village pigwoman

118 so sloppy

Naturally, the black pig would not understand what Zhao Yuanle meant, it just raised its head and rubbed against Zhao Yuanle's palm.

Zhao Yuanle drove the black pig ahead, and the white pig followed behind her.

Surrounded by piglets like this, Zhao Yuanle walked outside.

Yaoer watched with admiration in his eyes.

Little Heibei was bouncing around curiously, and occasionally stretched out his paws to touch the black pig.

The black pig didn't pay attention to the little black back, just raised his head proudly, and walked in front with his hooves clattering.

He Ju couldn't help laughing out loud.

"It's really perfect."

Zhao Ercheng: "Lele is still the boss pig."

Zhao Yuanle: "That is."

Leading the piglets and carrying the best carrying bag at home, Zhao Yuanle went out with a sickle in his hand. Yao'er followed him all the way, and stopped when he reached the pomelo tree.

He waved at Zhao Yuanle.

"Sister, come back soon."

Zhao Yuanle waved with his back to Yao'er.

Zhao Yuanle, who led five piglets, passed under the cherry tree at the entrance of the village, and the old women sitting and chatting next to him were full of wonder, wondering about the obedience of these piglets, and curious about the appearance of the white pig.

Zhao Yuanlan and a group of little girls were playing by the stone mill. To be precise, only Zhao Yuanlan was playing alone, and the other girls were grinding with things.

She stopped Zhao Yuanle: "You wait for me, I'll help Xiu'er grind this up and we'll be together."

Xiu'er was among them, along with her sister.

She looked at Zhao Yuanlan curiously: "Is your sister really herding pigs?"

Zhao Yuanlan: "Either you have seen it all, or you are letting pigs out. These pigs listen to my sister very much."

Xiu'er: "Then she won't have time to play with us in the future?"

Zhao Yuanlan nodded: "That's for sure, my sister still has a lot of things to do, and they are all things that can make a lot of money."

Wang Lili, the daughter of Wang Hai's family, came over suddenly.

"What kind of money can a girl make? I don't believe it."

Zhao Yuanlan retreated all of a sudden, and she gave Wang Lili an annoyed look.

"Go away, your head will be next to me, and then pass the lice to me."

Wang Lili snorted, and suddenly felt itchy scalp, couldn't help but reach out to pick, and actually picked out a round, blood-sucking louse.

Not only did she not feel disgusted, she even scratched the lice and invited others to come and see.

"Look, this lice is so big."

Zhao Yuanle, who witnessed all this: "..."

Suddenly her scalp went numb.

Wang Lili suddenly threatened the people around with a lice: "Hey, I'm going to throw this on your heads."

As she said that, she pretended to throw it away, and then accidentally threw it towards Zhao Yuanlan's head.

Zhao Yuanlan had been on guard for a long time, dodged directly, and then became angry with a black face.

"Damn Wang Lili, sloppy bitch, you still want to put lice on my head, see if I don't beat you to death today!"

Wang Lili snorted, pretended not to stand still, stepped on Zhao Yuanlan's shoe and jumped away.

"Oh, I didn't mean it, what are you doing so fiercely?"

Zhao Yuanlan couldn't bear this anger, she rushed over and grabbed Wang Lili's hair, pinching the tender places on the inside of her arms on her waist.

Wang Lili couldn't beat Zhao Yuanlan. Zhao Yuanlan was taller, fatter and stronger than her.She could only cry and spit at Zhao Yuanlan.

She scolded: "Your horse, I didn't really throw it away, I threw it on the ground, and you hit me again, I will go back and sue my mother."

Zhao Yuanlan: "Just sue, louse woman, am I still afraid of your mother? I'm not even afraid of your ancestor crawling out of the grave!"

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Help, she saw that Wang Lili's saliva seemed to be spitting directly down her neck and into her clothes.

And she felt that Wang Lili's teeth were really yellow when she was crying, and she had never brushed them before, even with a wicker brush.

"Xiaolan, come here!" Stop messing with this Wang Lili!

Zhao Yuanle stopped Zhao Yuanlan.

Zhao Yuanlan pushed Wang Lili to the ground and snorted coldly: "I will settle accounts with you next time."

One of the old women who were watching was Wang Lili's relative, and she was feeling strange at the moment.

"It's good to eat, tall and fierce, so I can't finish it. You are the first, the king of heaven, and you can fight as soon as you say, as if whichever is your next meal."

The old woman next to her who had a good relationship with the old woman also echoed: "Yes, other people who live in the county must be amazing. How fierce. Those of us who live in the village of Batou, how can we win?"

Wang Lili sat on the ground and burst into tears.

Zhao Yuanlan put her hands on her hips and was ready to start.

Zhao Yuanle on the side suddenly spoke.

"If you mess with it first, you'll be the first to commit a crime."

She glanced at Wang Lili who was crying on the ground.

"Three-year-old and eighty-year-old, some people are black-hearted when they are young. If they have lice themselves, they can't see that others don't have lice, and they play tricks.

Now I can't win, and I know how to be sloppy, and I don't know who I learned from. "

After the words fell, Zhao Yuanle glanced at the two old women over there again: "Hey, I must have learned from my family members, I have followed the example, first being mean, then pretending to be provocative, and then pretending to be there.

Ouch, I can speak like a singer. "

Zhao Yuanlan snorted, stood beside Zhao Yuanle, and looked at the two old ladies.

"If you want to say it, say it face to face, don't pretend to be crazy, and bullshit into the air."

The faces of the two old ladies couldn't hold back immediately, and the people next to them looked like they were watching a play.

Right here, He Ju heard the movement and came out.

"You're not leaving yet?"

Seeing He Ju coming out, the two old ladies held back what they were going to say.

Zhao Yuanle was a little surprised.

She didn't expect that this kind of old woman would be afraid of He Ju?

So she, the third mother, is also a master of quarrels?

But the original owner didn't seem to have much about He Ju's quarrel in his memory.

Stop thinking about it, Zhao Yuanle greeted Zhao Yuanlan to leave.

Just when everyone thought the matter was over, the little black pig in front of Zhao Yuanle suddenly bumped into one of the old women.

The old woman was so frightened that she hurriedly backed away.

The little black pig groaned at the old woman as if warning, then ran back to Zhao Yuanle and changed into a well-behaved look, continuing to lead the way.

The four white pigs who were originally cowardly, now they are even more cowardly to the black pigs.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and one of them sighed.

"This pork, if the baby eats it, at least he will be much smarter."

Zhao Yuanle's heart skipped a beat.

But thinking of what the pig god said, Zhao Yuanle could only be cruel.

It is still necessary to let them be eaten, so that they can be reborn as human beings in the next life.

Zhao Yuanlan proudly swept over the people around him, and followed Zhao Yuanle.

Xiu'er really believed Fangzhu's words now, and she looked at Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Yuanlan with envious eyes.

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