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Chapter 181 Splashing Makeup Remover On Your Face

Baitao looked at the gate of the hospital, how excited she was when she was in the police station, how hesitant she was now.

What if, what if she wasn't?

"Taotao, let's go in." Bai Zhi looked at her carefully, seeing her standing still, a little nervous, "Are you hungry? Do you want to have breakfast first? I'll give you what you want You buy it, there is no rush for an appraisal, and Xiao Li said that he will come over after class."

The more anxious he was, the more guilty and afraid Baitao felt.

Along the way, Bai Zhi greeted her with care, and she didn't want to disappoint Bai Zhi.

"I'm not hungry." Baitao didn't know how to address him, "Let's go in."

"Good good."

The doctors each took two tubes of blood for identification, and took two copies of hair for insurance.

"Get the results the day after tomorrow."

Two days is already the fastest time in China. The appraisal not only tests the technology but also requires advanced equipment. If you go outside to do it, it will take a week at the fastest.

"Thank you." Bai Zhi sent the doctor away gratefully, looked at his elder brother on the hospital bed through the transparent glass, his eyes fell on Bai Tao who was leaning against the wall and lowered his head, and asked tentatively, "Tao Tao, you, do you want to come in and see me?" Brother?"

As a result, he didn't dare to talk nonsense before he came out, so as not to cause secondary harm to Baitao.

Bai Tao pressed the blood draw port with a cotton swab, pursed her lips: "I'm not going."

"It's okay, it's okay." Bai Zhi hurriedly said, "Then why don't you sit down for a while?"

"I'll go back to the police station."

The policewoman nodded solemnly: "What you applied for was to go out for an appraisal, and now she must go back with me."

"Didn't they all admit that it was a false police report?" Bai Zhi was anxious.

"That also needs to follow the procedure, comrade, please cooperate with my work."

Bai Zhi was in a hurry, how can this work, this matter is not over.

"It's okay." Baitao needs to calm down and think about how to deal with this sudden incident, "I'll cooperate with their work, or I can be alone."

"You help me tell Xiaochen to let her sleep first."

Seeing that she nodded, Bai Zhi knew it was useless to persuade her, so he sighed helplessly.

"it is good."

"Don't worry, I have found a lawyer for you, and you will be fine."

"By the way, you wait another 10 minutes." Bai Zhi pleaded, "Comrade police, just 10 minutes, please wait 10 minutes."

The policewoman nodded reluctantly.

Ten minutes later, a delivery rider stopped by the side of the road. After comparing the addresses, he carried two bags and headed for the hospital. Bai Zhi strode over and stopped the bags: "I ordered them."

He walked back and stuffed something into Bai Tao, which contained porridge and fried dough sticks, and another bag was exquisitely packaged, with a big brand's logo on it.

"Taotao, here is the breakfast I bought for you, you can eat some. There is also this, which contains a mask and skin care products, you can take it to reduce swelling, I don't know how to choose, so I bought the most expensive one, you Look at it."

At the end, she worriedly asked the policewoman: "Comrade police, can she take it in and use it?"

The policewoman nodded with complicated eyes.

Baitao is only assisting in the investigation, not a real prisoner, and these can be taken away.

But the result of the appraisal has not come out, so you are so kind to her, aren't you afraid of being disappointed?

Baitao inexplicably felt that these things were very hot to the touch, her eyes were hot, she didn't say anything, she just grabbed the bag tightly, sniffed, lowered her head and climbed into the police car.


When Ning Li arrived at school, he couldn't hold on anymore. He was sleepy, really sleepy.

You shouldn't have slept on the road just now.

She was just about to lie down for a while when an unexpected guest came.

"Students, Mr. Zhou is sick. I will take over this class. Now let's review the knowledge of the previous class." Qi Rou walked in with exquisite makeup, her chin raised proudly, and glanced at the classroom to find the teacher. Ning Tan called the roll call directly, "Ning Tan, tell me."

Ning Tan really wanted to give her a big match.

She stood up, smirked, and spoke the answer.

Qirou said with a strange expression: "I have made progress, yes, it seems that I have worked hard. I feel that you seem to be sleepy? It's not okay to be sleepy when you read a book. How about this, you stand by the side with the book, so that you can be more energetic."

