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Chapter 214 Mr. Qi Willing To Cooperate With Me

"A little bit." Yu Yege didn't deny it, took off his hat, got a haircut, poured a glass of champagne and shook, his movements were full of charm, "But I didn't plan to chase her, love and money can't have both at the same time, in contrast I Choose money."

"Really not to chase?" Pigeon asked.

Yu Yege took a sip of the champagne, added some spirits to it, and looked at him with a glint in his eyes: "You seem to really want me to chase her."


Pigeon smiled resentfully: "If you catch her, I'll get the moon first if I'm near the water tower."

"If you don't chase after me, just push the contact information to me."

Yu Yege drank some wine, picked up a conical hat and put it on his head, casually put on a diamond earring, and yelled a lizard.

"Go to work."

"Remember to push her to me!"

Yu Yege waved his hand, neither refusing nor agreeing.


After taking a bath, Ning Tong confirmed with Bai Zhi about Mr. Lin's fate.

"Don't worry, I found a reason to hide it from Ye Tao, he didn't suspect anything, and I also dealt with Lin."

Although Luocheng is not the home of the Bai family, it is still a matter of waving hands to clean up a small boss, not to mention the landowner Ye Tao.

Boss Lin revealed the whole thing, and promised to make up for Ning Chen.

"He is Ning Wei's benefactor. Ning Wei exchanged you with him for money. By the way, I will credit you for the 1000 million he compensated."

Ning Tong guessed the reason on the way.

it is as expected.

If he couldn't get any money from her, he began to use other methods to squeeze her value, and even used this insidious method to destroy her.

"Don't hit your card, you find a card and deposit it in." Ning Tong flipped through the calendar, fifteen days, fifteen days to come... If Ning Wei dares to take any action in these fifteen days, don't blame her when the time comes. Calculate the ledger.

In fifteen days, she will be separated from Qi Yijing.

Ning Chen's heart was full of reluctance and sourness.

"Why does your voice sound wrong?" Bai Zhi asked.

Ning Tan forced a smile: "It's nothing, when are you leaving?"

"Next week, wait for Zi Xing to ask for leave."

Now that Bai Zixing has been found, he will naturally go back to recognize his ancestors, and since Bai Rui's condition has stabilized, Bai Zhi plans to take him back to his home in Guancheng.

The Bai family also needs people to manage.

"Ning Tan, I might not come to Los Angeles again." Bai Zhi was about to go back and take over the Bai family, and said seriously, "Remember to ask me for help if you need anything, you know? Be careful yourself."

"Understood." Ning Chen said, "I didn't expect you, a dandy, to inherit the Bai family in the end... Don't forget the 5000 million owed to Qi Yijing!"

"...I'll check the account as soon as I get back."

Ning Tong hung up the phone and sat on the edge of the bed lost in thought.

She turned on the computer, slowly found a webpage and clicked on it, looking at the content on it, her fingers slowly curled up.

Lowering her eyes, she turned off the computer and went to sleep.

separated by a wall

Qi Yijing was wrapped in a bathrobe and stood in front of the window, staring at the dark night outside for a moment, his indifferent handsome face had complicated expressions, with chagrin and regret, and more helplessness.

In the end, he still didn't look for Ning Chen.

next day

Ning Tan adjusted his mood all night, and decided to neglect Qi Yijing for a day, as revenge for him last night.

Otherwise, wouldn't it seem that she is easy to bully?

"Senior Sister Qirou didn't come today?"

"It's been three days."

"It seems that I haven't come to school since I was with Ning Chen... Maybe it's because I feel ashamed?"

Whispering words reached Ning Tong's ears, Ning Tong bit his pen and turned his head to look.

The gossipers shifted the subject with a guilty conscience: "Ahem, that Yao Qian didn't come today."

"Yeah yeah."

"Maybe I'm sick..."

Ning Tan was not interested in these things, and met Bai Zixing after school.

Bai Zixing has already asked for leave for a week.

"I'll be back next week," she laughed. "I'll be back for your birthday."

"Huh?" Ning Tan asked, "Let's go now, shall we? I'll see you off."

"No, I have to meet someone else."

Bai Zixing doesn't have many friends, he still remembers Qi Feng's exhaustion that day, something must have happened at his house... Now that she has returned to her own home, she can help Qi Feng if she can.

Bai Zixing suddenly asked: "Do you want to meet him with me?"

Ning Tan was surprised: "You took her to meet a man?"

She had always known that Bai Zixing was dating a man recently.

"No, are you serious?"

"No!" Speechless appeared on Bai Zixing's pure face, she was wearing lip gloss and looked very innocent and lovely, and annoyance flashed in her big eyes, "I just want to try to take you to meet other men, will Qi Yijing get mad. "

The corner of Ning Tong's mouth twitched, what kind of death courting behavior was this.

She doesn't do it.

She still has to get her phone back, and although she has a spare, she doesn't always feel comfortable.

Not long after the car drove out, Ning Tan received a call for help from Ye Tao: "Madam, help me, you must save me!"

"What's wrong?" Ning Tan was puzzled, "Qi Yijing wants to fire you?"

"No, it's worse than this." Ye Tao was irritated, "I can't tell on the phone, Madam, can you come to the company?"

There are priorities, Ning Tan thought about it, and said to the driver: "Go to the company."

On the way, a BMW passed by her car, and a handsome but impatient gloomy face was printed on the car window.

For the past two days, Qifeng has been doing important things silently, and it was time to sign the contract in an hour, but Baitao asked him out at this time.

But he couldn't offend Baitao.

"Hurry up." Qi Feng ordered coldly.

After 15 minutes, the car stopped at a coffee shop.

Qifeng rubbed his eyes, got out of the car with a slightly tired face, and looked inside the cafe.

"Button." There was a knock on the transparent window.

Baitao was sitting outside, wearing a student skirt, smiling innocently at him.

Qifeng suppressed his irritability, and walked in with a smile: "What's the matter, Taotao?"

"My family is looking for a partner." Baitao took out a contract from her schoolbag, which she got from Bai Zhi, tilted her head and smiled slightly, "Does Mr. Qi intend to cooperate with me?"

What eye-catching projects can the Bai family have? It's a waste of his time.

Qifeng didn't bother to scan the contract, but froze.

This contract...

Isn't this a contract with the Bai family in Los Angeles?

"Guancheng." He opened the contract, his breathing became short of breath, and he looked at Baitao in disbelief, "You mean your home? Isn't your home in Los Angeles?"

This is clearly the item that Bai Xuan traded with him!

"No." Bai Zixing suppressed his sadness, and smiled slightly, "My real name is Bai Zixing, from Guancheng."

Qi Feng blurted out: "Who are you, Bai Rui?"

Bai Zixing was silent for a second.

"My father."

Qifeng's eyes were full of shock. He didn't know the truth, but he could vaguely guess it.

I heard that the Bai family in Los Angeles has been in trouble recently.

So Bai Zixing became Baitao by mistake, and now he has returned to the Bai family? !

For him, this was a big surprise.

"Mr. Qi, would you like to cooperate with me?" Bai Zixing smiled.

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