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Chapter 158 That Boy Was Pushed into the Water by You

Baitao was vigilant, and bitterness flashed in her eyes: "Mom, what do you want to use me for?"

Panic flashed across Zhou Hua's face, and his voice became high-pitched: "What nonsense are you talking about! I'm your mother, so I can use you? You were eager to go abroad before, but now you don't do it after I promised you? Your father knows I found a master, and he read your work and wants to take you in as his apprentice, Baitao, please listen to me, this is the only chance!"

Baitao smiled wryly, she really was using her to make a deal.

The last time Bai Xiangyu hurt her so much, Zhou Hua not only didn't say a word for her, but instead questioned and threatened her head and face, no matter how hot her heart was, it would be ruthlessly quenched again and again.

It's about her favorite design, and she won't back down this time.

"I'm not going, I already have a mentor."

Zhou Hua saw that she was still refusing, and gradually became a little annoyed, this disobedient rebellious girl!If it didn't happen suddenly, would she need to be humble with her?

How dare he disobey her.

Zhou Hua held back his anger, pulled out a hypocritical smile and played the sympathy card: "Tao Tao, you are obedient, last time our Bai family was hit hard, and we urgently need this order. You can pretend to go abroad with him first, and what do you want after signing the contract?" That's it, okay?"

Baitao stared blankly at Zhou Hua. The only time Zhou Hua spoke to her in a soft voice in memory was when she won the first place in the school and won honor for the Bai family.

Zhou Hua's gentleness made Baitao's eyes sour.

A mother is gentle to her daughter, not because she loves her, but because she asks for something, how absurd.

"Mom." Baitao laughed at herself, "I'm sorry, but you can't promise you this time. If I change my mentor, I will be abandoned."

Zhou Hua's patience was completely gone.

She can't even listen to Baitao, can she?

"Come here for me!"

Zhou Hua looked around for a week, changed his gentle appearance just now, and roughly pulled Baitao to a corner where no one was around, and said in a vicious voice: "Listen up, Baitao, the family of the boy you pushed into the pond when you were a child is here! Everyone doesn't care about you this time." You have to leave if you want to!"

Baitao's face lost all color in an instant, it was terribly pale.

Vague memories swept in like a nightmare...the cicadas chirping, the boy picking flowers for her under the tree, the pond, falling into the water, cries for help...

"I didn't do it on purpose." She whispered bitterly, and the next second she excitedly grabbed Zhou Hua's hand, choked up and said, "Mom, I'm going to apologize! I'm going to surrender!"

Zhou Hua glared at her viciously, and cursed: "Shut up! What the hell, do you want to spend the rest of your life in prison?"

"He fell down because he didn't have a long eye, and it has nothing to do with you!"

Baitao had a dull expression, and pain appeared in her beautiful eyes.No, although she couldn't remember the reason, she was the one who ran away in fright after pushing him down, and she didn't save him.

Zhou Hua took out a plane ticket from his bag and stuffed it to her: "Don't worry, Mom won't let you have anything to do. Baitao, you go out and hide for a while, and you can come back when the limelight passes."

Baitao looked at Zhou Hua in a daze.

"What are you doing, take it!" Zhou Hua roared angrily.

Baitao's nose soured, and she took the wrinkled ticket, both touched and scared.

She did something wrong and should turn herself in.

But she was afraid, she was not afraid of going to jail, she was afraid that Zhou Hua would look at her with disappointed eyes.

"Okay." Baitao choked up and nodded, "Mom, I'll go back and pack my luggage now."

"What else do you need to pack, just go out and buy." Seeing that she finally let go, Zhou Hua dragged Baitao into the car, "Mom will take you to the airport now."

Baitao picked up the phone and wanted to say goodbye to Ning Tong.

"What are you doing?!" Zhou Hua's sharp voice made Baitao's hands tremble in fright, and Zhou Hua snatched the phone, "Do you want to call Ning Tong? Don't tell her that you are leaving!"

Baitao looked at Zhou Hua in shock.


Zhou Hua realized that his attitude was too aggressive, and angrily smoothed things over: "Don't you know how bad her reputation is? I told you a long time ago not to associate with her. You are a rich lady, and she is a fake daughter! She is not worthy to be your My friend, do you understand?"

Baitao is silent, Xiao Tan is still Qi Yijing's wife, if mom finds out, she must have a different attitude.

Baitao didn't say anything, because the more she refuted Zhou Hua, the more she would scold her more vigorously. Ning Tan didn't need her mother's approval, so let's report to Xiao Tan after she got off the plane.

"Jingle Bell."

The phone keeps vibrating.

When Zhou Hua saw the caller's expression changed drastically, he immediately hung up the phone and turned it off.

"Quick! Go to the airport!" She urged the driver.

Baitao watched Zhou Hua fidget fidgeting, and slowly clenched his hands.

Ning Tan made four or five phone calls and Baitao didn't answer, and even turned off the phone afterwards.

"The phone you dialed is turned off, sorry..."

Ning Tan was anxious: "Can you hurry up?"

"It's already the fastest speed, and it's going to be too fast." The secretary said.

Ning Li held the phone anxiously, Yao Qian said that Taotao was in trouble but didn't say who it was, Taotao would not cause trouble... Could it be the Bai family again?


Ning Tan hurriedly turned on the phone, but was immediately disappointed.

It's not Baitao, it's the news from Lijing.

Lijing: Xiaochen, are you free now? I want to go shopping for clothes.

Ning Tan: Taotao was blocked at the school gate looking for trouble, I'm on my way now, tomorrow.

Li Jing wasn't surprised by Ning Tong's answer, because Ning Tong didn't have class tomorrow morning, and that's what she was looking for, but...someone troubled Baitao?

The stew in the pot was bubbling and bubbling, and Li Jing stirred it up a few times with a spoon. He quietly untied the apron, brushed a strand of black hair from his forehead behind his ears, and revealed a black bluetooth headset: "Check who is here Make trouble for Baitao."

It just so happens that she has been a little bored recently.

"Yes." A concise answer came from the Bluetooth end.

After 3 minutes there was a sound.

"Miss, it's Zhou Hua, Baitao's biological mother. I found out that she bought Baitao a plane ticket to Spain, and the departure time is half an hour later."

Li Jing took a sip of the soup, under the rising mist, a pair of bright eyes were too calm and terrifying.


Li Jing said slowly, "Is she safe?"


"Don't worry about it."

A few seconds later, Li Jing changed his mind again: "Stop them, I'll go over and have a look."

The thugs drove the car to the gate and waited.

Li Jing changed into a floral dress, combed her hair into double ponytails, and stepped into the car surrounded by thugs wearing small leather shoes.

When Ning Tan arrived at school, she didn't expect Yao Qian to be waiting for her.

"It was a woman dressed like a nouveau riche who took Baitao away." Yao Qian was a little uncomfortable, "Don't look at me like that, you helped me today, I will pay you back."

Ning Tang couldn't care less about being surprised, and turned out Zhou Hua's photo: "Is that her?"


"Where did they go?"

"How do I know that, anyway, I went in that direction."

Ning Tan looked in the direction Yao Qian pointed, it was not the direction to Bai's house at all, what did Zhou Hua want to do to Taotao?

Ning Tan was anxious and angry.

"Cousin." The secretary came over in a low-key manner, and whispered under Yao Qian's surprised gaze, "You can ask my boss for help."

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