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Chapter 125 I Divorced Him

Ning Li rushed out in a hurry, and said in the shocked eyes of the Ning family: "I have already divorced him, and he has no obligation to help you through the back door!"

After finishing speaking, he glared fiercely at Qi Yijing, whose face turned cold because of the word divorce.

Shut up!

Before he had time to get angry, Second Lord Qi was silent for a while, and stopped talking for some reason, and watched Ning Tan fight three people with one person's strength gracefully.

"What did you say?!" It was Zhao Guimei who screamed first, "Divorced? Then why does he still come to our house?!"

"He just came to inform you that we are divorced," Ning Tong said.

Ning Haitian watched the duck fly away, and was furious: "Divorce is a big deal, how can you divorce without my consent? Ning Chen, do you still think of my father?! What did you do wrong? Hurry up and apologize to your son-in-law!"

Ning Wei was extremely excited, this news was like a big hit on her head.

They are divorced.

She has a chance!

"You didn't agree to my marriage at the beginning, so why did you agree to the divorce?" Ning Chan said every word to his heart, "Besides, didn't you already disown me?"

Ning Hai was at a loss for words.

It wasn't Ning Wei who married Qi Yijing at the beginning, and later Ning Shan got lost, so he vented all his anger on Ning Jing.

"That's just angry words! Whether you admit it or not, I am your father in the household registration book."

Ning Tan: "Anyway, I'm already divorced. If you don't want to be ridiculed for taking advantage of shamelessly, then take back your words."

Ning Haitian values ​​face the most.

Ning Tong's words were almost like stepping on the mouse's tail, Ning Hai's face was red and his ears were red, and his hand was shaking when he pointed at Ning Tong: "You, you..."

"What's wrong with me?" Ning Tan smiled sweetly, "I've been eating deliciously recently, and drinking sweetly, by the way, Dad, happy birthday!"

"Today we are here to tell you the news, and now we are leaving after we finish talking."

Ning Tan looked at Qi Yijing, full of threats.

Second Master Qi, can you go? !

Qi Yijing was a little bit unsatisfied, although this was not the development he wanted to see, and the plan was also destroyed, but for some reason he was in a surprisingly good mood.

Even a little weird pleasure.

Ning Wei didn't expect things to develop like this, seeing that Qi Yijing was about to get up, she quickly shouted: "Sister, how can you say such things to Dad?"

Ning Chen didn't speak.

Qi Yijing saw that she even hated her parents, but every time she met Ning Wei, she was discouraged, a light flashed in her eyes, and she looked at Ning Wei carefully.

"Father is also doing it for your own good, and I don't want you to miss out on someone as good as Qi Erye." Ning Wei was understanding for Ning Hai, biting her lips and looking at Ning Chan, "If there is no father, would you know Qi Erye? ?”

This sentence directly reminded Zhao Guimei.

That's right, Ning Tan was able to marry Qi Yijing because of their Ning family!

"You're divorced, right?" Zhao Guimei couldn't wait, "Son-in-law, don't you know that Weiwei is actually our biological daughter. At first it was Ning Li, a dead girl who took the identity of Weiwei. Now she doesn't know each other and divorced." Good. Our Weiwei is gentle and considerate, she is worthy of you."

Ning Wei froze, pretending to be angry and anxious: "Mom, what are you talking about!"

In fact, he looked expectantly at Qi Yijing.

Ning Haitian was reassuring that her biological daughter was sensible, and was brought back to her thoughts by Zhao Guimei's words, yes, although Qi Yijing and Ning Li divorced, they still have Weiwei!

As long as Qi Yijing is still his son-in-law, those benefits are still his.

"Second Lord." Ning Haitian gave a wry smile, "At the beginning, Ning Tan and Weiwei hugged each other wrongly, I didn't want to tell you about it, but who knew that Ning Zhen didn't know how to cherish it, it was our fault. In this way, Second Master, if you marry Weiwei, it can be regarded as a complete return to Zhao."

Ning Wei blushed and looked around anxiously.

It looks extremely difficult.

"Dad... Mom!"

And Ning Tan...she quietly watched these people perform.

Not to mention that it is impossible for Qi Yijing to marry Ning Wei, her talent is not wrong at all, if he really wants to marry... the law will not agree.

Do you know about bigamy?

Unfortunately, she couldn't say these words.

She suddenly looked forward to how Qi Yijing would refuse, but the Ning family wanted to eat him up.

"Second Master, I'm going to get the household registration book right now." Zhao Guimei was anxious.

Those who knew it was marrying a daughter, but those who didn't know thought it was because the goods couldn't be sold.

Qi Yijing didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. He watched indifferently as the family directed and acted like clowns.

She was as silent as a quail.

No, there was still gloating in her eyes.

She wants to see his jokes?

Qi Yijing sneered: "No need."

He glanced at Ning Tong, and Ning Tong suddenly had a bad premonition, and sure enough the next moment... a low magnetic voice overflowed from the thin lips of the noble man, every word was like a stone smashing into the calm sea, causing beautiful waves.

"I have decided to remarry Ning Tan."

Re...remarry? !

Ning Wei seemed to be splashed on her head by a bucket of ice water. She was so ecstatic just now, and now she is so jealous and angry.

Why?Why? !

Why must it be Ning Chen? !

Ning Tan: "..."

Damn, this old bastard definitely did it on purpose.

Ning Wei's eyes almost ate her up.

"I don't agree!" Zhao Guimei objected loudly, "Son-in-law, Ning Chen is not good enough for you, we Weiwei are the wife you should have married! Look at Weiwei!"

Ning Wei's face was pale, with tears in her eyes, as if she had been humiliated.

She is indeed so pitiful and easy to sympathize with.

As calm as Qi Yijing was just now, his face is so cold now, like a frozen moon, his handsome face is ruthless, his eyes are extremely oppressive, and the three of them are afraid to speak.

An icy aura permeated the whole body, carrying unkindness.

Qi Yijing sneered: "Why, I, Qi Yijing, need your consent to marry someone?"

"Is it because no one wants your Ning family's daughter? If that's the case, then it's time for you to reflect on yourself."

Several people froze.

Ning Wei's face turned pale, Second Master, is Second Master referring to Sang and scolding Huai?

If Ning Tan could understand what she was thinking, he would definitely explain in a friendly manner: No, he is scolding you openly.

Ning Haitian had a lot of cold sweat on his forehead, and he couldn't even smile: "Second Master, you misunderstood, you can marry whoever you want, you like Ning Chan, right?"

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