The boy in casual clothes was holding a fat fish in his hand, and smelled a strange tattoo on the back of his hand, which was particularly conspicuous and unforgettable at a glance.

"Master Baili." The butler smiled and saluted.

Ning Tan was puzzled: "You know me?"

"Have we met?"

She doesn't remember that she has ever come into contact with people in the surname, such a special double surname, if she has seen it, she will never forget it.

"You don't remember me?" Baili Zhou smiled, "You used to help me, but it's been several years, and you left before I had time to introduce myself to you."

years ago?At that time, she was still living in the village, and she would only be in the city when she was studying.

But it's normal for her to not remember the boy's [-]th change.

But how could he recognize her?

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Baili Zhouyi." Baili Zhouyi seemed to want to see what gifts he could give her, but he only had one fish in his hand, and he rubbed his head in embarrassment, "This fish is for Tang Tang, Well, I'll call you next time."

"No need." Ning Tang waved her hand, it's not her style to bother people after a long time, "It's too much trouble, and I don't like fish either."

"I'm going home, see you when I have a chance." She smiled.

The housekeeper told him that Tang Tang was upstairs, carrying the clothes that Ning Tong had changed and followed her politely.

Baili regained consciousness on Monday and shouted: "Hey, what's your name?"

"Ning Chan."

"Ning Chan." Baili Zhou murmured to himself, rubbed his chin lightly, and the tattoo on the back of his hand shook with his movements, "Isn't the Ning family no longer having an heir, and... an illusion..."

He frowned slightly, thinking that it must be an illusion, and shook his head.

"Forget it, go find Tang Tang first."

"Tang Tang, here I come~"


"The young master just now is the adopted son of the Tang family." The housekeeper explained, "Ten years ago, the master's family of three traveled and met the unconscious young master Baili on the way. The young lady yelled to protect the weak. The young master Baili is also very pitiful. They were all killed by robbers."

Ning Cong was taken aback for a moment, the robbery case ten years ago.

"The famous event?" she asked.

She remembered that nearly a dozen families were affected that time. It seemed that they encountered a robber with anti-social personality, and finally chose to blew themselves up.

You can now see the horrors of the past.

"Yes." The housekeeper nodded sympathetically, "If Miss didn't make a fuss about going to the forest to play hide-and-seek, there is probably no way for Master Baili to be saved."

Ning Tang was silent.

Baili Zhou smiled brightly just now, and he must have forgotten the shadow.

The Tang family are kind people.

"I will go and talk to Qi Yijing." Ning Tong took the bag, "I will contact you if there is any news."

"Thank you very much." The butler took out his business card, "This is my business card, please hurry up, madam, the lady is more excited."

Ning Tang nodded, put away the business card and sat in the car with her skirt in hand.

The butler waved from the car window.

The Tang Family Manor gradually disappeared from sight.

The smile on Ning Tan's face gradually disappeared, Baili Zhou... Of course she remembered.

She had no intention of saving him that year, because she went home early on Thursday due to some special circumstances in the school, and heard the fierce quarrel between grandpa and some people.

Baili stood in the corner on Monday.

Those people wanted her to marry Baili on Monday in order to maintain the inheritance of the Celestial Master.

It was Grandpa who strongly opposed it, and even claimed that the Ning family would quit, and that there would never be a celestial master in the future, so this matter was left alone.

But in the period that followed, many people were staring at her in the dark, and some even warned her to wait until she was 25... It wasn't until grandpa got completely angry that those people disappeared.

Now Baili Monday has appeared again.

She pretended to be a fool just now, but the Tang family knew her identity, so they must also know Qi Yijing... Will they target him and not even give her the last time to spend together?

Ning Tan's heart sank little by little, her thoughts were so chaotic that she was confused, and her hands gradually clenched.

What should she do.


"Ma'am?" The bodyguard yelled several times.


"Ma'am, here we are."

Ning Tan came back to his senses, looked outside and found that he had arrived at the Yin Tower at some time, the magnificent building stood in the mountains, quiet and magnificent, showing luxury and high-profile, and the servants inside were constantly busy.

"How come here?" she asked.

The bodyguard said: "Ma'am, did you forget to invite Miss Li and Miss Bai tonight?"

Ning Li was taken aback, as if there was such a thing.

She thought it would be in Huijingxuan.

Besides, didn't Taotao go back to Guancheng?

Ning Tang got out of the car worriedly, and the housekeeper who had met once stepped forward with a kind smile: "Madam, welcome home."

He praised: "Madam is so beautifully dressed today."


Ning Tan's heart twitched slightly, bored and flustered, and he pulled out a forced smile: "Thank you, is my friend here?"

"Both ladies declined." The butler took out two invitations that were handed back from the pocket of his tuxedo, "Miss Bai has returned to Guancheng, and Miss Li Jing said that she is not feeling well."


Just then the phone rang.

Ning Tan took out his cell phone, and it was Li Jing's apology: Sorry Xiao Tan, I'm not very used to such occasions.

Letting Lijing come here really made things difficult for her.

Ning Tan: It doesn't matter.

"Ma'am, come in first."

"No." Ning Tan shook his head, "I'll wait for Qi Yijing at the door, you go in and leave me alone."

She needs to be alone.

When Qi Yijing learned that Lijing and Lijing were not coming to the appointment, he said indifferently: "Good thing."

For them, Qi Yijing neither dislikes nor likes them.

If you have to say it, don't wait to see more.

"Second Master, at least pretend to be." Ye Tao complained, "Don't say that in front of your wife later, you must know that a best friend is half a mother-in-law."

Qi Yijing glanced at him and sneered coldly: "Do I look stupid?"

"...Second Master is here."

"Hey, there is someone at the door, it's Madam!"

As the car stopped slowly, Ning Chen's true face was revealed. A gorgeous dress made her look cold and noble. Her red lips were so charming and breathtakingly beautiful. She seemed to be thinking about something carelessly, and she didn't even notice when the car arrived. .

Qi Yijing's eyes darkened.

"It's so beautiful!" Ye Tao admired from the bottom of his heart, "Madam, if you dress up a little, it will crush all the beauties."

He inevitably felt jealous.

The second master's life is really good.


The door was pushed open.

Ning Li raised his head, and Qi Yijing stood in front of her, with an inscrutable expression on his cool handsome face, his eyes were deep and bottomless, as if hidden waves, he asked in a low voice, "Are you waiting for me?"


"Today is beautiful." He stared at her, and slowly bowed his head to complete the kiss that he had been thinking about for an hour.

Ye Tao, the housekeeper and others met each other and left.

But Ning Tan turned his head away: "When am I not beautiful? When you are hungry, go in and eat."

Qi Yijing paused, and habitually went to hold her hand, but it was in vain.

The big hand froze in the air.

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