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Chapter 134 Company Competition

How come there are so many people? !

When everyone saw the newcomers, they raised their heads and glanced at them. After seeing the young team, they lowered their heads and continued to prepare materials.

"You can sit wherever you want, there is a tea room." The lady at the front desk introduced and left.

The black glasses were dumbfounded: "Brother Xian, didn't you say it's a small company, why are there so many people?"

With sharp eyes, the female voice pointed to one of the teams: "Look, that's the brother, who was introduced in the school magazine."


The seniors who have graduated and practiced, looking at the others, it is obvious that they are not Xiaobai.

At least not as a freshman.

Zhang Xian was very confident at first. Although they are freshmen, their family has a bit of capital, and they are also very good individuals. Otherwise, they would not be able to replace Luo University. They are very sure of this competition, but now he is starting to get nervous.

"I don't know either." He complained repeatedly, "It's really just a small company, I've made preparations."

He thought there were four or five competitors at most, but who would have thought there were so many.

And it all looks strong.

"Then what should we do?" The girl began to retreat, "Should we forget it? Find another target?"

"No!" Zhang Xian refused straight away, "I have been preparing for so long, even if I fail, I will give it a try! What's more, we may not necessarily lose, and don't forget that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead."

"Exactly!" They encouraged themselves, "Maybe Qianlang died on the beach, let alone we have foreign aid."

Foreign aid... Zhang Xian suddenly noticed that Ning Tan hadn't spoken, and looked left and right in a daze.

Ning Tong was not by their side at all.

"Where's Ning Chan?"

Chen Yue pointed to the tea room: "There she is."

After the lady at the front desk introduced the tea room, Ning Tan went straight to the tea room. She came out with six cups of milk tea. Seeing the group of five staring at her in shock, she asked inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

"This company's milk tea is quite delicious. I've tried it. Come and have a cup for each person. There are so many people here, so I won't run out later."

The group of five took the milk tea blankly.

No, your concern is that too many people can't drink milk tea?

Isn't the problem that they have so many opponents!

"You haven't found a place to sit yet?" Ning Tang was puzzled, looked left and right and found a small table in the corner, "Let's go there."

The group of five looked at each other, and Ning Tan's mentality was much better than theirs.

Forget it, the soldiers will come to block the water and cover it with soil.

Seeing that they didn't follow, Ning Tan turned around and shouted, "Come here quickly."

As he spoke, he tried to pull the chair with his hands, but it was empty.

There was nothing like pawing and pulling in the air.


Where are the chairs?

Ning Tang looked back strangely, only to find that a woman, about 27, who was around [-], was wearing a beautiful business attire, and was holding her chair in her hand.

Seeing her looking over, the woman didn't care, and turned to greet her teammates.

Ning Tan: "???"

Woman, can't you see I'm staring at you?

"This lady." Ning Tong reminded, "I came first."

The woman glanced at her, pulled out a senior smile, and said lightly: "Little sister, I sat down first, you can find another place."

Her teammate came over, and was not surprised to see this scene, and wanted to sit down very calmly.

Ning Tan raised her eyebrows, did you show me face?

She pulled the chair straight away!

The few people who were about to sit down froze there, and the expression of the woman who was flipping through the files changed: "Little sister, what are you doing?"

"I don't do anything, I just want to ask you to return the seat to me." Ning Tang pointed to the milk tea on the table, "See, that's my milk tea, which was put down before you."

Several people were amused by her.

They took a look at Zhang Xian and the others.

"Little sister, you haven't graduated yet, right? In society, first-come, first-served doesn't work. Everyone is able to live." She used a teaching tone, but couldn't hide her contempt, "This competition is very important to you. It is an experience, but it is very important to us, we have to live."

Ning Li was almost laughed at by her.

Are you so arrogant?

It's shameless to speak so righteously.

"If you want to live, we don't want it?" Chen Yue was also annoyed, "Besides, you can have no morals in order to live? Without this position, you will not be able to live, right?"

Yang Lin didn't expect them to fight hard.

Where did these children come from, so ignorant?

Yang Lin didn't feel reasonable anymore: "I've already sat down in this seat, and I won't give it up to you."

"I see." Ning Tong sneered, and left with the two chairs in his hand.

"What are you doing?" Yang Lin couldn't help asking.

"For those who can, I snatched these two chairs." Ning Tong said, "Why, what's wrong? Or, as a senior, you want to grab two chairs from us?"

Yang Lin's face darkened, and she planned to stand up and teach them a lesson.

Their quarrel has attracted many people to look at it with different eyes.

"Forget it, Yang Lin." The teammate pulled her back, "Don't let people see the joke, let's take a few people and leave it alone."

Yang Lin glared at Ning Tang.

Ning Tan smiled sweetly, and Yang Lin was so angry that she almost couldn't sit still.

The two chairs are joined together, just enough to put things, but you have to squat down.

Zhang Xian and the others were not hypocritical masters, they squatted down without caring about the image, and they began to communicate.

Soon the lady at the front desk came to issue the number.

"Because there are too many participating teams, four-on-one teams, those who get the same number will go in one by one, and the losers will be eliminated."

With four teams in one group, the chances of elimination are too high.

And their resumes are so thin.

The resumes and experience of other teams are singled out by one person, which is thicker than all of them combined.

"Why are you nervous?" Ning Tan raised his eyebrows when he saw that they were starting to feel depressed. "Maybe we are lucky? We are so young and good-looking."

The black glasses, that is Lao He, he came back from left and right: "I already know who our opponent is, that, that, and..."

Lao He pointed at Yang Lin hesitantly: "There are still them."

They are number four, and these people are number four.

And the most unlucky one was that their seniors led the team.

"It's okay." As the captain, Zhang Xian naturally couldn't take the lead in being depressed, "Xiao Li is right, we may not lose to them, youth is capital."

Ning Tan mischievously said, "In other words, we are capital!"

"That's right!"

"And the opponent has them, no matter what, you must not lose to them!"

Morale was revived, and wave after wave of people went in, and those who came out were lucky and disappointed.

"The team that got the number three please come in."

"I'll get you another cup of milk tea." Ning Li got up.

Yang Lin walked by, seeing the yin and yang and said strangely: "Little sister, it seems that you are so scared, are you going to retreat?"

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