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Chapter 138 My family has a bit of property

Listening to the cries for help, Wang Xiaomin closed her eyes in pain.

People make money and birds die for food. She has been a good person all these years, but she has not been rewarded.

I'm sorry Ning Chen.

"What are you doing?" The woman came in and saw such a scene.

Panic flashed across Wang Xiaomin's face. Didn't she put up a sign that the toilet is broken and needs to be repaired? She was about to fool it, and there was a crisp applause from inside, followed by screams and curses.


"Ah! You bitch, you still dare to kick me, you still dare to hit me, ah..."

The face of personnel changed, and he immediately went to push the door, Wang Xiaomin wanted to stop being pushed open vigorously.

It's the boss's girlfriend inside!

The door was pushed open, and personnel could not help but gasp.

Ning Cong and Manager Zhou were fighting each other, there was a bright red slap mark on his face, and he was kicking Manager Zhou desperately, while Manager Zhou wanted to pinch Ning Concubine.

Both of them were extremely embarrassed.

The personnel rushed to help, and kicked Manager Zhou, who was about to pinch Ning Chen, until his nose bleeds.

Ning Tan was shocked: "???"

Why didn't she think of kicking the bridge of the nose just now?

Personnel's face turned pale, she stayed there at a loss, she will be fired when it's over, she will be fired...she will be sued in court...

Ning Tong pulled her and ran outside.

"Come on, there are hooligans in the women's room!"

"There are abnormalities and changes in the women's restroom...Ye Tao?"


Ning Li was dumbfounded.

Ye Tao, who was standing three meters away from the toilet, was even more shocked. He looked at the big slap marks on Ning Tong's face, and there was only one thought in his mind: I'm done...

My wife was injured in his small broken company, let alone work now, whether my life can be saved depends on whether there is smoke from his ancestral grave.

The two spoke in unison.

"Why are you here?!"

"Who beat you like this?!"

One second later

"This is my company!"

"Manager Zhou inside!"

Ye Tao: "..."

The last trace of luck was completely shattered.

Ning Tan: "..."

Ye Tao still has a company? !

She finally knew why the 300 million project attracted so many people, all because of Qi Shi behind Ye Tao.

"Ma'am, go apply ice first, I will take care of this matter." Ye Tao took a deep breath, "Also invite my husband..."

Ning Yi saw Chen Yue coming out of the meeting room to look for her with sharp eyes, and subconsciously said, "Don't talk!"

Ye Tao thought that Qi Yijing was coming, so he was about to turn around immediately.

Ning Tan: "Don't turn your head either!"

Ye Tao: "..."

"Old rules, pretend you don't know me." After Ning Tan said a word, he ran towards Chen Yue with shocked eyes, "I'm here!"

"Hiss, what happened to your face, Ning Tan? Did Yang Lin hit you?"

"No, Manager Zhou called him. He planned to rule me out, but I don't want to." Ning Tong asked in Chen Yue's increasingly angry eyes, "How is your talk going?"

Originally, she planned to use this to threaten Manager Zhou, but it turned out that the boss was Ye Tao... Heh, what else can I say about you.

"I'm going to call the police!"

"Don't, don't, I've already reported it to their boss." Ning Tan hurriedly grabbed her, and it was hard for Ye Tao to deal with the incident, "I got beat up, we have to get this project."

Chen Yue was angry and blamed herself for not paying attention.

Yang Lin, who had finished putting on her lipstick, was relieved to see her in such a mess, and then said unabashedly, "Isn't she giving up after looking like this? To tell you the truth, the comparison is not about strength, but about the backstage."

Ning Tan showed a subtle smile: "Are you sure you want to compete with me backstage?"

"What do you mean?" Yang Lin laughed, "Do you know anyone else?"

"To tell you the truth, your backstage has already..." Ning Tong gave her a meaningful smile, and pulled Chen Yue into the meeting room.

Yang Lin is vigilant, what happened to Manager Zhou?Promised her?

"You speak clearly!"

Her response was the closed door of the meeting room.

Personnel looked at all this drama in shock. If she read correctly just now, when Ning Tong turned around, she seemed to bark her teeth?

Ning Chen: I was careless, I forgot the pain in my face just to pretend to be 13.

But what shocked the personnel even more was Ling Dian: "Boss, your name is Ning Jianfu, ma'am?"

Don't blame her for stuttering, it's because the melon is too big to digest.

We all know that the boss is the special assistant of President Qi, and there is only one person who can make the boss call his wife... Sigh! !No wonder the boss rushed over to refute the rumors! !

"Shut up." Ye Tao said grimly, "Remember to let me rot in my stomach, you know?! If a third person finds out, you won't have to work for the rest of your life!"

After speaking, Ye Tao strode towards the bathroom.

The personnel affairs were digested on the spot alone, and after a long while, he said loudly: "Boss, do you want me to call the security guard for you?"


Yang Lin has good ears and looks this way full of calculations.

Personnel pouted: "Don't think about it, his company is about to end."


"I'm very satisfied with you." Section Chief Lu has long cherished talents. According to the company's situation, growing talents are much better than current elites, and they are better cultivated, not to mention that the five-member team is all top-notch.

"After I discuss it with Manager Zhou, even if he has objections, I have another project for you."

The fivesome are shocked, another project?

Chief Lu handed them a contract.

"Well, you don't need to discuss it with Manager Zhou." Ning Tong said, "He just wanted to unspoken rules. I was discovered by your boss and I will be fired soon."

Chief Lu: "..."

What's the matter with this emotional tone.

"Look at the contract first."

Ning Li had known for a long time that Section Chief Lu had another project in his hands, and also knew that Section Chief Lu wanted to use this project to get promoted. Now that the competition is cold, he can be directly promoted.

They are not interested in such a big event, and only want to sign a few of them, which is really flattering.

Ning Li glanced at Section Chief Lu in surprise. Could it be that Ye Tao stopped the applicants from the Qi family by virtue of his position?

The group of five looked at the contract and couldn't believe it.

such a good condition?

But the contract period made them entangled again, ten years... How many decades can a person have.

"I know what you're thinking, are you going to another company, are you sure you can get the above treatment in ten years?" Lu Ke said.

The group of five was silent, indeed it couldn't.

Elder Lu Ke is here: "I don't mind revealing a little information to you. Our company is developed with the support of Qi Shi, and half of the projects come from Qi Shi."

The group of five raised their heads sharply.

pray? !

Ning Tan couldn't help but look at Section Chief Lu more often, but it's really amazing that Qi's projects all start at 5000 million, and this company has no projects that exceed 3000 million.

It is better than having more projects.

Did Ye Tao instigate playing Qi's signboard like this?

Chief Lu felt that her eyes were very strange, which made him uncomfortable: "Why is Miss Ning looking at me like this? Don't you want to read the contract?"

You are so good at bluffing.

"I don't want to sign." Ning Tong said, "My family has property."

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