Wang Fugui bit the bullet and had no choice but to pass.

Zhao Yuanle reminded him behind him.

"Except for this ridge, everything else belongs to our family. If you step on it, hum..."

Wang Fugui's voice suddenly rose.

"I'm not going!"

Zhao Yuanle: "Tsk, your cabbage seedlings will die if they plant, so why pretend?"

Wang Fugui turned his head and wanted to reprimand Zhao Yuanle, but was shocked by Zhao Yuanle's slap in the face, and took his family away cursing.

At noon, the kitchen of the newly built house was very lively.

Many people from the village came.

Mrs. Wang and Xiu Erniang were busy, and Xiu Er brought a few sisters to sit on the bench and help.

He Ju wanted to help, but was held there by a group of women asking questions.

Their eyes fell on He Ju's slightly protruding belly, and their eyes were full of envy.

These few people have no sons, and they are not too young.

Seeing He Ju suddenly conceived at her age, she wanted to be lucky.

He Ju smiled and said to these people, the general idea is that there is nothing to worry about, it will come when it comes, and if you eat better, it will be easier to get pregnant if you gain weight.

The final focus, of course, was the bat.

The people in the village love to listen to these metaphysical words, and they listen to them seriously. Some people really want to catch two bats and let them jump on them.

At this time, Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Yuanlan were standing in front of the row of biogas stoves.

The old man Wu and Zhao Sancheng were also nearby, surrounded by many people.

Zhao Yuanle looked at the old man Wu.

"It's all done by Wulin, he's amazing."

The old man laughed in the afternoon.


He doesn't care if he is good or not, as long as he is not allowed to clean up the mess for this hapless son.

Old man Wang is also on the side, he is very curious about this.

"Does it really work?"

Zhao Yuanle nodded: "It's useful, right now. There's not much feces and urine in there, at most there are two stoves on the fire. After the pigs are raised, the fire will be able to burn vigorously."

The people next to him curiously urged Zhao Yuanle to try it.

"Open it for us to see, isn't this so mysterious?"

Zhao Yuanle stepped forward and turned on the switch with a click.

With a pop, flames burst out, and then with a low rumble, the stove ignited.

Surrounded by exclamations one after another.

"Oh, this one is on fire!"

"It's still this color, it's amazing!"

"Where did it come from? How did this fire start?"

Zhao Yuanle smiled slightly, and couldn't be more calm.

She called Zhao Niu'er who was in charge of the spoon.

"Come on, put on the pot, stir fry quickly, and everyone will eat early then."

Zhao Niu'er came forward with a big pot and a big spoon.

"I'm coming!"

He is very honored to be the first to cook with this stove.

At this time, a familiar voice came from the road.

"Oh, don't you wait for us?"

Zhao Ercheng was carrying a jug of wine, and behind him were Zhao Dacheng and others, who walked over together.

Zhao Yuanle turned his head and ran over.

Yao'er followed behind, but Erlang God suddenly overtook him, he picked up a stone casually, hit Erlang God, and then trotted past Erlang God under the puzzled eyes of Erlang God.

Zhao Ercheng stopped, and just wanted to say something to Zhao Yuanle who was running up, when he saw Zhao Yuanle go straight past him and run towards Zhao Yuanxi who was behind.

Zhao Ercheng: "..."

He looked at Yao'er who came over with his short legs

, Just about to stretch out his arms to hug his son, he saw Yao'er smiling at him, and ran behind Zhao Yuankang past him.

Zhao Ercheng: "..."

He suddenly felt a little sad.

Zhao Yuankang picked up Yao'er, turned around and asked Yao'er to call him fourth uncle.

Zhao Sicheng hadn't seen his little nephew for several days, so he couldn't help stretching out his hands to pinch Yao'er's smooth and elastic little face.

Yao'er said in a childish voice, "Fourth Uncle!"

Zhao Sicheng: "Yao'er has grown up."

Children are really different every day.

Yaoer: "I am the tallest."

The people around him who are the same age as him are not as tall as him.

Zhao Sicheng smiled, looking at the newly built house and pigsty, he was quite moved.

He heard that it took only ten days to repair it.

It's amazing...

And Zhao Dacheng led a group of people over with a smile, while greeting the people in the village.

Tang Siwen saw He Ju at a glance, and ran towards He Ju.

She has something to discuss with He Ju.

The Zhao family are all happy now, except for Zhao Ercheng.

He held his own jug of wine, with resentful eyes.

Finally, Zhao Yuanle came over and asked him the first question.

"Father, I didn't call you, why are you here?"

Zhao Ercheng: " don't want to call me?"

Fortunately, he asked his elder brother, otherwise how would he know.

Zhao Yuanle chuckled.

"Aren't you building a railway?"

Zhao Ercheng: "I have been cultivating for ten days, and I let it go for one day. You don't know about it. Hmph, these days, you don't even say to come and see me."

Hearing this, Zhao Yuanle asked, "What's the matter, what's going on there?"

Zhao Ercheng paused.

"Ahem, no, I just miss you a little bit."

It is rare for him to be separated from his family for such a long time.

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Oh, okay, okay, I'll come and see you when I'm free."

Zhao Ercheng: "Why are you laughing? You are my daughter, so you should come to see me. I want you to come and see me. What's so funny?"

Zhao Yuanle suppressed the smile on his face and nodded.

"Ah yes, dad, you are right, today is just right, our family can get together today, let's have a meal together!"

Amidst the laughter, delicious dishes were being fried on the fires of the two stoves, and the widow Yu hesitated and came to the side of the road to look around.

She didn't dare to come.

Zhao Yuanle saw it at a glance, then walked over in front of everyone, and pulled her over. .

Everyone couldn't help but want to discuss, but they didn't dare to discuss after looking at Zhao Yuanle, and the atmosphere became quiet for a while.

When the widow passed by and He Ju spoke to her, the silent atmosphere was broken.

Tang Siwen was on the side, observing Widow Yu for a while, seeing that this person looked quite frugal and honest, after a while, he also spoke to her a few words.

Such a scene was seen by everyone, and different people had different thoughts in their hearts, but most people understood that it would be difficult to bully the isolated widow like that in the future.

And the little girl, holding the child, stood aside and watched this scene, she was really angry to death.

"Hmph! Don't eat, go home."

With an order, she hugged the baby and went home with the daughter beside her.

Looking at the crowd over there, Jiang Xiaomei didn't dare to refute her mother, so she could only lower her head and go back with her mother.

On the way, the little girl was still unable to restrain her anger.

"Forget it all, forget it all!"

She did not forget.The pop-up window is very serious recently, you can click to download to avoid the pop-up window

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