"It's disrespectful." Qi Feng pulled out a sincere smile, "Don't worry, I will definitely not let you down."

Killing two birds with one stone, Baitao's move was too correct.

If Qi Feng declined, Bai Zixing would not graciously ask him to accept him, she doesn't like people who are too arrogant, so what's the use of holding on to it by force, the result is very good now.

Bai Zixing smiled and said, "Then I will just wait for Master Qi's performance."

"What should I call you in the future?" Qifeng put away the contract, he couldn't sign his name in front of Bai Zixing, and the smile on his face was no longer so gloomy, "Zixing? Or Miss Bai?"

Bai Zixing blinked: "Call me Little Xingxing."

"Uncle said that's what he called me when I was a child."

Qifeng's smile was slightly stagnant, his hand holding the document was tightened, a haze of hatred flashed in his eyes, it was fleeting, and his smile was hypocritical: "I'd better call you Zixing, this name is too intimate."

"I still have a job, let's go ahead."

Praying for the wind to push the door out.

"Dingling bell." The wind chime on the door made a crisp sound.

Bai Zixing was a little surprised, she had already offered an olive branch, but Qi Feng would reject her.

What was he thinking about?

She seemed to be a little bit skeptical of this man.

"Interesting." Bai Zixing raised his wrist, "The waiter pays the bill!"

"Hi, 89 in total."

Bai Zixing took out her wallet, a man suddenly rushed in and knocked down the wallet, grabbed her wrist forcefully, accusing and cursing.

"White peach!"

"You heartless thing, go, go and withdraw the appeal!"

Bai Xiangyu's eyes were red, his face was covered with stubble, and he stared at Bai Zixing resentfully.

As if wishing to eat her.

Bai Zhi took Zhou Hua and his wife to court, not only that, but also froze all the assets of the Bai family, even sealed off the villa, and used his relationship to target him everywhere.

These days he lives in a hotel and eats instant noodles.

Bai Zixing's heart trembled, they...they were accused?In the past few days, my uncle has been deliberately avoiding her, and she doesn't want to have any interaction with the Bai family.

"I won't go!" Bai Zixing's face turned pale, "They deserve it."

She is not Baitao, so she will not be manipulated by them again.

As for her biological father who is still unconscious, she has no right to be soft-hearted towards them.

"Are you going? Do you think you want to get rid of me when you go back to your biological parents' house? You want to go back and live a peaceful life, but there's no way!" Bai Xiangyu grimaced, shouted at the waiter who was trying to dissuade her, and dragged her out.

"Stop meddling in Lao Tzu's affairs, get out of here!"

"Let go of me! Bai Xiangyu, let me go!"

The waiter was yelled at timidly.

Bai Zixing was almost dragged outside.

Opposite of the road

Qi Feng was sitting in the car with an extremely gloomy face, and horrific resentment welled up in his eyes, as if he was shrouded in hell.

Qi Yijing...Qi Yijing, I will never let you go in this life!

The contract is indeed the project that Bai Xuan told him about before.

With these two projects, plus the Chick family, he can win the hearts of the old directors of the company.

God is helping him regain the Qi family!

"Master." The secretary said suddenly, "Miss Bai seems to be looking for trouble."

Bai Zixing was dragged by Bai Xiangyu, trying to put her into a taxi.

Qi Feng sneered: "Go to the Empire State Building."

If he manages this matter, he won't be able to sign the contract in time, the brothers and sisters in the Li family don't like people being late the most.

Offending Li Jing for Bai Zixing, only a fool would do it.

Besides, he really doesn't want to see her now!

Qi Feng gave a sinister sneer.

"Understood, master."

Bai Zixing became ruthless, raised his leg and gave Bai Xiangyu a kick between his legs!

"Ah!" Bai Xiangyu let out a miserable cry.

Bai Zixing took this opportunity to turn around and run away.

"Bitch!" Bai Xiangyu was furious, he chased after Bai Zixing who was staggering a bit, raised his hand and slapped her, "If you dare to kick me, you will die!"


The crisp sound resounded through the street, and was quickly covered by the sound of cars.

Bai Zixing's left face was instantly red and swollen.

She also went to slap Bai Xiangyu, but Bai Xiangyu went crazy and planned to slap her backhand.

Bai Zixing subconsciously closed his eyes.

The expected pain did not come.

She opened her eyes slowly.

Gao Yang's hand was easily caught by an arm, no matter how hard Bai Xiangyu tried, he couldn't shake it off.

"Who is so..." He turned his head in anger, and faced a livid face, his face suddenly turned pale, "Pray, pray less..."

Qi Feng grabbed his wrist and squeezed it tightly.

"Ah!" Bai Xiangyu screamed again and again.

"Get out!" Qi Feng pushed him to the ground, his face was ugly, "Get out before I do it!"

Bai Xiangyu staggered a few steps and got up, looked at Qifeng in horror, and fled in embarrassment.

After he was beaten last time, he went to check on Qi Feng, and it turned out to be the eldest young master of the Qi family... Even before the Bai family went bankrupt, he was not something he could afford to provoke.

This bastard Baitao is so lucky that she can get in touch with this kind of person even if she doesn't attend high society activities.

Is this the destiny to be rich and honored?

Bai Xiangyu was jealous and resentful.

"Are you okay?" Qi Feng looked at Bai Zixing's swollen face, and was angry from the bottom of his heart, "You have already returned to Bai's house, why didn't you bring bodyguards when you went out?!"

It was the first time Bai Zixing saw his gloomy appearance, and was a little startled.

This is... Qi Feng?

"I didn't expect that he would come to trouble me again, next time..."

Qifeng stopped the taxi and stuffed Bai Zixing in, with a terribly gloomy face, he ordered the driver to go to the hospital, and strode towards the opposite side of the road.

"Take her to the hospital."

If it wasn't for Li Jing and the Bai family, he would never care about a bar girl like her.

Bai Zixing watched the BMW leave quickly, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

The Qi Feng just now was very similar to the first time they met, he smashed Young Master Long's head with a wine bottle... Bai Zixing couldn't help but smile.

The sadness that Bai Xiangyu brought to her seemed to have disappeared.


"Madam, please help me!" Ye Tao sincerely asked, "I still have a lot of work to do, I really can't coax that young lady, she has a different attitude towards you, please Go instead of me."

An hour ago, Ye Tao received a call from the butler of the Tang family.

It is said that Tang Tang decided to go to the entertainment circle to act - because she felt that there are no princes in the world, and fairy tales are all fake, so it is better to indulge in the drama.

How can the future heir of the dignified Tang family act in a play!

The Tang family all agreed that Tang Tang would have such an idea because Ye Tao was wrong to persuade him.

Ye Tao swears that he only said that the love of a princess only exists in TV dramas that day, and advised Tang Tang to watch less, who knew Tang Tang would think of acting!

If he had known this earlier, he would never have said that even if he had made himself dumb.

"How can I persuade you?" Ning Tan rubbed his forehead, "The reason she approached Qi Yijing at the beginning was because she thought Qi Yijing was a prince. With her persistence, who can persuade her?"

"Please be clever."

Ye Tao took out his trump card: "As long as you go, I will pay you 20."

The halfway up windows stop.

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