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Chapter 180 I want to sue them

Bai Zhi was extremely excited: "I'll go through the formalities now!"

The three members of the Bai family are in chaos.

Once the paternity test comes out, things will definitely be exposed.

"I told you not to call the police." Bai Xiangyu was irritable. "You still asked me to report it. What should I do if I leave a criminal record? They have hired lawyers, and we are definitely doomed."

Seeing a policeman looking over, Zhou Hua hurriedly said, "Keep your voice down!"

She panicked too, more panicked than Bai Xiangyu.

As soon as the appraisal report comes out, the Bai family will definitely pursue what happened back then, and they might go to jail.

"Why don't we tell the truth?" Father Bai didn't do it for nothing all these years, he said in a deep voice, "It was their plan to push Bai Xuan out to take the place of the dead ghost. She has been soft-hearted for so many years, and she will definitely not care about us."

Zhou Hua hesitated: "But..."

"But what is it! Didn't you see Ning Chen coming? She is not a good person!" Bai Xiangyu was furious, "With her here, we will definitely end badly. Stop confronting her. Mom, go and tell the truth. Cry with your sister again to get this matter out of the way."

Zhou Hua was puzzled: "Why are you so afraid of Ning Chan?"

If you are afraid, you should be afraid of the Bai family.

In fact, she didn't think things were that bad, as long as they insisted that Baitao killed someone, they might still get some benefits from the Bai family.

"Don't ask, if you don't want your son to go to jail, do it quickly. Hurry up, Bai Zhi is out."

Zhou Hua felt guilty: "Husband, why don't you go."

The three of you pushed me and I pushed you, and none of them dared to step forward.

In the end they decided to split into two groups, Zhou Hua went to confess his mistake to Bai Tao, and Bai Xiangyu and his son went to Bai Zhi to explain.

Bai Zhi is going through bail procedures and can do a paternity test, but he must be followed by a policeman.

For convenience, they sent a policewoman.

"Mr. Bai." Bai's father walked over with a smile, "You may not remember me, we are also in the same family."

Bai Zhi sneered, don't talk about your family with him.

"Step aside."

"We were wrong!" Father Bai explained with a sad face, "I admit, I admit, Baitao is not my daughter. But she is not kidnapped by me. My son threw stones on the side of the road when he was a child. She doesn't know how to hide her." In the grass, she was knocked unconscious, and we were afraid to see her bleeding so much, so we didn't dare to call the police, but two rich men came to us on the third day."

He paused and glanced at Bai Zhi.

Bai Zhi was extremely angry, and took a deep breath: "Keep talking!"

"That's right, it's your two elder brothers. He gave us a large sum of money and let us say that Baitao is his daughter." Bai's father said miserably, "We didn't want to, but at that time I was a small businessman, He threatened me. This time too, he forced us to call the police, there is nothing we can do."

"Can you let us go for the sake of telling the truth?"

"It's really not easy for us. We have raised Baitao all these years, haven't we?"

Bai Zhi was almost out of breath watching them brazenly sell miserably and cry poorly.

no way?Greed for money is nothing to do? !

If they had sent the child back back then, the elder brother would have been in deteriorating health. Would he dare not go home after being away for more than ten years? !

Seeing things now, I can't hide it and come and tell him that I can't help it, it's ridiculous.

"It's useless for you to tell me these things." Bai Zhi laughed back angrily, "You guys are eating human blood steamed buns. I'll settle accounts with you after I finish the paternity test!"

Bai Xiangyu suddenly said: "Wait, what if I say I have a recording with Bai Xuan? Don't you want to send the culprit to the police station?"

Bai Zhi paused and turned to look at him.

"As long as you don't argue with us, I'll give you the recording." Bai Xiangyu made a condition.

Bai Zhi stared at him, his red eyes were a little scary, and he sneered secretly.

Negotiate terms with him?

"Okay." Bai Zhi thought for a moment and said, "I promise you, as long as you give me the recording, I will not pursue you again."

Father Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Xiangyu was proud, but fortunately he saved a hand, he gave the recorder to Bai Zhi.

