"You are?" Ning Tan was puzzled.

The second secretary introduced himself: "I'm Ye Zhu's secretary. We met before. I just happen to be free today, so I'm here to pick you up, madam."

It turned out to be the case.

Ning Li suddenly realized, nodded to Bai Zhi, and got in the car.

Bai Zhi knew how to sit in the co-pilot.

Ning Tong opened the car door and saw a box of exquisite cakes and milk tea, he was taken aback.

The second secretary: "Ma'am, I bought this for you. I didn't know what flavor you like, so I bought the best-selling flavor. Try it if you like it."

Ning Tang closed the car door with a strange expression: "Thank you."

To be honest, she was a little afraid to eat this cake.

Nothing to do is to commit crimes or to steal.

It always feels like there's something in it.

"Go to the hospital." Ning Tong coughed twice.

The secretary immediately cared: "Ma'am, are you sick? Where is it uncomfortable? How long has it been?"

Ning Tan: "..."

Don't be so nervous, she is very uncomfortable.

"I'm going to find someone." Ning Tong had goosebumps, "Is it your birthday today? Is there anything else you want to ask me for help?"

Second secretary: "No."

"But the president gave me a salary increase, and I got a bonus. I'm treating my colleagues to dinner tonight. Ma'am, do you want to come?"

It turned out to be the case.

scared her to death.

Ning Li suddenly realized, and ate the cake with peace of mind: "I won't go, I guess Qi Yijing has some opinions when I go, so it's good to have a cup of milk tea."

"Ma'am, who are you looking for in the hospital?" the second secretary asked.

Ning Tan was thoughtful, this secretary didn't look very clever, ahem, he wasn't as thug as Ye Tao, so he shouldn't make things difficult for her: "I'll go find Baixuan Bailang, do you know where they are?"

This brings up the second secretary's major.

He was one of the few who knew about it.

"It's in the hospital, but what are you looking for, madam?"


Ning Li was perfunctory.

Originally thought that he would not be able to enter the hospital, but unexpectedly no one stopped him, Bai Zhi whispered a few words to Ning Chen, Ning Chen was a little embarrassed.

How is this done?

"Ma'am, what do you want to do?" Second Secretary asked with insight.

Ning Tang pointed to the doctor's office: "I want a white coat, a mask and a trolley, but I don't know if they will give it."

"pass it to me!"

The second secretary walked into the office to negotiate, and soon came out with a set of tools.

Ning Tan gave the Second Secretary an appreciative look.


Bai Zhi changed into a white coat and put on a hood and a mask, only showing a pair of eyes, as long as you don't look closely, you can't tell the difference.He pushed the cart and followed Ning Tong, and there were two bodyguards at the door of the ward.

The second secretary stepped forward: "I'm Ye Zhu's secretary, we're going in."

Ning Tong silently gave a thumbs up.


The bodyguard cast a scrutiny at them and opened the door.

"Take it easy." Ning Tan advised Bai Zhi, "Don't play too much, it's difficult for me."

"I won't make things difficult for you." Bai Zhi put on rubber gloves and pushed the car in.

Bai Xuan Bailang lay on the hospital bed like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Bai Zhi's eyes turned cold, and he stepped forward to change the dressings of the two, and injected the special medicine into their needles.

They didn't notice it at all, Bailang said in a sleepy way: "Do you think the boss is here? When can we go out?"

"I don't know." Bai Xuan was restless, "He will definitely negotiate with Qi Yijing when he comes, and he will definitely bleed a lot. I suspect that this is a situation jointly set up by Qi Yijing and Qi Feng!"

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?

One by one, the probability of co-occurrence is comparable to winning the lottery!

"I have long said that Qifeng is not kind." Bailang complained, "It's brother, you want to cooperate with him, saying that he has the support of the Chick family, and he has a bright future in the future. Now it's all right, he's in the ditch."

The status of their family will definitely drop again and again when they go back this time.

Maybe even the second rate can't be ranked.

Bai Xuan's face darkened: "You blame me? I didn't see you back then, ho... ho ho..."

Suddenly he couldn't breathe, his throat was burning, and he could only make the sound of an old windmill turning.

Bai Xuan was terrified.

what happened?

"Brother?" Bailang also sensed that something was wrong, and yelled at the doctor, "Brother, are you okay? Come and see what's going on with him? What are you doing in a daze? Let me tell you, you... ho..."

Suddenly his voice stopped abruptly.

Bailang scratched his throat with his hands in pain, and collapsed on the railing, gasping for breath but unable to catch his breath, he was so dizzy before his eyes.

The same is true for Bai Xuan next to him.

Bai Lang stretched out his hand towards Bai Zhi, trying to squeeze out a word: "Save..."

Bai Zhi pulled off his mask, sneered and stared at the two of them: "I didn't expect it, it was me."

Brother Bai Xuan's pupils shrank, watching the needle in his hand finally realized something, tremblingly pulled out the indwelling needle in his hand.

"It's too late." Bai Zhi laughed wildly, "It's already entered your blood, is it uncomfortable? Do you feel out of breath? Do you want to be relieved? I have the antidote. As long as you tell me the answer, I will give you the answer." Let's get you back to normal."

The two were so painful that their eyes were tearing apart, their expressions were ferocious, and they stared at him angrily.

"You, you..." Bai Xuan pointed at him, his hands were trembling, and he had to take a big breath every time he said a word, "This is Qi Yijing's territory, he, no, won't, let you go!"

"Does it make a difference whether he lets me go or not? Thanks to the blessings of both of you, the eldest brother compensated all the assets of the Bai family to Qi Yijing." Bai Zhihong sneered with red eyes, "Instead of letting the Bai family go bankrupt, why don't I send you away first?" Two, turn yourself in again!"

Bai Xuan and the others never expected that the Bai family would go bankrupt, they were terrified and angry.


Bai Zhi, a lunatic, actually came for the truth this time.

Bai Zhi admired the last struggle of the two: "You still have 10 minutes, after 10 minutes, no one can save you."

"You, you..." Bailang wanted to curse, but he didn't have any strength left.

The fear of death spread in their hearts little by little, covering them.As time passed and their physical condition became worse and worse, they finally started to get scared, Bai Xuan weakly shouted: "Say, I say!"

"It's true that you didn't lose him, but it has nothing to do with us. We just wanted to hide him while you were drunk to stimulate the boss. As a result, as a result..."

Bai Zhi's eyes were red, he wished he could pick them up, and roared, "What's the result?! Tell me!!"

"As a result, when we returned to the warehouse, he disappeared."


"Gollum, Gollum."

Ning Tan took a sip of the milk tea and looked at the expectant secretary: "...it's delicious."

"I'm going to answer the phone." Avoiding the secretary's enthusiastic eyes, Ning Li walked slowly to the corner, "Hello, who is it?"

Yao Qian glanced at Baitao who was being pulled at the school gate: "Baitao is in trouble."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

"You and I go home!" Zhou Hua was very excited, holding Baitao tightly, "Don't you want to study abroad, I bought you a plane ticket, and I'm leaving tonight!"

Baitao stared at Zhou Hua in astonishment. Didn't she say that if she was disobedient, she should never use the Bai family's money?

"I'll leave next week." Baitao said.

"No, just today!"

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