Ning Tan took a deep breath, she endured it!

She stood by the window with the book in her hand, and her eyelids started to fight just after standing for a while.

Qi Rou is in a good mood, as long as Ning Li is not feeling well, she is happy.

"Students, let's talk about this knowledge first..."

Every time Ning Yi was about to squint, Qi Rou would tap the blackboard with a ruler to scare Ning Zhen awake.

Hemp egg!

She swore that if she had the chance, she would wrap Qi Rou in a sack and beat her hard!

"Student Ning Chen, let me answer this question."


"Student Ning Tong, come and help the teacher draw a picture."


"Ning Chan, the projector is broken, please raise the stick."

One class lasts 45 minutes, and for three 10 minutes, Qi Rou is embarrassing Ning Chen.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Qi Rou is looking for trouble for Ning Chen.

That pole was broken on purpose.

After Qi Rou deliberately threw chalk dust on Ning Chen's face and coughed non-stop, Ning Chen finally couldn't help it: "Qi Rou, you are enough!"

"Why, are you going to sue my second uncle?" Qi Rou was disdainful, lowering her voice full of pride, "I heard that my second uncle is going to divorce you, and even you have been kicked out of Huijingxuan, do you think he Will you help me out?"

Ning Tan's expression froze.

She originally thought that she could pretend to be a tiger, but who knew that Qirou was so well-informed.

No wonder Qi Rou is so arrogant today.

Ning Tan pursed her lower lip tightly.

It is impossible for her to go to Qi Yijing to make decisions.

"Hurry up, hold up the pole, don't delay everyone's class." Qi Rou held her toes high.

Ning Tan endured the drowsiness and lifted the pole.

Tolerate the calm for a while, she will bear it again!

After she finished her health and rest, she will come back to recover the debt.

Qirou was overjoyed to see that Ning Chun was so obedient.When Yang Qin talked to her, she was not sure, but now it seems that she is almost inseparable.

How could Ning Li be so easy to bully before?

Seeing that she was sleepy and panicking, Qirou's eyes flashed viciousness, she used to rely on her second uncle to overwhelm her, but today she wants to feel proud.Qirou unscrewed the water glass, pretended to be slippery and poured it directly on Ning Chen's face.

"Hiss!" The students all took a breath.

A bottle of water was poured all over Ning Chan's body, which immediately wiped out Ning Chan's drowsiness.

The chalk that hadn't been cleaned up would mix with water and seep into the nostrils, and it was difficult to breathe for a while. Not only was the face wet, but the thin shirt was completely wet, and the suspender lining inside could be seen directly, which was extremely sexy.

Water drops dripped down Ning Chen's small face, she looked at Qi Rou in disbelief.

If it was boiling water, she would be disfigured on the spot.

"Ah, I'm sorry, my hands slipped." Qirou apologized without distraction, with a vicious smile on her face, and at the same time the bell rang, she put away her textbooks and walked out, "Students, get out of class is over."

Ning Tan wiped the water off his face, forgetting what he tolerated and what he didn't want to provoke Qi Yijing, he grabbed the Coke on the desk of the classmate in the front row and chased him aggressively.

"You stop for me!"

Qirou turned back proudly: "What do you have..."

Coke was splashed head-on, sticky flow from the face into the chest.

"Ah!" Qi Rou froze first, and shouted uncontrollably.

The girl who just came out of the class next door was stunned by this scene, and suddenly her hands were empty, and the makeup remover she was holding was taken away.

"I'll pay you double."

Ning Li opened the lid, and directly poured the lotion on Qi Rou's already smudged face.

The delicate makeup instantly turned into a big face.

The classmates in the class and the students passing by were all stunned.

What the fuck? !

so brave?

Qi Rou screamed, no need to think that she is in a mess now: "Ning Chen! You are dead!"

"We're going to die together." Ning Tong sneered, "One thing is one thing, two things are not three things. Put away your bullying face, I'm here to study, not to be angry! Others are afraid of you, I'm not afraid, just let your chairman be the second Uncle came to see me, I want to ask him, how did you educate your niece!"

Who is afraid of who.

She is not wrong.

"You, you..." Qirou was so angry that she couldn't speak clearly.

"What's wrong with me? I'm not afraid of power! If you have the ability, fire me!"

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