Ning Tong's eyes widened, staring at him in disbelief.

Tears also forgot to flow.

Baba's small mouth was sealed, and there was no crying in his ears, and the kiss was still sweet.

Second Master Qi: Enlightenment!

Second Master Qi kissed deeper and deeper. At first Ning Tan still had the strength to struggle, but then gradually lost strength and began to weaken.

Her eyes became blurred.

Qi Yijing kissed her ear, and asked in a low voice: "Are you still crying?"

Since I had just cried and was kissed like this again, my mind was still confused.

"No, stop crying." Her voice was stained with crying.

Qi Yijing's breathing tightened, and he felt hot all over his body, which was terribly hot... He subconsciously wanted to get up, but suddenly he thought of something, his eyes deepened, he moved closer to Ning Chan, and his low magnetic voice overflowed: "Ning Chan, can you kiss me?"

Ning Li's red face showed resistance.

Qi Yijing's hoarse voice coaxed: "Be obedient."

Ning Tan was not clear-headed, being so tricked, she raised her head and kissed him in a daze.

Naturally, I was not allowed to kiss, I got a sip of tomato juice...

Hey, tomato.

Ning Tan subconsciously licked it.

Qi Yijing was shocked! !His eyes turned from shock to darkness, staring at the dazed goblin in the quilt, resisting the bulging veins on his forehead, gritted his teeth and asked, "Ning Chan, have you forgive me?"

Ning Tan nodded in confusion, and went to kiss him again.

The second master Qi almost threw away his helmet and armor and fled. He wanted to make an inch of the sweetness, but he was the one who suffered the most.

The next moment, Qi Yijing pulled away and strode into the bathroom.

He couldn't stand it for a moment!

The sound of pattering water came, and it took a long time for Ning Chan to recover from the dizzy state. She was tied up in the quilt and stared blankly at the ceiling.

What did she do just now?

Ahhh!What did she just do! !

Ning Tong wished she could find a crack in the ground and slip in, but she couldn't move...

"God, don't play with me like this." Ning Tan wanted to cry but she couldn't cry, she was crying and arguing in front of Qi Yijing, and she was with him... God, she almost lost her face in the Pacific Ocean.

No, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time!

Ning Tan tried to roll over, and fell to the ground perfectly after trying three times.


The sound of water stopped suddenly.

Ning Tan's head was buzzing from the fall, and then he kept rolling, but when he reached the door, he froze - the door was closed.

Then why did she take a long time to get the West Scripture?

Buddha, you didn't say the door is closed!

Ning Tan looked up to the sky and wept, and when she heard the sound of wiping she was shocked, she hurried back and rolled back, the bed would definitely not work, so she--pretended to sleep!


Qi Yijing came out wrapped in a bathrobe, her hair was wet, seeing no one on the bed, her face suddenly changed, she walked two steps and suddenly turned her head.

There is a small piece of quilt at the foot of the bed.

Qi Yijing approached slowly, and saw Ning Li lying on the ground with her eyes closed, as if she had fallen asleep.

"Asleep?" Qi Yijing hooked his thin lips, carried the cicada pupa from the ground back to the bed, and called, "Ning Chan?"

Ning Tan naturally would not answer him.

To pretend to be dead, you must pretend to be thorough.

The next moment, the warm and humid breath approached, water dripped on her face, and her pink lips were kissed.

Ning Tan: "!!!"

Is he addicted? !

As if to answer her, Qi Yijing chuckled, pulled the quilt a little, and was about to kiss her neck: "I heard from Ye Tao that if you leave some evidence, no one will strike up a conversation with you again."

Ning Tan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Pray for the scenery!!"

The roar echoed through the open windows and rang throughout Xunfengxuan.

"Do you think the second master will..." Ye Tao, who was discussing the situation with the bodyguard, raised his head in astonishment.

what happened?

The bodyguard was also dumbfounded.

Don't look at him, he doesn't know either.

