Jin Feng: "If I divorce Zhao Li, I will definitely not be able to get along in this area. I heard that women can find jobs in Dongzhu, and they still have a lot of money in a month. There is an acquaintance who can take me with me when the time comes. , I'll go over there."

Zhao Yuanle hurriedly yelled to stop.


Jinfeng: "Why?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I heard an old woman say that her daughter-in-law and other people were deceived in this way. There is no news from the back, and it is not clear whether they are still there."

Jinfeng didn't believe it.

"That person is an acquaintance of mine, so he will definitely not lie to me."

Zhao Yuanle: "Acquaintances? Men who have slept with you for so many years can do evil things. Those acquaintances can be trusted? It's our turn to make money?

It's so far away from Dongzhu, and you don't know the place where you live. You can't understand what the locals are saying. If the acquaintance betrays you, what can you do? "

Listening to Zhao Yuanle's words, Jin Feng was silent for a while, and then sighed helplessly.

"Then what can I do? If I really get divorced, I will have to take the dowry back to my natal family. My brothers in my natal family have already found their sisters-in-law, and those sister-in-laws will not allow me to live there all the time.

These people around me can't understand me, how can I survive. "

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help complaining.

"Isn't it that you scold people and provoke trouble every time in the village? If you get along well with others, what's the matter?"

Jinfeng's voice was a little higher.

"Who told them to call me a dead fat woman behind my back, gossiping about me one by one, laughing at me for being fat, and saying that I am a hen that doesn't lay eggs and can't give birth to babies.

Hmph, then I can't be like the widow Yu, let these bitter women bully me?I don't know how to gossip and provoke people, and I'm not the one who can't speak ill of people behind their backs.

They made fun of me first, so don't blame me for that. "

Jin Feng was very angry when he mentioned this.

She knew that she was not welcome, so it was even less burdensome to provoke these people.

Especially later on, she only felt that these people were idiots. They wanted to laugh at her at first, but then they fought back and forth with a few words from her.

Hearing Jin Feng's words, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help mentioning Widow Yu.

"You also know that they laugh at you, you are not comfortable. Then how did you isolate and target your aunt? It's not your fault that you can't have a baby, so it's her fault that Zhao Lifei bothered her?"

Just as Jin Feng wanted to speak, Zhao Yuanle interrupted her.

"Don't tell me that flies don't bite seamless eggs, Zhao Li can also say this about you, saying that if you are right, why would he beat you.

Comparing your heart to your heart, you are sad and uncomfortable, isn't Aunt Yu worse than you?

To be honest, I don’t like you at all with your initial temper. I save you because you are a human being. I don’t necessarily want to help you now.You don't say those things in front of me in the future. If you target my aunt again, I will definitely stand by her. "

Jin Feng was told by Zhao Yuanle, so she resisted and said nothing.

The air was quiet for a while, Jin Feng: "Forget it, I also know, but I was too angry before, this dead Zhao Li, ignores me every day, and wants to look outside.

Now that you said that, I won't talk about her in the future. "

Zhao Yuanle snorted lightly.

"You complained about her, but she was still worried about your health and asked me to bring a basket of eggs."

Jin Feng glanced at the basket of eggs and turned her head away.

"Take it back and eat, I don't lack food now."

Zhao Yuanle: "That's just right."

Jin Feng thought about the atmosphere just now, and took the initiative to speak again.

"When Zhao Li sells the cow back, I will ask him to deliver rice noodles to your house."

Zhao Yuanle nodded.

"Then I'll go back first, and I'll come to see you then."

Jin Feng hurriedly said: "It's not that there are oranges here, but the shatang oranges that are specially bought in the county. They are very delicious. You can grab some and give them to your brother. There are also these melon seeds, spiced."

To be honest, Zhao Yuanle is really greedy for sugar oranges, and thinking about it, Zhao Li would be cheaper if he didn't want it, so he might as well take advantage of it.

Zhao Yuanle went back with the basket again. There were more tangerines in the basket, and several pockets on her body were also full of melon seeds.

Back home, He Ju saw the eggs and Tangerines and wondered, "Why did you bring oranges back?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Aunt Jinfeng took it. She didn't want this egg, so I took it back. Aunt Yu said it. If Aunt Jinfeng doesn't want it, give it to our family."

He Ju was a little puzzled, but nodded, and took the basket of eggs and put it in the cupboard.

She sighed: "Widow Yu is also a hard-working woman. It would be great if her son didn't die. There is still hope. Jinfeng is still pregnant now. I don't know if it is a son. If it is a son, Zhao Li will probably have a son in the future." She is going to be her grandson, and she is going to go sideways."

Zhao Yuanle: "I don't know about that."

He Ju made the lunch.

There are leftovers from before, plus a plate of fried eggs, but no meat dishes.

Because He Ju was not willing to fry the meat.

Zhao Yuanle couldn't understand.

Obviously there were so many wild pork meat before, and I haven't finished eating them, why not fry them?

Then Zhao Yuanle asked directly.

"Isn't there still wild boar? Why don't you eat it?"

He Ju asked back: "Didn't you eat it before? You may not have to eat meat all at once? Besides, this dish is oily and salty. I even fried eggs for you. There is nothing you can't eat."

Zhao Yuanle: "Don't hurry up and eat this wild pork, it should stink."

There is no refrigerator at this time, so if there is meat, I must eat it quickly.

He Ju lit the fire, and boiled the vegetables with the oil from the fried eggs.

She didn't care: "It's not a hot day, so it stinks so quickly. We used to eat it no matter how stinky it was."

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Why does she make money by making things, doesn't she just want to eat better every day, is it a luxury to have meat every day?But obviously what I ate yesterday was white water noodles, and the scorpion seeds were left over from the day before yesterday, so eating a piece of meat today is not considered a meal.

Zhao Yuanle didn't say these words. Seeing He Ju like that, she definitely wouldn't mess with her again.

never mind…

Zhao Yuanle didn't say anything.

If she wants to continue to make money, the money must be kept in her own hands, and she can buy whatever she wants in the future, and improve her life as much as she wants to improve her life.

After lunch, Zhao Yuanle washed the dishes this time.

After washing the dishes, she walked into her pigsty.

The white pig and the black pig were separated. The black pig lay down and slept casually here, but the white pig huddled in a corner.

Zhao Yuanle was approaching, the white pig and the black pig both reacted, and then rushed towards Zhao Yuanle.

When he was about to get in front of Zhao Yuanle, the black pig turned his head and gave the white pig a fierce slap, and the white pig stood back and didn't dare to come over.

Zhao Yuanle was helpless, she couldn't help poking the black pig's head with her finger.

"Why are you so fierce, you are all pigs, so you are noble?"

------off topic-----

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