village pigwoman

456 have their own thoughts

Neither Zhao Yuanxi nor Zhao Yuanlan understood.

Zhao Yuanxi frowned and asked, "What is a scientist?"

Zhao Yuanle thought for a while and said, "Scientists are people who study all things in nature.

For example, why is the sky so blue, why can't people survive in the water, how is this machine made, and how does this high-yielding rice that is not afraid of disease come from.

They are the ones who discover the problems and the ones who solve them.

They are the ones who change the world. "

After Zhao Yuanle finished speaking, both Zhao Yuanxi and Zhao Yuanlan fell silent.

After being silent for a while, Zhao Yuanlan waved his hand: "What a scientist, it's none of my business, I don't want to change the world, I just want to marry a good man, so that I can live a good life with no worries about food and clothing and being served by others.

Hey, by the way, Second Sister, if you were a scientist, would you not spend money? "

Zhao Yuanle snorted harshly.

"No, it costs the most money to study science. What do you know, I have to work harder to make money and save money now, so that I can have capital in what I do in the future."

Zhao Yuanxi on the side, listening to Zhao Yuanle's words, thought of the things in the newspaper, and a faint regret suddenly surged in his heart.

She knows that the outside world is very big, but she seems to have no way to go out and have a look.

There's no way... She's old, she doesn't dare to disobey her family, and she doesn't dare to do anything deviant.

She, she doesn't have the guts.

Envious eyes fell on Zhao Yuanle, Zhao Yuanxi smiled and said, "That's good, can we have a female scientist in the future?"

Zhao Yuanle coughed twice.

"Low-key, it's not necessarily true. To be a Scientology teacher must endure loneliness and suffer a lot. I may not be able to persevere."

Now, she just wants to read some books, learn more about the technical level at this time, and get some practical information.

The modern knowledge is not enough for her, some of the books that Ming Hongyan sent for Wu Lin can also be read by her.

Like... the book on how to use a gun.

and also

Zhao Yuanle felt that Ming Yan was really thoughtful. Could it be that he wanted Wu Lin to read these books and become an all-rounder with both theory and practice?

Thinking of this, she hoped that Wu Lin would be genuinely interested in this knowledge, otherwise it would be difficult for him in the days to come.

Seeing Zhao Yuanle continue to read, Zhao Yuanlan felt bored and went out directly.

Zhao Yuanxi looked at the book a few more times and found that he really didn't understand it, so he gave up.

But Zhao Yuanle didn't have much time to read quietly alone, because Ming Hongyan quickly sent someone to deliver the generator and the accompanying wires and other materials, and added a complete tool box with all the tools in it. Still all new.

The people in the room were very curious about these things, and Yao'er stood by the generator and touched it with his little hand.

"Wow, this iron is shiny and slippery."

It is completely different from the black iron and hemp iron in the village.

More people stood a little farther away, for fear that they would be damaged.

Zhao Dacheng looked at the red belly who brought the things, and asked with a smile, "Is this for me?"

Chifu shook his head: "It's for Miss Zhao Er."

Zhao Yuanle was walking over at this time, Tang Siwen hurriedly beckoned and pulled her to the front.

"Lele, what is this?"

Zhao Yuanle looked at this medium-sized big iron lump, stretched out his hand and lifted a corner, and tried the weight.

The surrounding people exclaimed in succession.

Tang Siwen urged anxiously from the side: "Put it down quickly, don't break it." This thing is not cheap at first glance.

Zhao Yuanle put down the thing steadily, and nodded to the red belly.

"I received it, you can go back and deal with business."

The red belly bowed politely, then walked out with a straight back.

Tang Siwen looked at Zhao Yuanle: "What is this?"

Zhao Yuanle: "The generator."

Zhao Dacheng reached out and touched it: "So the generator looks like this."

Can such a big iron bump generate electricity?

Tang Siwen slapped Zhao Dacheng's hand and gave him a hard look: "Don't touch it randomly, what if you break it! This is a gift from a nobleman. If it breaks, blame us for what to do."

Zhao Yuanle chuckled lightly.

"How can it be damaged by touching? It's iron, it's steel, it's not made of tofu, it's so easy to break.

Besides, the things that the nobleman gave us are ours once they are given away, so what if they are broken, it is none of his business. "

Tang Sixue stood up at this time, with the appearance of an old master, and said earnestly: "That's not the case, if the gift from the nobleman is dirty and worn out, it is disrespectful to the nobleman.