Half an hour later, Qi Yijing changed into a suit and appeared elegantly, with a smile in his eyes: "Ye Tao, let someone clean up the house."


Ye Tao nodded and entered the room, and was stunned after entering.

After that glance just now, he didn't dare to look again... No, is this a battlefield?Didn't the second master kiss everyone, why did he tear down the house?

Teacups, vases, ornaments... well, the knives are still there.

Ning Tan didn't show up after cleaning up.

"Second Lord, the phone is here." The bodyguard brought the phone in.


Ning Tang didn't show up at lunch time.

Ye Tao couldn't help worrying about Qi Yijing: "Second Master, why don't you accompany Madam back to Ning's house tomorrow?"

The man sitting on the sofa by the lake frowned slightly.

The Ning family?

He has never been with the Ning family, and he doesn't like the Ning family, but... Qi Yijing glanced at the second floor, his eyes flickered, and he nodded lightly: "Go."

Ning Chen didn't show up at night either.

It was Qi Yijing who went upstairs and called Ning Tong who was sitting on the bay window and shut himself up.

When Ning Li saw Qi Yijing, he felt uncomfortable and wanted to finish the meal as quickly as possible.

"Eat slowly." Qi Yijing frowned and scolded in a cold voice, "Do you want to choke to death?"

Ning Tan was angry: "I won't eat."

With quick eyes and hands, he ran away with two pineapple buns.

Qi Yijing frowned slightly, lowered his head and continued to eat.

Lightly ordered: "Tell the chef not to leave at night, and cook supper at nine o'clock."

Ye Tao was dumbfounded, did the second master change?Madam didn't give a lesson when she took food with her hands under his nose?He also cooks supper, isn't Er Ye the most opposed to supper?

Ye Tao couldn't help but confirm: "Second Lord, do you still remember me?"

Qi Yijing gave him a cold look, which made Ye Tao's back feel cold.

"Go to the hospital if you are sick, and I will give you a leave of absence."

Ye Tao: "..."

It's the second master that's right.

Several people haven't slept for a long time, and went to bed after finishing the report.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Ning Li quietly pushed open the door and went downstairs to look for something to eat, but stopped in front of the refrigerator.

There is a pot of hot porridge on the dining table.

good smell.

Ning Tan hesitated, went out and asked the bodyguard, "Is the porridge inside yours?"

Bodyguard: "Second Master asked the chef to cook it for you."

Pray for the same scene?

How considerate is he?

Ning Li was stunned, and went in to drink the porridge with a stiff mouth, the more he drank it, the sweeter it became: "Isn't he not allowed to eat supper... Bah, don't think that I can forgive him for what he did."

After finishing the porridge, Ning Tong felt comfortable. Before entering the room, he took a peek at the next room, blushed and ran into his own room.

Rushing to the mirror and pulling down the high-necked shirt, Ning Tan was ashamed and excited, her heart beating wildly.

She threw herself on the bed and pulled the quilt: "Sleep, sleep!"

In the dark night, Ning Tong couldn't sleep no matter what.

A pair of dark eyes full of spirit.


"Pfft, to Ning's house?" Ning Tan, who had dark circles under her eyes, almost spit out the milk, "I won't go!"

Qi Yijing who was sitting opposite raised his eyes: "Why?"

"I don't like it." Ning Li pursed his lips, "Anyway, I won't go."

Yu Yue warned him: "You are not allowed to go either."

To go to this kind of Hongmen banquet is to be slaughtered.

"The invitation from the Ning family was handed over today, and I accepted it." Qi Yijing was full of elegance, without Ning Tan's dodging at all, and said calmly, "If you don't go, stay at Xunfengxuan."

Ning Tan really didn't want to go, but if she didn't go, who knew what the Ning family would do to Qi Yijing.

They will definitely take advantage of Qi Yijing crazily, and Ning Wei...

Ning Tan was irritated: "Just go!"

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