When Gu Si heard this, he half-clenched his fist and put it on his chin, and then coughed a few times, as if to cover up something.

Qingqing felt a 'thud' in her heart, feeling that she was about to die.

"Nothing happened between me and him..."

"At that time, I was poisoned by love and wanted to borrow his spiritual spring."


Qingqing's mood at this time should be angry and annoyed, but she couldn't suppress her heart looking forward to the follow-up, her eyes were shining.

"What what?"

Seeing that the other party was hesitating, she couldn't help it, and urged her to speak quickly.

"Unexpectedly, Zhuo Hua actually seduced me. At that time, the poison of love was all over, and I...accidentally ripped off his clothes."

It's really hard for Gu Si to say anything, if he wasn't afraid of the little lady's misunderstanding, he wouldn't bring up the old story again if he was killed.

Especially with such a bad past.

"Sleep... sleep?"

His eyes were gloomy, his voice was trembling, and his mood was complicated and tangled.As a girlfriend, I still don’t want him to lose his virginity; but...as a girl, it’s not necessarily the case...

"No, someone else came and took Zhuohua away."

"And then I passed out too."

Gu Si let out a sigh of relief, but luckily Taoyao arrived in time, otherwise he might lose his virginity.

If Zhuohua knew what he was thinking, he would definitely complain: I just want to see your concentration, I am not a broken sleeve!

"That's fine, that's fine."

Qingqing was very relieved, fortunately nothing happened, otherwise she wouldn't know how to comfort her fourth brother.

A straight man was... given to something by another man, this hurdle in his heart must be difficult to overcome.

Immediately, the girl's sixth sense was strongly activated, and she sniffed and searched upwards.

"But...why are you being poisoned by love?"

"If there is no spiritual spring, would you just find someone to detoxify?"

Being poisoned by love means that someone has taken a fancy to Gu Si and wanted to have pornographic content with him that cannot pass the trial, so they drugged him.


Hearing the little lady ask such words, Gu Si smiled knowingly, knowing that the little lady must be jealous.Gentle explanation:

"I was also accidentally poisoned at the time."

"I wouldn't seek someone to detox, even if there were no one else."

"Don't worry, I'm still a..."

Gu Sizhu pressed her lips against Qingqing's ear, her voice was evil and charming, and her continued addition made Jiao's face blush, and the little deer in her heart couldn't stop it.

"You, you, what are you talking about?"

"Who cares if you..."

"the first time."

The last three words are almost silent, a girl Jiajia is really embarrassed to repeat such ambiguous and lustful words.

"Oh? Since my little Qing'er doesn't care, then I... find someone else to practice, so as not to be unfamiliar in the future."

The unscrupulous Gu Si returned again, and his mouth continued to swear.Hearing this, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were like apricots, and her body was burning hot unconsciously.

I don't know if it's the burning of the wound or the numbness in my heart. In short...it's not a normal phenomenon.

"You, you, you are not allowed to go!"

"Bring me my clothes!"

With a delicate and blush face, she looks strong and arrogant.Her appearance aroused the animal desire in Gu Si's heart even more.

"Yes, my little Qinger."

I didn't tease the little guy any more, I was mainly worried about tearing the wound, which would not heal easily.

"I can wear it myself, you go and rest."

Qingqing who took the clothes didn't put them on immediately, after all, she just took the medicine and pretended to be ignorant.But now, with big eyes and small eyes, how could she agree safely!

"Are you sure you don't need brother's help?"

Gu Si held a pink apron, tilted his head and smiled lightly, showing his canine teeth, looking extremely innocent.

"do not want!"

Pulling off the apron, using too much force, still opened the wound.Qingqing, who was in pain, frowned, her body curled up suddenly, and a 'hissing' sound came out of her mouth.


Quickly inspecting her wound, there was a large bruise in the center of the delicate skin; looking inward, the purple became thicker, and the center showed the color of hell, dark and terrifying.

With Hei Nong as his heart, he faintly exudes a dark devilish energy, the wound on his clothes has healed, and he is still dissipating the poison.

Gu placed his four hands in a dark place, and the orchid ice color emanated from the palm, which mixed with the magic energy and dissipated in an instant.

The range of cyanosis shrinks at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally stagnates in the center, unable to dissipate.

"How does it feel?"

"Okay...much better."

Beads of sweat gathered on his forehead, his face was paper-like, his lips were pale; his voice was weak, and his body trembled unconsciously.

"In two days, the toxin will be cleared. In these few days, pay attention to rest."

Gu Si picked up the handkerchief, wiped the sweat gently, and acted cautiously, not daring to use force.

a cup of tea

Qingqing calmed down, her face was as usual, her thin lips were full of redness.

Gu Si waved his hands casually, whether it was a bellyband or an inner garment, they were neatly dressed, which was better than wearing them by hand.

"Oh! What kind of spell is this? It's amazing."

Qingqing thought, if she could learn this spell, she would save a lot of trouble in the future.

"Okay, I'll teach you after I want to learn."

Gu Si Chong petted the little lady's head, tenderly and lovingly.


"Fourth brother, I want to go out to see the children. I haven't seen you for a few days, and I'm thinking about it."

I was in a coma for three days, and I don't know what happened to the little guys.

"it is good."

Gu Si nodded, opened a barrier around Little Rui'er, opened the door and told the little wolf lying outside:

"Protect her."

The little wolf nodded awkwardly, stepped backwards into the room, and lay down under Xiao Rui'er's bed, curled up in a ball, really cute.

He wanted to support the little lady, but she pushed him away, Gu Si felt aggrieved.In desperation, Qingqing had no choice but to agree.

Secretly complaining in my heart: This person is probably not a monster, he is charming and provocative at one time, like a wolf dog; at another time, he is pitiful and innocent, like a milk dog.

Brother, please be human!

The two first came to Xiao Ning's training ground, which was the size of a football field.Xiao Ning pinches her fingers and thinks, there are many future... Butterflies around her?


Qingqing couldn't help worrying, after all, in the trial at the end of the month, using butterflies would definitely not win.


When Xiao Ning saw her mother wake up, she didn't care about the training, she rushed straight up, with a smile on her face, and hurriedly asked:

"Mom, how do you feel? Where does it hurt?"

"What do you want to eat? I'll ask my brother to make it for you!"

My daughter's big eyes are shining, youthful and agile, how can I not love her?

"I'm fine, and I'll fully recover in a few days."

"I see that you are practicing animal taming, how far have you practiced?"

Even if she can't wait in her heart, she can't dispel Xiao Ning's enthusiasm. After all, everyone has different talents.

"There are no big beasts here, we can only temporarily train butterflies, snakes, rats and ants."

"At the end of the month, all members will participate in the Forest of Secret Realm, and there will be many beasts to try."

Xiao Ning explained excitedly, her eyelashes flickering when she thought of the Forest of Secret Realm, and it was difficult to suppress her inner excitement.

"The forest of the secret realm?"

Qingqing: What the hell is this?

"The Forest of the Secret Realm is the place where the three major sects are tested. There are monsters, demonic beasts and divine beasts mixed in, and the outermost part is where the disciples are selected."

"All the disciples who participate in the selection will enter the trial. In terms of safety, you can rest assured that the surrounding area is full of beasts with no spiritual power and weak aggressiveness, and they are protected by sect disciples."

"This trial is also to test the results of learning."

"The important thing is that the power of attributes will be awakened in the forest of the secret realm."

Gu Si simply explained that knowing Qingqing's most important concern was safety, and she was reluctant to get her little one hurt.

"Where is this forest of secrets?"?

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