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Chapter 135 I Seem to See Her in the Boss' Car

Zhang Xian and the others couldn't help but raise their heads, what's wrong with this woman, she also looks like an elite, why is she making trouble for them everywhere.

"You really want us to leave?" Ning Tan said with a smile, "Could it be that you are afraid of losing to us?"

Yang Lin seemed to have heard some joke, and glanced at the group of five contemptuously: "Just newborn calves like you, I'm not afraid of ten more! As a senior, I kindly remind you that the workplace is cruel, don't wait to be criticized If you don’t cry here, you’ll be ashamed.”

"Thank you for reminding us, we are young, even if we cry, we are still beautiful." Ning Li smiled brightly, proving this point with her bright and beautiful face comparable to a star, "But you are different, Auntie, you know how to make up, so you will fail later Please don't cry."

Didn't they scold them for being young and ignorant? She just used age as an issue.

I can't kill you.

Yang Lin's face was ashen, and she glared at her angrily and left: "Sharp teeth! Just wait for me!"

Ning Li snorted lightly, that's it?

"I will definitely wait."

Yang Lin was provoked again, and seeing the contemptuous and disapproving gazes of some people, her face with exquisite makeup was distorted.

Through the glass window of the tea room, Yang Lin looked at Ning Tong and her companions to celebrate by high-fiving. Her enemy from the team next to her also took the initiative to talk to Ning Tong, and squeezed the paper cup tightly in anger.

Wait for her!

Do you think being young is useful? Yang Lin sneered and threw the paper cup into the trash can.

Want to share a piece of the action?impossible!

"Ning Tan, you did a great job." Chen Yue happily clapped hands with Ning Tan, "An old woman will rely on her old age to sell her old age, and she will be pissed off to death!"

The three boys from Zhang Xian also cast approving glances.

Ning Tan: "Small meaning."

She has fought on the Internet for decades, scolding keyboard warriors every day.

"Little sister, you have to be careful." The lady from the team next door turned her head and said to them who were cheering and celebrating, "Yang Lin is not a good person. If you offend her, she will definitely trip you up."

Chen Yueman didn't care: "What kind of stumbling block can she cause us, could it be possible to splash water on our data? We have a USB flash drive and a backup."

They were well prepared before coming.

The mature lady hesitated to speak, she was still too young, she didn't know how dark the workplace was, and she didn't open her mouth to attack them, she just sighed: "Anyway, you have to be careful."

"Thank you, beautiful sister, for your advice." Ning Tan smiled sweetly, "We will pay attention!"

The mature lady blushed when she called her sister. She knew that she looked average, but who could be unhappy when she was called a beauty by a young beauty, so she couldn't help but say a few more words.

"You're welcome. If you can't compete with Yang Lin later, give up. Don't be provoked by her to make people talk. You are still young and have an important future."

Ning Tan was thoughtful: "I understand."

Ning Li walked towards the tea room, Yang Lin came out with coffee, and walked past her with a sneer.

Yang Lin's mocking voice came from behind.

"Wang Xiaomin, are you talking ill of me again? You are here and don't learn to be smarter. For the sake of old classmates, let me advise you. If you have this time, you should improve yourself. Stupid birds have to fly first. "

Every industry is a circle, and those people who hang around in the same class, especially in their circle, often have to deal with their peers.

Most people have heard about the grievances between Yang Lin and Wang Xiaomin.

Originally, she was just a silent bystander, but what Yang Lin said was too targeted, why did she come here?But not only Wang Xiaomin came, they came too.

Does that mean they're bad at it?

Everyone was more or less uncomfortable.

You are doing well, if you have the ability, don't come and grab this bowl of rice with them, it is really embarrassing to bully even a few juniors after so many years.

When two company employees passed by, they noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere. Why were they all so sullen?

"Why are there so many people here? Isn't it just a small experimental project, I remember the start-up capital is only 300 million." They discussed and walked into the tea room.

Ning Tan, who was breastfeeding, gave them a friendly smile and stood aside.

The staff's eyes flashed with astonishment, what a beautiful girl...they smiled back and took out the big red robe from the drawer, tore it open and soaked it.

"I don't know either, there may be some derivative projects."

"It should be... It would be nice to have so many applicants when I recruit people."

The two personnel sighed sadly at the same time.

Life is not easy.

The two began to gossip about the department again. They had no scruples about Ning Chan, and the more they talked, the more excited they became. Ning Tong silently finished milking and was about to leave. Suddenly, the female employee glanced at her cup and exclaimed: "Amazing, you beat me!" The milk flower is so beautiful, can you hit me too?"

Ning Tan: "..."

"Please please."

"Ning Tan!" The employee looked at her with starry eyes.

Ning Tan: "..."

"Ning Chu." The group of five stood up to collect the materials, and Chen Yue waved to her, which could be seen from the mouth shape.

"Come out, it's our turn!"

Ning Tong handed the cup to the female employee: "If you like it, I can give it to you."

"Miss Sister, you are really kind!" The female employee happily accepted.

"……You're welcome."

The colleague next to her saw a black thread. Seeing that Ning Tang had left, she still stared at her intently, and couldn't help but tugged at her: "Your sex addiction has come up again, right? When you see beautiful women, you want to make friends."

"No, I think she looks familiar." The woman thoughtfully while holding a milk tea, "I seem to have seen her somewhere, and it was only in the last month."

Colleague: "Maybe it's an internet celebrity."

"Definitely not." Where can there be such a beautiful Internet celebrity, whose appearance can be compared to a beautiful star... She must have seen it somewhere.

That profile is really familiar.

Employees think carefully.

Colleagues dragged her back to the department. There were only about [-] people left outside, and they were anxiously waiting for the results.

After returning to the department, the colleague lowered his voice and gossiped: "I heard that the candidate for this time has actually been internally determined."

Seeing his friend staring at the cup absent-mindedly, he was obviously still thinking.

"Don't think about it!" She was speechless, "Aside from being at the company, you have sent materials to the boss once in the past month."

"Boss...yes, it's the boss!" The female employee stood up abruptly.

Startled my colleagues.

"I remember where I saw her!"

"That time I went to deliver materials to the boss, and the boss was picking up people at the school. I only saw a profile from a was her!"

The colleague was dumbfounded, so that girl just now was the boss's girlfriend?

Should they call the boss?


There were four people sitting in the conference room, two of whom were executives at first glance.

Yang Lin winked at one of the executives as soon as she entered.

"Please show us your resume."

The first team handed over their resumes, a total of four copies, and each of the four took one to open.

"Please tell me what you think about this project."

The team leader spoke clearly and reasonably, from the advantages and disadvantages of the project to what he is good at, as well as the later estimates, the evaluation is extremely pertinent.

Then there is the second team, which happens to be the seniors of the University of Luo. Both in terms of their own abilities and policies, they are stronger and more precise than the first team.

The faces of Zhang Xian and the others turned pale. Although they had made psychological preparations, this was too strong... and this kind of crowd competition was too challenging for people's psychology.

"Very good." The executive wearing glasses glanced at the senior appreciatively, then fell on the remaining two teams, "Which one of you will come first?"

Before Zhang Xian, who was at the end, spoke, Yang Lin said loudly.

"They come first!"

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