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Chapter 139 Professional Persuasion for Divorce

"Chief Lu, we must clarify this matter with you." Zhang Xian said seriously, "Ning Li is just a friend we invited, you can take back some of these conditions."

Chief Lu did indeed come for Ning Tong.

"Are you so unconfident in yourselves?" But he didn't intend to let go of the group of five, "I will invite you, which means you have that value."

The group of five breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can we go back and think about it for one night?" They were still a little conflicted.

Chief Lu sighed: "Tomorrow, the job will change, so I won't care about this."

Ning Tan: "..."

Getting promoted looks like getting fired.

But she didn't expose it. Although Section Chief Lu was talking nonsense, he was right: the future of this company is limitless...

The group of five was really shaken. This was a pie from heaven. They couldn't believe it was true, but if they missed it, there would be nothing.

Zhang Xian gritted his teeth and picked up the pen: "I will sign!"

"Brother Xian, you sign and we sign too!" Lao He said.

"We are a team! With you!"


Chief Lu was very satisfied. The students are easy to deceive, and they don't even mention the conditions... As soon as the idea came out, he looked at Shang Ning with complicated eyes: "... Ning, do you really stop thinking about it? I'm not kidding , your family’s industry is definitely not comparable to the company three years from now.”

Ning Tan: "No."

"What kind of business is your family in?" Chief Lu suddenly became curious.

It doesn't matter if you can't be a colleague, maybe you can cooperate in the future.

Ning Tan was expressionless: "Specially in persuading people to divorce."

Chief Lu: "..."

excuse me.

After the group of five signed the contract, Ning Li just pushed open the door when an ice pack was delivered to him.

Personnel smiled at her.

"Thank you." Ning Tan put the ice pack on his face gratefully, took a deep breath, "Hiss..."

A group of people walked out of the company, unable to hold back their excitement any longer, Lao He was the first to pretend that he couldn't put it on anymore, he clenched his hands into fists and pushed his elbows down: "Oye!"


"God, don't you know that I was shaking with the pen just now, and my palms are still sweaty, look..."

"We got really lucky."

The faces of the five were flushed with excitement, and they talked more and more.

Ning Yi saw a Bentley parked on the side of the road with sharp eyes. Ye Tao sat inside and said to the group of five: "Congratulations, why don't you pay me the bill and I'll go home first?"

Zhang Xian and the others recovered from their excitement.

"Let's turn later, let's treat you to dinner first!"

"Go and eat the best palace dishes!"

"Ning Chan, you are the biggest contributor."

"Thank you for your kindness." Ning Tan refused the warm invitation, "But I have to go home on time, someone is waiting for me, and you may not see me if I go back late."

Chen Yue was surprised: "Your family is so strict?"

Ning Tan smiled.

"Then next time, let's meet again next time."

The group of five will not let Ning Li go, and must treat her to a meal before giving up.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Zhang Xian asked.

"No need." Ning Tong shook the phone, "I took a taxi."

"Then let's go first."


Ning Li watched the group of five leave, and walked towards Bentley with the ice pack.

just got in the car

"Ma'am, I have already fired this person, please don't tell the second master about this, please?" Ye Tao sincerely begged, and almost bowed to her with his hands together, "Otherwise, my company will definitely not be guaranteed."

"I understand." Ning Tong expressed deep sympathy and understanding.

Ye Tao burst into tears of gratitude.

Madam is so kind. He was the one who blamed Madam in the past. Madam is a very kind person.

"Give me 300 million hush money, and I won't know anything."

Ye Tao: "..."

He took back what he had just said.

"Madam, it's not that I won't give it." Ye Tao hesitated, 300 million is not a big amount for him, "If the second master knows that I will give you the money, I will still finish the game, can you change the conditions?"

Let him be a cow or a horse.

Ning Tan: "Then there is nothing to talk about."

She put down the ice pack and showed the palm print on her face to the car window. Although the ice pack had been applied for a while, the owner's skin was delicate and the mark was still very red.

Ning Tan touched the mark, and sighed melancholy: "Oh, it's not easy to make a living these days, and you also face the risk of unspoken rules and disfigurement. If such a devilish company is known..."


"Ma'am." Ye Tao interrupted directly, gritted his teeth and made a concession, "What do you want 300 million for?"

Knowing the whereabouts of the money is his final bottom line. If Ning Tan uses the 300 million to deal with the second master, then let the company go bankrupt.

Ning Tan raised her eyebrows, she was not very persistent.

"I ran into some trouble before and borrowed 300 million from Lu Yijin." Ning Tong said, "I promised to pay him back within a month."

Ye Tao blurted out: "Why don't you find the second master?"

Ning Li showed a bewildered smile.

Wait... Ye Tao vaguely remembered that one night after Ning Jing returned to Xunfengxuan, he asked the second master to ask for money, and then the second master refused coldly. Although he gave it later, he also humiliated Ning Cong... So when Ning Tan was in trouble again, he asked Lu Yijin to borrow it?

Also, a ruthless and a gentle, children know how to choose.

Madam is so protective of Lu Yijin, isn't it because of the 300 million?

If this is the case... Ye Tao didn't know whether to sympathize with the second master or pity himself.

"Really?" He confirmed again and again.

"Ma'am, don't lie to me, my job is hard-won."

Ning Tan told this matter to let Ye Tao know that she has no personal relationship with Lu Yijin, and she is breaking up with Lu Yijin, so don't bother Lu Yijin anymore.

Ye Tao knows, it means Qi Yijing knows.

As for the favor owed to Boss Lu, it can only be returned to him after the divorce.

"Why are you lying to me? If you don't believe me, you can directly deposit the money into Lu Yijin's account."

It's all the same to her.

Seeing that Ning Yi was very calm, Ye Tao put the money into Lu Yijin's account with half-belief, and capitalized the remark: Madame asked me to return 300 million to you.

"Is this okay?"

"Not yet." Ning Tang smiled slightly.

Ye Tao's heart turned cold in an instant, and he knew how it was possible to solve it so easily with Ning Chan's vengeful temperament.

Ning Li shook the phone that was soaked in water: "The phone is broken, you have to reimburse me."

"Give me another mask, and I'll try to see if I can cover my face."

Ye Tao: "..."

It really scared him a lot.

He was ready to bleed profusely.

"I'll reimburse you." Ye Tao quickly transferred the account, and transferred 200 yuan more travel expenses, "I don't need a mask, the second master is at the company, and I probably won't go back all day today. I have to go back to the company, Madam, you can go back by yourself ?"

Ning Li was surprised for a second, without asking any more questions, opened the car door and got out of the car: "Okay, I will keep my mouth shut."

Ye Tao is extremely grateful, Madam is having such a rare day today!

Ning Tan watched Bentley leave, turned around to find a mobile phone shop, and glanced curiously when he heard the noise next to him.

"Didn't you promise to give us the project? You even took [-] from me, playing with me, and paying back the money!"

It was Yang Lin and the others who were surrounding Manager Zhou with a bruised nose and swollen face to explain.

Manager Zhou was extremely aggrieved holding the cardboard box. Now that he has lost his job and his future, he is afraid that no one will dare to recruit him in the future.

"The money was given to me voluntarily by you."

"Step aside!"

While several people were tugging, Yang Lin seemed to have noticed something suddenly turning her head.

The girl with the high ponytail was standing on the side of the road with her arms folded, she tilted her head and smiled, "To be honest, your backstage is really weak."

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