Ning Tan: "..."

Why did she bring up this embarrassing thing again? She had obviously forgotten it.

Tang Tang was wearing a pale pink princess dress, with bells tied around her waist, hands and feet. Her flaxen curly hair bounced and bounced with her movements, complementing the crystal headband. She was extremely gorgeous.

She lightly touched Ning Chan's abdomen, her hands clenched into fists in excitement.

Baby, there's a little baby in here!

"Tang Tang." Ning Tong's scalp was numb from her touch, "I'm not pregnant, don't touch me."

"Ah?" Tang Tang was dumbfounded, and blinked, "You mean there is no baby here?"


Hehe, there are only milk tea and cakes in it.

"Then when are you going to have a baby? The baby you two will give birth to must be super beautiful." Tang Tang stared at the stars, holding his hands in front of his chest, "Can I be a godmother?"


She said she didn't have a baby.

Not surprisingly, there won't be any in a short time.

"Do you know that childbirth can be difficult?" Ning Chen asked expressionlessly.

Tang Tang: "I know, but it's also a very happy thing!"



She shouldn't have promised Ye Tao to come here.

Ning Tan felt Ye Tao's collapse, and took a deep breath: "I heard you are going to act?"

"Yes!" Tang Tang was easily distracted, his face flushed with embarrassment, "It's playing the princess, I've found all the male actors, and they're inside, do you want to meet?"

Ning Tan: "..."

Supersonic is not so fast.

"Do you know that there is a lot of hostility on the Internet?" Ning Tan asked, "Especially in the show business circle, let me give you an example, I was hacked for two years, to what extent, during the worst period I was hacked People splashed paint."

"Been deaf for a while."

Unfortunately, there are no photos online.

In the entertainment circle, no matter how well you do, someone will blackmail you.

Even someone as famous as Yu Yege has black fans.

"Wow!" Tang Tang was shocked, "Then you are amazing, and you managed to hold on. You can do it, and I can do it too! Daddy and Mommy have always said that my ability to resist stress is too weak, so I can just exercise this time."

Ning Tan: "???"

Originally, she was still worried about whether Tang Tang would think she was lying, but her mind went straight to heaven.

God, what can you do, and so can I.

The housekeeper wanted to help: "Miss, the problem is..."

"But have you ever thought that it would be unfair to other people if you were the protagonist as soon as you came here?" Ning Li decided to change his approach, "A real princess should have noble qualities to convince people. How about you first Try playing tricks?"

Tang Tang was taken aback for a moment, as if she did too, it was too unfair for her to treat other hardworking people like this.

She can't deprive others of opportunities just because of her good family background.

Yes, she wants to play fair.

Anyway, she will win!Get the crown and sit on the throne with your own strength!

Tang Tang nodded seriously: "You are right, I will compete fairly with them."

"Uncle, go and tell the director and star inside that I won't be filming anymore. Don't tell them that I'm going to play tricks, and you must not startle the snake."

She wants to keep a low profile.

The housekeeper glanced at Ning Tong, and said helplessly, "I'll go right away."

"Ning Chun, you are really a good person." Tang Tang took Ning Chun's hand with lingering fear, "If you hadn't reminded me, I would have made a big mistake."

"Thank you for letting me know my way back!"

Tang Tang pulled up the hem of her skirt and bowed slightly to salute her.

Ning Tan: "..."

This child is really too simple.

No wonder the butler was so melancholy when he talked about Tang Tang. The child grew up in a warm atmosphere, but it was crooked... If the Tang family were handed over to Tang Tang in the future, they might be tricked into losing their place No.

It's not that Tang Tang is so stupid, but that she is too naive and has no defense against others.

The future of the Tang family is really worrying.

"Do you like dresses?" Tang Tang's eyes brightened, and he warmly invited, "The designer sent several sets of princess dresses today. To thank you, let me give you one."

"I do not……"

"Go, go, go."

"The princess' invitation cannot be refused!"

Tang Tang dragged Ning Tong to run into the castle, but Ning Tong was helpless.

The Tang family is a standard warm family. In the home of the male lead and the female lead of the company, the wife of the Tang family just went out to attend the party today.

Tang Tang's cloakroom is very large, half of the entire second floor is full of clothes and jewelry, one of the cabinets is transparent, and there are several gorgeous princess dresses.

"Wow!" Tang Tang couldn't move his eyes, and took out a black and dark red lace princess dress for her, his eyes full of anticipation, "You must look beautiful in this dress, go try it on."

Ning Chan wanted to decline, it was too troublesome.

Tang Tang didn't give her a chance to refuse, and dragged her to the dressing room, as enthusiastic as a salesgirl.


Like a marionette the whole way.

But what surprised Ning Tang was that Tang Tang helped her change into the cumbersome princess dress in 10 minutes.

Ning Tan's hair was loosened.

"This!" Tang Tang picked out the hairpins, and took two pearl-studded hairpins and clipped them on the left side of Ning Chen's head, while the right side didn't match anything.

Another slender necklace was found for Ning Tong.

Ning Tan tried to stop in the middle: "Enough is enough for Tang Tang, I really..."

"And this ring!" Immersed in his own world, Tang Tang found a cool ring for Ning Yi to wear, and suddenly wondered, "Why don't you have a wedding ring?"

Ning Tan and Qi Yijing didn't exchange rings at all when they got married.

"You can't wear them at school," she said.

Tang Tang put on lipstick on her, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "Wow! So beautiful!"

Pull down the mirror: "Look, look!"

Ning Tan glanced at it and was stunned.

In the mirror, she is wearing a black princess dress, with dark red lace straps, and a slender necklace that makes the phase and collarbone stand out. Her jet-black hair hangs down, and pearls shine in her hair. Dyeing with shimmer, the red lips are extremely delicate and exude a bit of temptation.

She is like a dark princess who plays with people's hearts.

This is an indescribable beauty!

She had seen this kind of charm in Yu Yege before.

"You are so beautiful." Tang Tang is almost becoming a little fan girl, "I have never been able to wear this suit, it turns out that it is like this, woo woo, so beautiful... Wear this suit to show Qi Yijing , give birth to a baby tonight!"

Ning Li almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

This turning point... Does she have any obsession with children?

But it's really pretty.

Will Qi Yijing like it?

Ning Tan couldn't help imagining Qi Yijing's reaction.

"Miss." The housekeeper knocked on the door, "Does Madam Qi want to stay for dinner?"


"She doesn't want it!" Tang Tang answered first, "She wants to go home!"

Ning Tan: "..."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he said, "Yes, I want to go home."

"Then I'll take you out."

"it is good."

Tang Tang cheered happily.

After the butler walked out of the lobby, he apologized to Ning Tong: "Madam, I'm sorry, our lady is a bit self-willed, thank you for your help today."

"You're welcome."

After all, Tang Tang was frightened by Qi Yijing's violence, and she was also responsible.

"I heard that there is an entertainment company under Qi's." The housekeeper said, "I don't feel relieved to let the lady go to other places. I have a kind request."

Ning Li was taken aback, and was about to speak.

"Uncle, is Tang Tang there?" A hearty male voice sounded, and his voice reached everyone, "I brought her... is it you?"

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