village pigwoman

427 Catching Piglets

No one noticed the little sister's departure.

Everyone was delighted by the new stuff and the well-stocked and extraordinarily delicious meal.

After dinner, some close people stayed to help wash the dishes and clean up.

And those who borrowed the bench table also took it home after identifying their own bench table.

Together with He Ju, Tang Siwen distributed the remaining things on the table to those who stayed to help.

Xiuerniang and Mrs. Wang left behind, and they had a lot of points.

Mrs. Wang called her eldest grandson and brought him a large bowl of meat dishes.

"You take this back and put it away."

Wang Gou'er blew his nose, took the bowl happily, and went home happily.

Zhao Yuanlan frowned watching from the side.

Seeing Wang Gou'er gone, Xiu Erniang couldn't help laughing and said, "He's just like his father."

Mrs. Wang also smiled, her face wrinkled like tangerine peel.

"I don't even listen to what I say, maybe it would be better if he was older."

He Ju: "It'll be fine when I grow up, it's always like this when I was young."

Xiu Erniang glanced at He Ju's belly, and she was sincerely happy for He Ju.

"Your baby looks like a son at first glance, and you will be troubled when the time comes."

Zhao Yuanlan on the side looked carefully at her mother's stomach, but felt that she couldn't see anything.

"No matter how you look at it, you can't tell what your stomach looks like."

Xiuerniang looks like someone who has come here.

"Actually, you don't need to look at your belly, but look at your mother's face. If the skin looks rough, it's a boy."

Mrs. Wang.

"I'm still young, so I don't see much of it. I'll know it when the month gets older."

He Ju listened to the conversation between the two, and couldn't help thinking about the day when he would have a son in the future.

Suddenly, she looked at the remaining dishes and remembered a person.

"Where's my little sister? I also said that I left her a pork leg with leather, why didn't she see it?"

Xiuerniang: "She doesn't seem to be here for dinner."

Zhao Yuanlan corrected it.

"She came, but then she left for some reason, and she took the younger sister with her, she seemed very angry."

He Ju's smile paused, her gaze swept over the widow without leaving a trace, and she probably had an answer in her heart.

Tang Siwen: "It's okay, just give it to her later, brother and sister, let's go, I'll take you back to rest."

Seeing Tang Siwen's expression, He Ju immediately understood, and then smiled and got up to go back with Tang Siwen.

The two of them are going to get together to discuss the major events in Zhao Yuanxi's life.

And Zhao Yuanxi, now following Zhao Yuanle, is looking around in this piece of land.

Zhao Yuanle pointed to the red sweet potato and cowhide that had already been planted and showed Zhao Yuanxi.

"Actually, at this temperature, sweet potatoes are not easy to grow, but because I had someone water them with the manure of the two pigs at home, they survived."

Zhao Yuanxi didn't really believe this.

"is not it…"

How can it be so magical.

Zhao Yuanle nodded: "It's really useful."

Zhao Yuanxi smiled. Although he didn't refute it, he didn't believe it.

She pointed to the circled area, feeling a little worried.

"Do you think the little pig can't hold back?"

Zhao Yuanle smiled softly.

"They will be very obedient, even if they are disobedient... Humph, I still have ways to discipline them."

Xiaobai in the pigsty has already disliked wild boars.

Probably out of nature, after Xiaobai was pregnant, he hated wild boars in a pen.

just right...

She is going to get back all the piggies she looks forward to tomorrow. These piggies should also listen to her very well, but there are some things

You have to start teaching again.

But wild boars that have grown up don't need it.

She could have let the wild boar teach the little pigs.

In this way, she not only saves effort, but also saves a lot of time.

With this in mind, Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Yuanxi went straight to the pigsty after shopping.

As usual, after complimenting the big-bellied Xiaobai, Zhao Yuanle walked up to the wild boar, stroked its shiny fangs, and spoke earnestly.

"It's been a long time since I raised you. Now is the time for you to make contributions. In the future, I will leave the matter of raising the baby to you. Don't let me down."

The wild boar tilted his head to look at Zhao Yuanle, and nodded half-understood.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yuanle simply took it out, came to his own area, and led it to the circled area.

She pointed to this place.

"Remember, you can't touch it here, and no kid can touch it. If you touch it, you will be beaten!"

The wild boar understood a little now, it nodded its head that could never see the sky.

Zhao Yuanle: "You can live here today. I'll get you the best one. You live in a single room. After that, you will be in charge of those little bastards."

After all, Zhao Yuanle led the pig to the elders of the Wu family.

In the afternoon, the old man looked at the wild boar with mane, black skin, thick flesh and long tusks, feeling a little scared in his heart.

He stepped back.

"Lele, this is..."

The old lady Wu at the side even ignored the pain in her knees, got up twice and went to the back, letting her old man stand in front.

Zhao Yuanle touched the wild boar's head.

"It lives here today. There are bran and soybean meal in the house over there. You can fill it up at night, and it can eat it."

The old man in the afternoon nodded, his eyes worried.

"Then it doesn't stand up to people, and it doesn't bite people, right?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Don't worry, I've greeted it, it doesn't dare to make a fuss, if it dares to make a fuss, you all come to me, and I'll take care of it."

The wild boar on the side hastily hummed in a low voice.

How could it be disobedient, absolutely impossible.

Zhao Yuanle touched its head.

"Be obedient. When the time comes, I will fight. It's not a joke."

No kidding, there is a high probability that this wild boar will not be able to withstand her full punch now.

One punch and one wild boar is no longer a dream.

Zhao Yuanle felt that if he met a bear or a tiger in the future, it might just be a matter of two punches.

After reassuring the elders of the Wu family, Zhao Yuanle left behind the wild boar, walked across the main road, and returned home.

Tonight, the house is really lively.

The whole family gathered together, and a few men got together and began to discuss some important national affairs.

He Ju and Tang Siwen didn't know what to say, and after talking, they looked at Zhao Yuanxi and smiled.

Zhao Yuanxi: "..."

She sighed.

Zhao Yuanle patted her on the shoulder.

"If you really don't want to marry, you can go to school, or just say it."

With thought in his eyes, Zhao Yuanxi replied, "I know."

The night was lively, and the next morning, Zhao Dacheng and others were leaving, and Zhao Ercheng was going back to repair the railway.

Zhao Yuanle sent a piece to the family, and went to catch the little piggy at the house he had booked before.

There were twenty or so in total, and Zhao Yuanle walked around the surrounding villages. After spending a lot of time, he brought the little piglets back together.The pop-up window is very serious recently, you can click to download to avoid the pop-up window

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