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Chapter 124 The Lion's Big Opening

Facing Zhao Guimei's apology, Ning Tan was in a very strange mood, as if seeing a weasel forced by force to give a New Year greeting to a chicken, it was extremely funny.

Sensing the gaze, Ning Tan raised his head and bumped into Qi Yijing's cold and deep eyes.

He is asking for her opinion.

She froze for a moment, her heart beating restlessly.

Subconsciously avoiding his eyes: "Let's go in."

"En." Qi Yijing responded in a low voice.

The voice was always cold and arrogant, but it had warmth, not as indifferent as talking to other people.

Ning Tong led him inside, and sat down strong and calm, but his palms were profusely sweaty.

The driver gave the gift to Ning Haitian: "Mr. Ning, this is a congratulatory gift prepared by our second master and wife."

"Come and be polite."

Ning Haitian accepted it with a smile.

No matter what Qi Yijing gave him, if Qi Yijing could give him a gift, it would save face if he said it!

Zhao Guimei gave Ning Wei a hard look.

Wait, wait, did you intentionally wait for Ning Tan to come back to anger her?

Ning Wei was wronged, the anger in her heart was no less than that of Zhao Guimei, the second master Qi was so protective of Ning Chan... These favoritism and glory should have belonged to her in the first place!

"What's Weiwei doing?" Ning Haitian just wanted to please Qi Yijing, "Hurry up and call my brother down, let him come to meet my brother-in-law."

Ning Wei suppressed the surging jealousy and smiled: "Okay Dad, I'll call Xiao Rui now."

After speaking, he looked at Qi Yijing worriedly, afraid that he would have objections to the word brother-in-law.

Qi Yijing was expressionless, staring at Ning Chan motionlessly, wondering what he was thinking.

Ning Haitian heaved a sigh of relief.

However, Ning Tan was not feeling well, looking around uncomfortably, but still couldn't stop the cold gaze.

What is he staring at her for?Do you want to see a hole in her?

Ning Tan simply got up: "I'll help in the kitchen."

After taking two steps, Uncle Chen called to stop him, pointing in the opposite direction: "Miss, the kitchen is here."

A faint light flashed across Qi Yijing's eyes.

She doesn't even know her own kitchen?

Ning Li smiled dryly and walked towards the kitchen, keeping glances behind him from the corner of his eye, afraid that Qi Yijing would follow.Fortunately, Qi Yijing didn't have this plan, and sat firmly on the sofa on Mount Tai, with a noble aura that strangers should not get close to.

Ning Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to Ye Tao, she realized that Qi Yijing had helped the Ning family to clean up the mess in the past two years, even knowing that she and Qi Yijing had a bad relationship... If she and Qi Yijing were more intimate, they would Definitely going to make a big difference.

She didn't want Qi Yijing to be taken advantage of because of her.

Furthermore, Ning Wei was still watching.

"Let me help you." Ning Tong helped Chen Ma choose vegetables, and found a place where she could see the outside with the basket.

Ning Haitian enthusiastically flatters Qi Yijing, but Qi Yijing's attitude is neither salty nor weak.

A boy came down the stairs.

Sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a famous brand, combined all the advantages of Ning Haitian and Zhao Guimei - vanity and small belly.

"Parents, why are you calling me? I'm sleeping." Ning Rui was impatient, "I didn't go to bed until after four o'clock last night, so can't I call me after eating? Ning Wei didn't knock on the door when she entered the house, I'm so old, I have a little privacy nothing!"

Ning Wei, who was following behind, flashed anger in her eyes.

It was obvious that she knocked on the door and he never opened it. If she knew that she would see such a disgusting scene when she went in, she would not go in!

"It's our fault." Zhao Guimei smiled instantly when she saw her son, and she accused Ning Wei without thinking, "Why are you so ignorant? You are so old, why don't you know how to measure it?"