If the nobleman finds out, he will be punished. "

Zhao Yuanle clicked his tongue twice, not taking Tang Sixue seriously.

Today, seeing Tang Sixue's enthusiastic expression today, she really felt a little flattering, and she was so embarrassed.

But this is my aunt's natal family, so she can't say anything.

Tang Sixue saw that Zhao Yuanle did not refute, and looked at the people around him listening carefully, so he started to talk a lot about this.

Speaking of the rules and traditions of the past, his emotions were agitated.

Tang Sixue lamented: "Now, where is there any etiquette, where are there any rules, these young people are more ignorant than the other.

Look at those female students, what they wear, they don't care about the defense of men and women at all.

Alas, the world is going downhill. "

Zhao Yuanle rolled his eyes silently, and simply went back to the house to pack up those books and things, took them together, tied them to the big iron lump, and carried the generator out the door.

He Ju followed with her big belly in a few steps.

"Lele, are you going back now?"

Zhao Yuanle nodded: "I'll go back first with this on my back, it doesn't matter if you come back later."

Tang Siwen: "Aren't you playing in the county?"

Zhao Yuanle shook his head: "No need, I'll go back early, maybe I can break some corn back today."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yuankang stood up.

"Let's go back together."

It was also time for him to do physical work.

Tang Siwen couldn't help but persuade him to stay.

"Let's go after playing. This is a new house. You haven't even looked at it, and you haven't visited the neighborhood."

Zhao Yuanle smiled: "I've been familiar with this neighborhood for a long time, and there's nothing interesting in this county. It's better to go back to the village. It's busy and more comfortable."

Now that Zhao Yuanle said so, Tang Siwen said: "Then Kangkang, wait a minute, and send back the food left on the table, for the two old people, and for Jinfeng."

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help laughing when he saw Tang Siwen hurried out of the kitchen with a pile of big hoofs in his hands.

Unfortunately, my aunt still remembers, and she really kept it.

Zhao Yuanle carried the big things and walked back to the village with Zhao Yuankang.

Many people in the county saw Zhao Yuanle, and everyone was surprised and admired.

This strength is really hard to find anywhere.

Things about the Zhao family began to spread in the county, especially about Zhao Yuanle.

The Yi family also knew a lot about what happened today.

At this time, Master Yi was sitting in the hall drinking tea, he was waiting for the reply about Yi Li.

When a young servant rushed back, he was hesitating again, and he knew it in his heart.


He didn't come, and he didn't give him face as an elder.

With a long sigh, Master Yi waved his hand and told Xiao to go down.

Mrs. Yi walked aside, seeing Master Yi's appearance, she knew it in her heart.

She whispered.

"Or, forget it, I don't think it's the nobleman or the Chen family, they don't mean that."

Master Yi frowned, turning the thumb on the thumb, very puzzled.

"It's okay to say that Chen Moying is a young man who is casual, but this Mrs. Xi is so old, how can she be so confused.

What did she like about that second girl from the Zhao family?

A little peasant girl, although she has some beauty, but she doesn't know anything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she doesn't know how to communicate with the housekeeper of a big family. What can she do if she really gets married? "

Mrs. Yi said abruptly: "I've asked about being able to have children.

Chen Moying was not in good health before, so Mrs. Xi was anxious, thinking that it would be fine if she could stay.

Now that Chen Moying is in good health, she has also taken a fancy to Zhao Yuanle's good health. There are people in the Zhao family who have been gifted for generations, so she thought about finding a gifted grandson for herself.

Whether it is a photographic memory or a strength like an ox, it is good.

Sigh... Before, I looked like I didn’t want anything and only wanted to have a future, but now I think about the long-term for the future. People, it’s all like this. "

Master Yi didn't take it seriously.

"If you really want this grandson, then let's take it in and have as many children as you want, and it won't delay marrying a young lady who is well-matched."

Mrs. Yi: "It's useless for you to tell me that. Now Mrs. Xi just doesn't like our daughter, and she only wants to ask for the Zhao family. I heard that Chen Moying is also interested. What can you do? You can force her to marry her." marry our daughter."

Master Yi rolled his eyes and spoke slowly.

"Isn't there another nobleman in our county today?"

Mrs. Yi also smiled meaningfully.

Master Yi: "You ask your daughter to find Yi Li, and ask carefully to see what that person thinks. A married woman from an aristocratic family will never be as unruly as Mrs. Xi."

