild guesses about her; later, I hurt her again and again, and even wanted to poison her to kill her.

She forgave all of them with generosity, but now she is actually resisting the monster with her body, which is really unexpected.

Want to express gratitude, but feel unworthy.

She doesn't deserve to be forgiven, doesn't deserve her care and love.

Seeing him hesitating, Qingqing hit her forehead with a chestnut, raised her eyebrows in dissatisfaction, and pouted her mouth.

"Speaking frankly, what does it look like to be hesitant as a man?"

Seeing that Qingqing is full of energy, Erxuan let go of his hanging heart.He pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and finally made up his mind:

"That day, thank you."

"Because I was hurt, I..."

"What did I think you were going to say?"

"I am your mother, if I don't protect you, who should I protect?"

"Now you have time to feel guilty, why don't you practice your hidden weapons more and give your mother the first place!"

She directly interrupted her son's apology and patted him on the shoulder hard.Friendly attitude, clear voice, no reproach.


Er Xuan seemed to be greatly encouraged, and nodded repeatedly.It is rare to show a smile, so pure and beautiful, free from blemishes.

Looking at her son's back, Qingqing leaned against Gu Si's arms like a kite that was unthreaded.

"How does it feel?"

Gu Si hugged the woman in his arms, his face was full of distress.Knowing that she is holding on in order to avoid the child's worry, in this situation, the most taboo is to use force.

Qingqing could only shake her head indifferently, her face lost all color in an instant, breathing became a luxury.

He can only comfort the woman in his arms again, even if he can only persuade him with kind words in his heart:

"Qing'er, your body is important. You don't have to hurt yourself to prove something."

Qingqing, who eased off a bit, forced a smile, looked up at her fourth brother who was worried about her, and felt apologetic.

"I know you worry about me."

"It's just... Erxuan and Damo are very thoughtful, they are not like children of the same age at all, they seem to have lived for decades."

"I'm making up for what An Miaoqing did wrong before."

"Give them all the love you can."

Qingqing looked into the distance with a gratified expression and a sad smile.The breeze blows, and the blue hair floats, disturbing the peach noodles.

"Let's go to Damo's to have a look. I'm most assured of these children."

"Yes, Mo'er is a mature child, but his personality is a bit cold."

Gu Si hugged Qingqing and walked forward slowly, green vines swaying, branches and leaves falling, outlined a beautiful picture scroll.

The sword training site has no boundaries, whether it is a hillside or a flat ground, it can be their training place.

Da Mo held a wooden sword in his arms around his chest, and leaned lazily on the tree trunk behind him.His eyes were lightly closed, and his right leg was slightly bent, as if nothing in the world could cause ripples.

"Pretending to be deep."

Qingqing pouted and commented in a low voice.

Da Mo seemed to be catching the signal, raised his eyelids, and the glare struck him. Seeing that it was Qingqing, he put down his vigilance.

She seemed to be a child who was caught by mistake, but subconsciously shrank her neck, retreated, and hurriedly escaped from here.

"I... let's go to the dining hall."

Seeing Qingqing pulling Gu Si away, Da Mo smiled lightly, feeling relieved.


Before stepping in, I only heard the noise inside, as if there was a conflict.The two looked at each other and quickened their pace together.

The inside was in a mess, the wooden tables were all cut down in half, and the wooden chairs were broken into knots.Porcelain bowls and cups were scattered all over the floor, and chopsticks were scattered everywhere.

Worse than a burglary!

Qingqing looked around and found that the elder brother was fighting with the knife-faced disciple, and Zhou Yang behind him held a sword and sneered, as if he was watching the show.

The point is that the elder brother is actually at a disadvantage, which is unexpected to Qingqing.

"Fourth Brother..."

Before Qingqing could speak, Gu Si silenced his voice, motioning her to look at Dao Tiao's face.

Upon closer inspection, it was found that the knife face was full of resentment, the eye circles were bruised, and the pupils turned completely white; the nose was bleeding, and the teeth were grinning, but the gums were bloodless.

He walks crookedly, his neck is turned sideways, and black air is spit out from his mouth from time to time.

This appearance is very similar to the loss on TV.

"Is this... bewitched?"

I didn't expect the TV scene to be reproduced at all. This appearance is really scary.She immediately shrank behind Gu Si, poked her head out to watch in horror.

"Ghost clan, secret order."

As soon as the four words came out, the knife face froze, and the joints of the neck made a 'click click' sound of breaking.The face turned to the back, the mouth grinned behind the ears, and the teeth became sharp in an instant.

The white pupils looked at Gu Si, and with the sound of 'click', they walked slowly towards this side.

Qingqing didn't dare to look at it at all, she shrank behind Gu Si, swallowed wildly, and said silently in her heart: Namo Amitabha.

"You guys run!"

The elder brother covered his chest and yelled at everyone, An Ran's body trembled, Zhou Yang drew out his sword and stood in front of him, pretending to be masculine.

Stimulated by the sound, he pounced on his eldest brother with a knife face, without any chance to catch his breath.

The eldest brother is also a Lianjiazi, picked up the short knife on the ground, and cut the opponent's throat.I thought it was over here, but I didn't expect that the knife face could still move.


An Ran was really scared, and her screams resounded through the dining hall, which of course attracted the attention of Dao Pao Lian.

Qingqing felt that she was an idiot, this kind of monster dared to bark after hearing the sound of attack.

Seeing the monster attack, Zhou Yang could only stab his heart with his sword.But the monster unintentionally broke the sharp sword and strangled Zhou Yang's neck.

Zhou Yang lifted his feet off the ground, the veins on his forehead popped out, and his eyes turned white.An Ran was so frightened that she sat paralyzed on the ground, trembling all over, her mind went blank.

Gu Sijian pointed at the monster's neck.A sharp blade suddenly appeared in the void, and with the finger falling, the head fell to the ground.

Rolling to An Ran's feet like a ball, staring at her with white eyes, bloody mouth, very horrifying, An Ran fainted directly.

Zhou Yang, who was let go, was freed, breathed greedily, and enjoyed being alive.

At this time, the eldest brother was injured to the end, and the monster returned to its original appearance.It was the stern-faced person who wanted to mistreat Xiao Ning at the beginning!

Just after class, the disciple came to the cafeteria, saw the scene in front of him retreated one after another, and even fainted.

At this time Zhou Yang pointed at Gu Si and shouted:

"This person... this person killed the same sect!"

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