Ning Wei's face turned pale, and she subconsciously looked at Qi Yijing, her face full of grievances: "I knocked on the door and my brother refused to open."

Qi Yijing frowned slightly, did not speak, and did not take the tea Ning Haitian handed over.

Seeing that he didn't mean to speak for her, Ning Wei endured the grievance and smiled: "Mom, I know, I will pay attention to it in the future."

"It's not too bad!" Zhao Guimei was reluctantly satisfied.

Ning Haitian didn't say anything when he called his daughter to be troubled, and called his son over: "Xiao Rui, come and see your brother-in-law."

"What brother-in-law?" Ning Rui said without hesitation, "Are you Ning Wei's husband?"

Ning Wei blushed: "Xiao Rui, don't talk nonsense."

Qi Yijing's face remained unchanged, but the indifference in his eyes turned cool, and he looked at Ning Rui coldly.

Ning Rui was taken aback by the look.

"Xiao Rui, don't talk nonsense! This is Second Master Qi, your eldest brother-in-law!" Ning Haitian hurriedly taught his son a lesson, and scolded his son severely, "Call Second Master quickly, I will rely on my eldest brother-in-law to protect you from now on."

Ning Tan cut off the chili beans.

What a shame!

Ning Rui indulges in games and sex every day, how could he know who the second master Qi is? He was about to blurt out a reluctance brother-in-law, but Qi Yijing's eyes made him look weak, and subconsciously changed his words: "Sister...Second master!"

Qi Yijing responded indifferently: "En."

"Son-in-law." Seeing that he didn't refute, Ning Haitian changed his name with a smile, and began to test Qi Yijing's bottom line. He changed the topic while talking, "How are you and Ning Tan recently? Has she offended you?" Happy?...I heard that the Qi family has been in crisis for the past two days? Do you need my help?"

"No need." Qi Yijing cherished words like gold, and refused indifferently.

Ning Haitian didn't mind touching his nose, he licked his face and said, "Can the son-in-law do me a favor?"

Ning Tan tore off the hijab with a blank expression, and it came.

She knows it!

The driver couldn't help but want to sneer, his face is so big, don't you know that the second master's rule is never to open the back door?

Qi Yijing was as stable as Mount Tai, sitting there like a nobleman in the last century, so dazzlingly luxurious, with a glint in his eyes, he asked calmly, "What's the matter?"

Ning Haitian saw that there was something going on, and hurriedly said: "It's just a small matter. The company has been a little bit overwhelmed recently and wants to get some projects. I heard that Qi's has a project that is calling for bids recently... Son-in-law, what do you think?"

Ning Li was almost laughed at, Qijia's projects were not less than 5000 million, Ning Haitian really dared to think about it.

She murmured desperately in her heart.

Reject quickly, reject quickly, anyway, if you reject Ning Haitian, you won't dare to do anything to you.

Generally, the sky is not as good as people wish——

"Yes." Low Ci's voice escaped from Qi Yijing's lips.

Ning Chen was dumbfounded.

Ning Haitian was ecstatic: "Thank you son-in-law, hurry up, what is Weiwei still doing in a daze, why don't you pour tea for your brother-in-law?"

Ning Wei straightened her skirt, poured tea in a ladylike manner, and handed it to Qi Yijing in an eager manner: "Second Lord."

Ning Rui was very sick beside him.

"Son-in-law." Zhao Guimei didn't care about Qi Yijing's warning just now, and said anxiously, "Can you open a membership card for me? It's the beauty salon under your Qi family. They said they want introductions from members. Want to go, can you open one for me?"

Zhao Guimei didn't know what to think: "It's too troublesome to open a membership card, why don't you give me a store!"

Ning Wei's expression changed, she felt ashamed and embarrassed.

Qi Yijing looked at the greedy corner of his mouth in front of him, frowned slightly, and felt that this place could not stay any longer, but thinking about... his eyes flashed, and he nodded coldly: "Yes."

"You can fuck!"

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