Mrs. Yi: "Naturally."

At this time, Yi Li, who was listening to orders in Qingye Hall, sneezed.

Ming Hongyan glanced at him and ordered in a cold voice.

"For the matter of the Wang family, don't startle the snake."

Yi Li was very helpless.

It's not that he's trying to scare the snake, it's because Zhao Yuanle is too unconventional.

Who would have thought that she kicked Wang Yucheng to death, and even came to threaten the Wang family in person on a dark and windy night.

It was Zhao Yuanle who forced it, and it has nothing to do with him.

Of course Ming Hongyan knew, but what happened to Zhao Yuanle was on the surface, and many things that Yi Li did were secretly.

What Zhao Yuanle did was mainly to irritate people, and it didn't really make the Wang family jump over the wall in a hurry.

But if the Wang family knows what Yi Li has done, then something will happen.

Yi Li bent over: "Yes."

He just needs to be more careful.

Ming Hongyan remembered one thing, and said again: "Your jurisdiction, watch carefully, and don't do anything that shouldn't happen."

Yi Li: "Yes."

Ming Hong said: "Go down."

Hearing this, Yi Li respectfully left Qingye Hall, and as soon as he went out, he walked down this road, and when he saw the Chen family over there, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh.

"It doesn't make sense."

He thought of himself before, when he self-righteously warned Zhao Yuanle and asked her to be honest and raise pigs in the village.

Thinking about it now, he felt slapped.

Zhao Yuanle is much better than him, and he is better at it.

Not only the Chen family took care of her, but even the eldest sons of the family took care of her.

He thought, Zhao Yuanle wouldn't really feel that everything was just right.

Just right.

How could there be such a coincidence that this yard just happened to be sold, and it was still near the Ministry of Public Security, the price was so reasonable, and the procedures were so fast.

If Zhao Yuanle really thinks that way, how big is his heart.

After thinking about it, Yi Li looked complicated and snorted.

"I don't know who I'm going to see."

Under the setting sun, he walked down this road with a sore heart.

And the other afterglow shone into the courtyard beside the wall.

In the past, Madam Xi, who was ignored by everyone, now lowered her posture a little bit, standing in front of another dignified woman in purple.

There was a natural oppressive force on the woman in purple, and when she spoke, her voice was solemn and solemn.

"I heard that you plan to find a peasant girl from the countryside as a wife for this child?"

Mrs. Xi glanced at her man, saw her man pretending to be dead, thought about it, looked directly at the man in front of her, and nodded.

"Yes, I think this girl is good, and most importantly, my son likes it."

Chen Moying, who was standing obediently by the side, received a look from her cousin.

He only hesitated for a moment, then quickly shook his head.

"That's not the case, it's mother's wishful thinking."

For such things as pit mothers, after passing this village, there will be no such shop.

Hearing this, the woman in purple clothes became more serious.

"I knew it was you who was a fool. It's really useless to be a mother."

Mrs. Xi looked at Chen Moying, who was looking down and looking very honest, took a deep breath, and then asked: "My cousin's words are too serious."

"Hmph." Madam Ziyi sneered all over her body, and cast her cold eyes on Madam Xi: "Too heavy? I already care enough about your face.

After all, she is also the first daughter of a big family. Take a look at your appearance and your style.

If you are not in good health, I will not talk about passing this disease on to your son. After all, this is out of your control.

But look at your later behavior, you are a complete jealous woman!

Not being able to give birth by oneself is already a serious crime, but let alone a concubine, she never even prepared a house for her husband.

How my younger brother was treated as a joke in Beijing, do you ever know?

Look at this withered heir of my younger brother, you jealous woman is the chief culprit, the biggest sinner of the Chen family! "

When Mrs. Xi heard this, she was about to refute, but Mrs. Ziyi spoke again, her expression still dissatisfied.

"Let me tell you, your tricks are just playing in front of my younger brother. Because there is no mother-in-law above, and I don't have time to take care of it, you can be lawless these years.

Now that I have free time, I will be in charge of Mo Ying's affairs, if you dare to talk too much, hum..."

Mrs. Xi gritted her teeth secretly, but she didn't dare to refute at all.

It's too easy for this person in front of her to make her feel uncomfortable.

Chen Moying sighed softly at the side.

Actually... He felt that his cousin didn't need to urge him, and he could start with his father first.

He doesn't mind having more brothers and sisters at this time, and he really wants to feel the brotherhood.


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