village pigwoman

454 Just know it

Zhao Yuanle affirmed: "That's because people around you always say that, especially your mother, it's subtly influenced, and you are also affected."

Chen Moying chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, I thought so too.

Later, many people told me about this matter, and I began to think about it seriously.

Until, the time your family came to my house for dinner. "

Zhao Yuanle: "That's right, I put pigs... Oh no, it was that time when pigs hit people."

Chen Moying had a smile on his lips, and his eyes were meaningful.

"Yes, that was the time.

That time, I saw you and that one from the Yi family arguing a lot. "

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yuanle quickly stopped.

"No, no, it's not a fight. I really want to beat him. He deserves a beating."

Chen Moying's eyes were gloomy.

"Then you really want to kill him?"

Zhao Yuanle: "That's not true."

She is not so cruel yet.

Chen Moying snorted softly.

"It's not that I really want to be cruel, it's just a fight."

Zhao Yuanle: "...What kind of slapstick is this?"

Chen Moying suddenly laughed.

"So, here's the thing, it's not really a big deal, and it's not really a fight.

But at that time, including now, when I said it, I would think this way, which is called thinking too much.

I thought too much, and I thought in my heart at that time, don't let you fight with him again.

Seeing that you caught him, I didn't want to watch it even more, so I asked you to stop making trouble. "

Zhao Yuanle was stunned.

"There are so many connotations?"

She really didn't know that some people had so many mental activities.

Chen Moying raised her eyebrows and hummed softly.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Later, after reading some stories, I suddenly realized that this might be called...jealous?"

Zhao Yuanle paused.

This is called jealousy?

She has never been jealous of others, so she really doesn't know very well.

All her views on feelings benefit from the modern Internet. She only has experience, no practical operation, and is a pure theorist.

Chen Moying sighed, and continued: "At that time, I was very hesitant, for a long time, I was very hesitant.

Because I think, no matter what kind of statement you use to verify, you are the person who has no other ideas.

Actually, I am also worried. "

He is not such a handsome person, but now he mustered up the courage to say this.

He was also worried that after talking about it, the relationship between the two people would be particularly awkward until they gradually became estranged.

In addition, he was also puzzled, so he gave himself a period of time to calm down.

Chen Moying: "So, for a while later, I will calm myself down.

Don't think about these things specially, don't let people mention them in your ears, and go busy with other things.

Then... If there is no news about you, and there is no thought about you, then according to what someone said, it should be nothing. "

Zhao Yuanle didn't say anything, she raised her eyes to look at Chen Moying, met his calm and smiling eyes, and moved away in embarrassment.

Chen Moying: "So I said, there is really something."

The air was silent for a while, and Chen Moying's breathing was clear.

With every breath, he also had a cheeky face, adhering to the principle of speaking clearly, and opened his mouth.

"I do, think of you a lot these days.

It could be seeing a book, or seeing something with a pig in it, or even seeing pork. "

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Pork or something, a little outrageous.

Chen Moying:

"Especially when I counted five silver dollars, and when I got the paper and read the story.

Then, when I saw you today, I was... really happy.

Because I feel like I haven't seen you for a long time. "

Zhao Yuanle: "It hasn't been long, has it?"

Chen Moying smiled and said nothing.

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

What a mouthful she is.

Chen Moying looked at her head that was getting lower and lower, and let out a gentle laugh: "Actually, you don't have to think too much, I know from your reaction, you really haven't thought about these things.

However, I still want to tell you.

I don't know what your attitude is about this, and what plans you have now.

I just want to tell you that you only need to know what I think. ".

Zhao Yuanle raised his head at once.

"And that's it?"

Chen Moying hummed and asked, "Then, what do you want?"

Zhao Yuanle buttoned his sleeves, and said slowly, "I, I thought you would ask me for an answer."

She has drawn up a bunch of reasons in her mind for not wanting to marry.

Who knows... the person in front of him should not answer at all.

Chen Moying's eyes were slightly curved.

"Tell your heart, just tell.

I just want you to know that any reaction you have is your freedom and I should respect it.

Is it possible that if you like whoever you tell others, you have to make others responsible for it?

Whether I like it or not, it's all my own business, and no one is responsible for it. "

Zhao Yuanle nodded in agreement.

"Well said, I think so too."

Chen Moying: "As I expected."

But... Zhao Yuanle felt that he still had to say something.

He coughed and cleared his throat.

Zhao Yuanle: "Actually, I am very happy to say this to you, no one will be unhappy that someone likes you.

But, I think, I have to tell you too.

I never thought about getting married. "

Chen Moying nodded slowly.

"It seems that we were able to become friends before, because there are indeed many similarities."

Zhao Yuanle: "You should, and you can feel it, my brain seems to be different, and indeed my brain is different.

To be honest, I don't care about many things in this world. At first I only wanted to raise pigs.

But now, I want to do more than just raise pigs.

In these things, there is no such thing as emotion.

So, thanks for telling me, I didn't have that idea. "

Chen Moying nodded knowingly, remained silent for a moment, but couldn't help asking.

"Then what do you think of me?"

Zhao Yuanle: "He's a little handsome, rich, good-tempered, and in poor health. Now he's in good health. He's also a very honest and gentle person."

Chen Moying: "But I don't like it."

Zhao Yuanle: "Well..."

Chen Moying laughed briskly twice.


Looking at the people around me, it became strange because of feelings.

I want to be a more unrestrained person, so it's okay if this bud hasn't grown. "

Zhao Yuanle scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"Then, from now on, we..."

Chen Moying: "In the future, it's up to you, anyway, I want to take special care of you, so you can accept it if you feel free.

You don't have to worry about anything. Putting these things aside, I really appreciate you as a person. "

Zhao Yuanle suddenly became interested, showing curiosity.

"What is that

How to appreciate the law? "

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