"Don't forget what you promised me."

Bai Zhi checked the recorder, sneered, and gave him a disdainful look.

Young is easy to deceive.

He doesn't pursue it?Impossible!

Bai Zhi changed hands and gave the recording to the police: "Comrade police, this is a case of framing."

"You backtracked!" Bai Xiangyu was furious.

"So what?" Bai Zhi sneered, "I'm a rascal, don't threaten me with reputation, I don't need these things."

After wandering abroad for so many years, he has long known one thing - as long as he has no morals, he will not be kidnapped.

Master Bai was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

There was a louder cry, interspersed with swearing: "Taotao, please forgive mom, if you pursue it, mom will have nothing... Baitao, you have no conscience! Stop! Baitao, stop!"

"Go away!" Baitao roared angrily, her face was full of tears and despair, and her whole body was trembling.If it wasn't for Ning Tong supporting her, she might not even be able to walk.

She never thought it was true.

Not only did they use her, but now they came to ask her forgiveness.

Ridiculous, really extremely ridiculous!

"Baitao, you white-eyed wolf!" Zhou Hua screamed. In the past, every time she showed a little concern for Baitao, she would respond to her request. She didn't expect that it would fail this time. She rushed forward and grabbed Baitao's arm, "You can't go, We have raised you for so many years, you can't be wolf-hearted..."

Baitao's teeth were trembling: "Raise me? You hid my background, made me unable to return home, made people who love me sad and blamed themselves every day, and even called the police to arrest me. Now you still want me to forgive you?"

"What do you think of me?!"

"I, I..." Zhou Hua was speechless, "If it weren't for us, would you know Ning Zhen?"

Ning Tan: "..."

She really wanted to slap Zhou Hua.

"Taotao, you weren't like this before." Zhou Hua continued to speak softly, "Mom already knew she was wrong..."

"Shut up! You're not my mother!" Baitao cried and growled, breaking away her hand, "I used to do whatever you asked for because you were my family and I had no choice, but now you're a liar! You're a human trafficker !Your family are all human traffickers!"

The more Baitao talked, the more excited she became, which frightened Zhou Hua.

"Peach." Ning Tan hugged her to comfort her, "Don't talk to her too much, let's go."

How could Zhou Hua let them go.

"You can't..."

Bai Zhi walked over aggressively and rolled up his sleeves: "You still want to bully her? Just say one more word and don't blame me for doing it!"

The police rushed over to stop it.

"Sir, don't be impulsive."

Bai Zhi gave Zhou Hua a hard look and strode up to Ning Chan.

Zhou Hua was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground, Bai Xiangyu came to help her to go out, but was stopped by the police.

"You are suspected of human trafficking and cannot leave the police station."

The faces of the three turned pale.

"We don't have police comrades, we are forced, we..."

"Whether it is voluntary or forced to cooperate with our investigation."


Ning Jingjing cried loudly with Baitao, some grievances would only make her feel more uncomfortable if she didn't cry out.

The sunlight was so dazzling that Ning Tan was a little dazed. She unscrewed the lid and drank a few sips of coffee, then she pulled herself together and said to Bai Zhi: "You and Taotao will go for an appraisal later, and I'll go to school."

"You still have to go to class? Can't you ask for leave?"

Ning Tan took the matter of the hospital as a matter of chance, Qi Yijing was so busy with work every day, he probably would not have noticed the matter of the hospital.

As soon as she asks for leave, Qi Yijing will know, maybe he will let Bai Rui move out, or leave.

She can hold on.

"It's okay, you guys should settle the matter quickly." Ning Tan had a headache, "After your elder brother's condition stabilizes, transfer him to another hospital. Qi Yijing and I are going to divorce, so as not to implicate you."

"Divorce?" Bai Zhi was surprised, "Then we are not causing you trouble."

Baitao stopped sobbing, and looked at Ning Chan with red eyes.

"Little Long."

"Don't you bother me too much?" Ning Tong sighed deeply, hugging Baitao, "You know my suffering, Taotao, if you take pity on me, let me sleep next to you."

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